Thursday 1 September 2016

Kindred of the Gods

<< < Chapter Thirteen > >>

There was a sudden heavy groaning and screeching sound as the timeship span through the vortex, and the entire console room began to shudder violently.
  "What's going on?!" screamed Anise, gripping the edge of the console.
  "Oh, drat!" said the Duke stumbling as he twisted a dial on the console. As he did, the three occupants were thrown from their feet, and the ship landed with a great THUMP! and a scraping sound. The time rotor continued to groan and wheeze idly until the Duke got back to his feet and restored the ignition lever.
"I do apologize," said the Duke sheepishly, straightening his leather coat. "Left the handbrake on."
  “The handbrake?” said Edison getting to his feet. “Why would a spaceship have a handbrake?”
  “To avoid spatial drift after landing, of course,” said the Duke. “Our flight through the vortex was interrupted, so I applied the brake, but I forgot to deactivate it, so we span out of the vortex and crash-landed, I just need to find out where we are.”
  “We’re in the wrong place?” said Edison. A holographic representation of Earth appeared over the console as the Duke flipped a switch.
  “Ah . . . it would seem not. Right place, wrong time. We were on the right track, just derailed a little early,” said the Duke. “However, the sensors are still detecting naquadah. The wormhole generator must not have been moved for many years, it’s in the same place, just . . . now, that is interesting.”
  “What is it?” asked Anise.
  “The frequency is different. I’m not sure why . . . perhaps we should find out for ourselves.”
The Duke lead the way to the door and it opened automatically. He stepped into the Lift lobby and pressed the button to open the door, as he did, sand spilled in around his feet. “Drat . . .”
Anise and Edison walked past him to get outside, where it was late in the afternoon. They were on a beach, but the ship’s landing had carved a five metre long, one metre deep gouge along the sand.
  “Oh my goodness,” said Anise. “You really crashed it this time, didn’t you?”
  “The ship is fine,” said the Duke dismissively as he locked the doors. “It’ll need a sweep, but otherwise it’s all functional. I’ve landed worse than this before.”
  “You’ve landed worse?” said Anise, walking around the Lift.
  “Can we just locate the wormhole generator?” said the Duke, but he stopped still at the sight of the afternoon sky over the seascape blending into the horizon. “My word, that is marvellous to behold, isn’t it?”
  “Yeah, it’s pretty,” said Edison.
The Duke gazed at the water for a moment before snapping himself out of it.
  “Naquadah! Follow me, it’s this direction,” said the Duke, and he headed away from the shore, towards the treeline.
They found a dirt track through the trees and began to follow it, the Duke leading the way and occasionally checking his laser spanner for guidance.
  “So, this is the Bermuda triangle?” said Edison. “Does that mean we’re on Bermuda Island?”
  “No, we’re in the Caribbean,” said Anise. “Y’know, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, that kind of thing.”
  “How do you know that?” asked Edison.
  “Because I looked at the map,” said Anise. “We’re in Northern Haiti, to be precise.”
  “But, I’m usually better at picking where we are than you. I don’t know this place, yet you do.”
  “Because you don’t have a Spanish mother. My mammy made me learn all about La Historia de España. Spain was one of many that tried to take Caribe for its own, but the slaves killed them and took over. This is a dangerous place.”
  “Because the slaves took over?” said Edison. “Sounds like a successful revolution to me.”
  “It’s not slaves that made it dangerous,” said Anise. “It’s the mess the whites left behind when they ran away.”
As they continued, the sound of drumming could be heard in the distance.
  “Now that sounds ominous,” said Edison. “I suggest we avoid the tribal war-drums.”
  “I advise that we don’t,” said the Duke, looking at the spanner in his hand. “The wormhole generator is over there. But don’t be afraid, Edison, those aren’t the drums of war.”
  “How can you tell?”
  “The rhythm is all wrong,” said the Duke, miming a drumbeat with the laser spanner. “Tap-a-dah dah-dada . . . could you imagine marching to that? You’d need five legs to step to that beat. That sounds like revelation, to me.”
The trio followed the path further where a small trail lead them away from the main path up to a strange building that was full of the sound of drumming, singing, people and light. The building was a ruin, the grey stone remnants of an ancient structure burdened by time and nature. But the building had been repurposed, a new, straw roof had been built and sheltered the remaining walls, and pieces of wood and corrugated iron were used to patch the larger gaps in the walls. But there was a stone archway welcoming them inside, so the three of them made their way in.
Inside the place they saw several locals dancing. Some of them were seated around the edges, but in the middle there were two women, dressed in black and red, dancing wildly around a central pole which held up the new straw roof.
One of the women was holding a lit candle in one hand, and a bottle of liquor in the other.
  “Some kind of dance?” Edison said, confused.
  “No,” said the Duke solemnly, “this is a church.” He nodded to the far end of the room, where there was some kind of shelf set up, one metre tall, and on top of it was placed candles, a bowl of water, a skull wearing a top-hat, cigars, candy, a pair of round sunglasses, a metal box, a bowl of coins, white gloves, and several other items of clothing, and on the wall behind it was beautifully painted in black a large detailed symbol on a white cloth.
  “So, where is the portal thing?” asked Anise.
  “I’m detecting naquadah from that shrine over there,” said the Duke.
  “Do you want to head over?” asked Edison.
  “No, we should watch and wait,” said the Duke. “Last time I interrupted a church service, they made me their pope.”
The three of them found some spare seats by the doorway and sat down, Edison electing to sit on the floor. The dancing continued, till one woman took a swig from her bottle of liquor, swallowed half the mouthful, then spat the rest at the torch, with a sudden fireball that made many of the dancers stop.
  “Papi Legba, open the gate; Papi Legba, your chil’ren await,” she commanded. She repeated, and the other patrons joined her chant, “Papi Legba, open the gate; Papi Legba, your children await.
They spoke the rhyme a third time, but as they did, the woman closed her eyes, inhaled deeply and arched her back, rolling her shoulders as though dancing in slow motion. As the chant stopped, she stood up straight and opened her eyes, and the whites of her eyes were bloodshot. As the others saw her, they stopped dancing and drumming, leaving pure silence.
  “Goddamn,” said the woman, in a hoarse airy voice, she blew out the small candle, dropping it by the sand as she leant on the centre pole. “Can someone, fetch me my cane, please?”
The other woman in red and black went to the shrine, and took a bamboo cane that was resting beside it.
  “Now that’s not right,” muttered the Duke, as he saw the woman blink, her eyes almost seeming to glow crimson.
  “Thank you, sugar,” said the red-eyed woman as she took the cane and leant forward, supporting herself on the walking stick. She looked at her other hand, with the bottle of liquor, shook her head and placed it on the ground. “Could I get a cup of coffee?”
One of the patrons went to the shrine, and he took a thermos from the top, unscrewed it and poured black coffee into the lid, as he did the woman limped over and took the steaming cup from him.
  “Is this normal?” asked Edison, leaning back to the Duke and Anise. “This isn’t like church when I was a kid.”
  “This is voodoo,” said Anise. “They pray to many gods, that come down and ‘ride’ believers, to heal and do magic.”
  “This isn’t normal,” said the Duke. “Gods don’t exist.”
  “It’s just mumbo-jumbo, Duke. It’s not real,” said Anise.
  “That’s what I mean. Religion is just a means to satiate the spiritual needs of the people. Just smoke and mirrors, but this . . .” he nodded at the red-eyed woman who was drinking coffee. “This isn’t fake, that’s a remote psychical projection. That woman is possessed.”
The others waited patiently as she sipped and sighed with relief.
  “That is good. My children, you have suffered for good coffee,” she seemed to become wistful as she stared into the middle distance, staring up at the symbol behind the shrine. “I had to wait millennia, travel between stars, to even touch a cup . . . and all of you have bled, bred generations of slaves picking the fruits, roasting morning seed for the white man. And fought, rising up, to earn the right to a cup of coffee. You make me proud, my children, praise be to Bond’ye.”
  “Amen,” said the man holding the thermos, and the others followed suit. The woman finished the cup and handed it back.
  “Thank you, my son,” she said, and she took a corncob pipe from the shrine, as well as tobacco and a box of matches, and she lit the match, in silence. As she did, the other woman approached her.
  “Papa, we wish to speak to the-”
  “Be quiet, girl!” barked the woman without turning around, stamping the sand with the cane to make her silent. “I know why you summon me. I merely ask for patience, I’m an old man, it can take me time . . . please, child, gift me with your patience.”
The woman, a little shaken, nodded and stepped back as the red-eyed woman lit the pipe and grabbed several peanuts from a bowl on the shrine, then turned to the crowd. She took three long puffs, limping towards the centre pole and exhaled heavily. “Alright . . . my children, how can I serve you this day?”
  “Papa,” said the woman in black and red, “we beg your protection. Politics, it’s made everybody crazy. Leaders planning coups, people rioting and then the Macoute, they’re still hunting around, killing and raping.”
  “These, I know,” said the possessed woman, she dropped a peanut shell and popped the nut in her mouth. “I can’t stop the free will of them boys; politics is politics, pray to Bond’ye for mercy. Do you need the future, sugar? Do you need to see the path of Ayiti?”
  “No, Papa Legba,” said the other woman, “We need strength, we need protection. The Macoute terrify us. They are hurting our women, killing our men.”
The possessed woman’s red eyes seemed genuinely sad as she nodded. She husked another peanut and popped it in her mouth.
  “You need Erzulie . . . she will heal your girls, and protect them. But do you want to fight the Gunnysack boys?  You need to get good mojo, protection, get your mind clear; but if you want to be safe, that’s a fight you must battle with both hands. Do you understand?”
  “Yes, Papa.”
  “Then bring ‘em down . . . To fight criminals, you will need a criminal . . . Amen.”
  “Amen,” said the woman, and the possessed woman closed her eyes.  “Bring ‘em down.”
The drums began to beat again, and the patrons started to dance once more. As they did, the woman opened her eyes, but the red was gone, she looked a little confused as she dropped the bamboo cane, coughed and took the pipe from her mouth.
  “What’s going on, Duke?” said Anise, sounding worried.
  “Remain here,” said the Duke, getting to his feet. “I’m going to have a look behind the curtain.”
The Duke pushed past patrons who danced with their hands on their hips and approached the dazed woman. Despite being a head taller and wearing black leather on a Caribbean beach, the other patrons seemed too concerned with their dancing to pay him any notice. Taking the laser spanner from his coat, the Duke subtly scanned her with the red laser.
  “Are you alright?” the Duke asked. “How do you feel?”
  “I am good, my child,” said the woman. “Praise be to the spirits.”
  “You were possessed by an alien entity,” said the Duke. “Do you remember what happened?”
  “Like a dream,” she said, and the Duke placed a hand on her cheek. “Did he come?”
  “He certainly did . . .” said the Duke. “You don’t seem hurt. He said he was going to ‘bring them down’. What does that mean?”
  “Legba opens the gate, for the loa to come down,” she says. “Do you believe, brother? If you do, they may come to you.”
  “No, but I respect . . . ” muttered the Duke idly, but then he looked at the shrine covered in clothes and offerings, and quickly knelt down, lifting up the edge of the white cloth to reveal brown metal underneath. “Where did you get this support from?”
The Duke rapped it with his knuckles, then placed his hand against the surface. The woman had no time to respond as the Duke jumped up to his feet and marched swiftly for the doorway.
  “Duke, can-?” started Anise.
  “-wait here,” interrupted the Duke, heading right past them.
  “Where the hell is he going?” said Edison.
  “Chess, do you remember Olivia?” asked Anise, turning to the Inspector.
  “Olivia? Was she at the party?”
  “No, Livia, that girl who kept coming back to life.”
  “Yeah . . .” said Edison, frowning.
  “And that ape-man with the French accent, who had red eyes?”
  “Red eyes . . .” said Edison, his jaw dropping as it dawned on him. “And the Duke said it was a ‘powerful psychic force’!”
  “Yes. Livia said she was into voodoo too. This must be related.”
As they spoke, one of the dancing women began moaning and shaking violently as she danced, lolling her head around her neck as though on drugs.
  “So, that ‘psychic force’ was her being controlled by a voodoo god?”
  “I guess,” said Anise, staring intently at the violently dancing woman. “But, they’re loa, not gods. They’re god-like, but only powerful spirits, kinda like angels.”
With a sudden gasp, the woman seemed to snap out of her gyrations and stood up straight. All of the dancing stopped and people watched patiently and reverently as the new loa revealed itself. She opened her eyes to reveal deep, bloodshot red as she brought both hands up to her head to feel her hair. Now that she was standing still, people could see that she was a beautiful girl, with full lips and womanly curves. She clicked her tongue softly as she ran her hands through her hair, then down her chest, feeling the curves and sighed deeply.
She turned and swaggered towards the table of offerings, dipped two fingers in a bowl of white chalk and then wiped them across both of her cheeks in a slashing pattern, then she turned around, smiling devilishly, as blood trickled from the corners of her mouth.
  “This is way different from the church I know . . .” Edison whispered nervously to Anise.

The Duke walked around the repurposed ruins, striding swiftly but carefully through the long grass. There were several trees off to the side, a small cemetery and the sun was beginning to set, leaving a quiet ominence to the Haitian shore, but the as the Duke rounded the ruins and saw the back wall, he smiled.
  “That explains it,” said the Duke, stopping to stroke his beard. The rear of the ruins were open and crumbled away, but the sheet with the symbol had been raised up to cover the gap in the wall. The “table” they were using to support the offerings for their shrine, was the flat top of the support structure to an ancient stargate. From this side, the Duke could see the ramp which would otherwise lead up into the wormhole, jutting out the back. “But, where is the ring . . . ?”
The ruins were too short for the six-metre tall ring to fit inside, and there was no sign of it on the outside either, it had been removed from the mechanism. The Duke steps up onto the ramp, and looks at his spanner as he scanned around with the red laser.
  “If I could just search for another source . . . and the naquadah here is interfering with the probing laser,” the Duke said, annoyed. He put the laser spanner back in his pocket. “If I were a wormhole generator, which had been removed from my support mechanism, where would I be?”
  “What are you doin’ up zere, boy?” called a voice. The Duke glanced over to see a black man in a worn-out, old top hat standing by the small, crooked gate of the cemetery, leaning on a rusty shovel. The man had white powder rubbed on his weathered cheeks, nose and forehead; long, salt-and-pepper coloured dreadlocks around his shoulders and spoke with a French accent, and heavy alveolar trill.
  “I’m looking for something in particular,” said the Duke. “Large ring, covered in symbols?”
  “Mon ami, I see all kinds in ‘ere, eh? Silver teeth, weddin’ rings, lip piercings - and I ne pas mean ze ones in your mouth, eh.” said Top Hat with a smirk, glancing at the gravestones behind him. “Zey try to take zem all . . . I understand, we ‘ave fallen on ‘ard times; but, as ze warden of zis cour, I’m afraid I can’t let you disturb ze patrons restin’ ‘ere.”
  “I am not a graverobber,” said the Duke, approaching the churchyard. “It’s not jewellery, this ring is taller than me, with thirty-six sigils and lights around it. Very powerful.”
  “What would you want with a ring like zat?” asked Top Hat.
  “It’s the active component of this machine,” said the Duke. “If you have enough power, you can travel galaxies with such a device.”
  “If you do not know where it is, zen how do you know what it does?”
The Duke approached the man in the graveyard, glancing at him with intrigue.
  “I have seen it before,” said the Duke, “or, I should say, after. But you do not seem surprised, confused or even dismissive of such a technology. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that you seem to know more about it than I do.”
The Duke looked the old man in the eye, and saw that his eyes were bloodshot.
“What’s your name, gravedigger?” asked the Duke.
  “Baron Cimetiere, ‘umbly at your service” said Top Hat, with a tip of the ratty old brim atop his head, and a broad grin revealing yellow teeth.
  “Are you the Baron?” asked the Duke. As he spoke, he took a step back and instinctively placed his hand on his hip for the gun that was no longer there.
  “Non, zat fils de pute ‘as soiled ze name ‘Baron’,” said Cimetiere, spitting at the ground with disgust. “It is my title, but mon frère ze Crook, he takes zat name and poisoned it. I prefer Monsieur Graveyard.”
  “But you’re one of them?”
  “Oui, I am Loa,” said Cimetiere.
  “I’ve been warned about you.”
  “Warned?  Dare I ask, by who?”
  “A demon.”
  “Yet you trust ‘im?”
  “I don’t know who to trust. The last time I met one of you, he was experimenting on an innocent girl, as punishment for some immaterial slight. They tortured and killed her.”
  “And ‘is name was ze Baron?”
  “Yes,” said the Duke coldly.
  “Well, zat would be Kriminel. Baron Kriminel is a cruel loa, And for as long as I ‘ave known him, he seeks power greater zan ‘e owns. In my ‘umble opinion, a disgrace to ze name Baron.”
  “A disgrace, yet you called him your brother?”
  “Oui, I and my three brez’rin, we are Lwa D’Morte, Loa of ze Dead.”
  “Four loa of the dead? Why four?”
  “Because zere are so many sides to it. Ze Loa of Deadlines, watches you travel to your life’s end. I am Loa of Dying, I watch as zey pass from one side to ze hereafter. Loa of Death, he walks alongside ze spirits. But Kriminel, he is Loa of Decay, lauds over corruption, rot and murder.”
  “If he is so evil, and you think him a disgrace, then why do you tolerate him?”
  “We must,” said Cimetiere, “It is ze will of god, Bon’dieu. But Kriminel is not evil. Cruel? Yes. Dangerous? Yes. But a loyal, faithful man ‘e is. I hate him, but I respect his couilles.
  “I think I understand,” said the Duke. “So, do you know where the wormhole generator is?”
  “Oui,” said Cimetiere.
  “Where is it?” said the Duke.
  “Somewhere safe,” said Cimetiere.
The Duke glanced behind the man into the graveyard.
  “May I see it?”
  “You don’t need it,” said Cimetiere, “You made it zis far, you can leave ze way you came.”
  “I need to ensure that it is safe,” said the Duke.
  “Do you not trust, mon ami?” said Cimetiere with another wicked smile.
  “It is not that I don’t trust you,” said the Duke sincerely, “But I do trust time, and I know that in a time to come - many decades from now - it will be taken by a dangerous organization known as the Eighty-Eight.”
  “Zis is my cour,” said Cimetiere sounding almost insulted, “I control all zat steps foot on my sacred ground, none can take ze portail from my grasp.”
  “You have a machine that can send someone through space,” said the Duke. “But I have a machine that can send someone through time. I have been to the future, I have stood within it, and in that future this wormhole generator will be in the hands of the Eighty-Eight.”
  “Have you come to stop zem?” asked Cimetiere.
  “Perhaps . . . if I have to,” said the Duke.
  “I promise you, nul can walk amongst my ‘eadstones, unless I allow it. If it is in ze future, zen it is fate. As La Croix would say, ‘zat is ze path we choose to walk’. But perhaps, when zese . . . “Huit-et-Huit” come, zen you will see.”
  “If it’s alright by you, I probably will . . .” said the Duke. “But I have one question.”
  “Oui, mon ami?”
  “You are hiding the wormhole generator. But you clearly didn’t expect me to come looking for it. Who are you hiding it from? The humans?”
  “Imbécile . . .” said Cimetiere, “Humanité is free to use zis portail, I am not ‘iding anyzing! It does not belong to ze Loa; but zis portail is antique, ze oldest I ‘ave seen in ze universe, and it ‘as no télécommande.” The old gravedigger looked up at the star-studded sky above, and spoke as he gazed off. “ I dial ze co-ordinates for any terrien zat wish to step beyond l’monde, and watch all zat pass, come or go. But if you want to use humanité’s gate, first get zeir permission.”
  “Perhaps I will,” said the Duke turning toward the church, “thank you.”
  “Il ñ'y a pas de quoi,” said Cimetiere quietly, as he leant down to dig, “. . . Duc d’Rathea.”

The Duke walked around to the entrance of the church, but as he did, Inspector Edison grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.
  “Duke, we need to go,” said Edison, under his breath, leading him to a quiet corner where Anise was huddled..
  “What do you mean?” asked the Duke.
  “You didn’t see that last possessed girl. Duke, she was spitting blood and grabbing at people, burning marks on them,” said Edison.
   “She was castin’ hoodoo over the women, and dancin’ crazy-like.”
  “Hoodoo?” said the Duke. “Do you mean supernatural powers? You’re talking about magic, Anise. Illusionism, and sleight of hand. I assure you, there’s no such thing as magic.”
There was a cry out from behind the Duke as a dancing man suddenly flailed his arms around, his arms shuddered from a sudden flexing of muscles, then he began breathing heavily, his eyes wide open. The man was tall with short, curly black hair and he wore a striped polo shirt and jeans, but bare feet with toes curled from pain as he was possessed, and everyone else stopped dancing and stepped back. As the man clenched his teeth, the whites of his eyes grew red from the veins swelling with bright blood. With a painful groan he suddenly relaxed, exhaled calmly and smiled, standing up straight.
  “Now, he we are . . .” said the man, speaking in a Cajun accent. He glanced around for a moment before his smile dropped. “I want my hat. Where’s my foutu hat?”
At the sound of the voice, the Duke slowly and coldly turned around.
Some people closest to the shrine grabbed at the top hat, and the first young boy to get it quickly brought it over, holding it out towards him within arm’s reach. The man slowly and carefully pinched the hat between two fingers. As the boy let go, the man’s hand snapped forward and grabbed the boy’s wrist. He squealed, terrified.
“Did you forget something?” said the man as the boy whimpered. “ . . . gloves?”
A scared looking woman snatched a pair of gloves and a handful of chalk from the shrine and ran over holding them an inch from his face, the handful of chalk, and the thin, black cotton gloves with green and yellow lines around the wrist. He let go of the boy and grabbed the chalk with his left hand, and smeared it on the left side of his face, leaving it dusted white. Then he took the gloves with his other hand, and the woman grabbed the boy cooing to him as a mother, walking away as the man donned the gloves.
  “The Baron,” said the Duke, spitting out the name as though it was sour.
  “So, you want war?” said Baron Kriminel, looking around “Dem Tonton Macoute are my blood, you talkin’ war and fightin’ back. You gonna fight dirty, you wanna stop ‘em boys.”
  “Baron, they are killing us,” said the leading mambo woman, walking up to him.
  “You want fair trade?” said the Baron, he stepped forward and grabbed her backside, pressing his crotch to her side and grinding with a vulgar moan, then whispered in her ear, but his voice rattled deep and husky and from the silent crowd everyone heard him say. “I want a prayer from you. But, you want death, bring me death . . . a sacrifice. Three this time.”
  “Yes, Baron,” she said. He smiled crookedly and let go of her.
  “That’s what I wanna hear . . . yes, yes, YES!” he said, clapping his hands. “Come on, this is a good night, rejoice! Now, get me someone gettin’ me a drink!”
People started to dance, although some of them looked nervous. As the woman moved through a back passage to head outside, the Baron turned to the shrine of offerings. There, someone was pouring him a glass of wine. He  walked over, smacking the glass so it spilled on the sand, and grabbed the bottle. He took a swig and grunted with a smirk. “Good red,” he said.
The Duke’s hands were shaking with anger and he started to move towards the Baron, but Edison grabbed his shoulder.
  “Stop,” he said, his voice hushed “Do you remember last time? He’s much too powerful.”
  “That’s what these people all think,” said the Duke, growling at Edison, staring him dead in the eye. “They’re too scared because he’s so powerful, so they do everything he says. That’s not power, that’s an abuse of power.”
  “You think I don’t know that?” said Edison. “But you’ll make things worse by pissing him off.”
The Duke looked at Edison coldly, and he stood up straight. No longer looking him in the eye, at his full height he was three inches taller, and he looked down at Edison.
  “You underestimate how dangerous I can be when I’m ‘pissed off’,” said the Duke.
The two of them turned when they heard the sound of fluttering and clucking, and they saw the mambo woman return, holding two black chickens, each upside down and held by the legs. The second woman wearing black and red followed holding a third. Each was let go and they flapped down to land awkwardly near the centre poll of the building, and they scratched around, squawked and one even ran around trying to go back out the door where it had come, but the other patrons herded it back to join the others.
Baron took a few steps towards the three, took a swig of wine, and spat it out at the chickens in a spray. The chickens were wetted, but not much agitated.
  “Magnifique,” he said, chuckling. “Now, where is it? Pétrole? I want holocaust!”
  Someone with a metal jerry can came forward and doused it over the chickens. Each flapped and scrawked, upset, as they were covered and the room filled with the smell of vaporized petrol.
  “What the hell?” said Anise, as someone brought over a candle and placed it to the chicken’s sodden feathers. The bird suddenly burst into flame and began flapping wildly, jumping and shrieking. The Baron smiled cruelly and laughed as the bird jumped and cried out.
The Duke charged forth and skidded to a stop, digging his foot in the sand to send it spraying at the chicken, Then kicking up the sand with his other foot, he doused the flames, then stared daggers at Baron Kriminel.
  “Que diable? You merde chatte! What in god’s name do you think you’re doin’?!”
  “Rescuing an innocent creature from a monster,” said the Duke, looking at the bird. All of its feathers were charred and covered in sand, and it looked distressed, but it was not hurt. “You enjoy watching harmless creatures burn?”
  “Yes,” said the Baron. “How dare you stop my sacrifice?!”
  “I dare because I have empathy for innocent lives! I don’t care how powerful you are, nothing has the right to molest morality and good sense this way!”
The Baron stared at the Duke, and everyone watched in stunned silence, only the clucking of the chickens could be heard. Then, the Baron smiled.
  “You must be swingin’ coconuts to stand there like that, but it has been a long time since I’ve needed to throw my weight around . . . I’m the Baron of Decay, I watch rot and bleeding and slow, insidious death.” The Baron took two careful steps towards the Duke, till he was a few inches away from his face. “I relish the chance to rip you a new urètre.”
  “I’m not scared of you,” said the Duke.
“I’m not really here, sot naïf,” said the Baron. “And I already know how to hurt you . . .”
The Baron smiled, and slowly removed the glove from his left hand, showing the still-chalky fingers. Baring his teeth, he stuck his thumb in his mouth, then bit down with a sickening crack, blood squirting out, making some people faint and others groan or scream in horror. The Duke’s face went from anger to horror. The Baron held up the bleeding stump of his thumb and spat the digit at the Duke, so it bounced off his chest.
  “You don’t like me hurtin’ innocents? I will break every bone in this building!”
  “You’d hurt your own people?”
  “I do whatever the fout’ I want to, nègre!” said the Baron, “But would you? Would you hurt me? This man has a family, a mammy and a pappy who love him so so much.”
The Baron suddenly grabbed the Duke by the throat with his right hand, and Anise squealed.
  “Duke, no!” she called out, and the Baron started laughing.
  “I got you by the throat, boy!” said the Baron. “and I don’t even mean your collet.”
The Baron let go of the Duke and pointed his hand, bleeding all over the floor, towards Anise.
  “You a friend o’ his? His squeeze? Bet he wants to baise your honeypot, non?” said the Baron as he walked towards Anise and Edison.
  “Leave her alone!” said the Duke, and the Baron turned to face him.
  “Will you walk?” he said, sternly and seriously. “You beg forgiveness, get out of my lakou and respect my name? Respect the Baron?”
The Duke sneered, disgusted.
“No, don’t you dare, boy! Once chance, I give you . . . one . . . merde. To hell with you.” The Baron’s eyes glowed like red lightbulbs as he turned to Anise. He slammed the flat of the palm of his bleeding hand into her chest, but she wasn’t knocked back. There was a sudden flush of wind, that disappeared as quick as it came, then the Baron slowly drew his hand away from Anise muttering to himself, and with it a red, ghostly image, transparent but shaped exactly like Anise, was pulled from her body. As the ghost was removed from her, Anise’s body fell, Edison caught her and tried to help her up, but the phantom-image still seemed to struggle.
  “NO!” screamed the Duke.
  “YES!” snarked the Baron. “I’m taking your woman, nègre. You want her back, you’ll give your respect to me! Your soul for hers . . . fair trade.”
The red spectre floated up and out through the ceiling, and simultaneously the man seemed to stumble, dazed. There was silence before the man suddenly screamed in agony and grabbed his bleeding hand, tears streaming down his face from the pain. The Baron was gone. Several people ran forward to help the screaming man.
The Duke ran to Anise and kneeled down.
  “Anise!” called the Duke, leaning over her.
  “She’s alive,” said Edison, putting a hand on Duke’s chest to hold him back “Pulse, breathing, all good. But she’s gone. It’s like a . . . a coma, or something.”
  “He took her . . .” said the Duke, cradling Anise’s cheek in his hand. “Stripped her neurons of her mind . . . I have to get her back.” The Duke rose to his feet.
  “What are you going to do?” asked Edison.
The Duke turned and walked out of the church.
“Duke, come back!” Edison called after him, but he didn’t follow, he stayed behind to help the bleeding Haitian man. The Duke got to the dirt track and ran, as he did the starlit sky above him seemed to darken from the gathering clouds. He arrived at the treeline, and marched across the beachsand towards the Lift, when there was a crack of thunder, and red electricity sparked in the sky above. There was another crack, and a red bolt of energy struck the lift, sending crackling arcs of power across the surface, then the clouds swiftly descended, roaring like a contained storm. The unnaturally dark purple clouds surrounded the Lift, spinning like a slow tornado.
The Duke ignored it, marching towards the Lift, but was suddenly struck in the shoulder by a spike of red electricity. He cried out in pain and dropped to his knees. Then, the tornado slowly lifted and settled, leaving only the sand behind.
  “No . . . no no NO!” screamed the Duke. Gritting his teeth, he slammed a fist into the ground out of anger. Then again, again and again, before leaning back and screaming at the sky like an animal. He rose to his feet, gripping his sore shoulder, and stalked towards the church once more.

The Duke returned to the church to see people gathering around the back of a pickup truck. Through the black crowd, Edison stood out, standing on the bed of the truck, talking to the injured man that was lying down, holding his bleeding hand up straight, he had a shoelace around the stump that was his thumb.
  “Above your head, higher than your heart, so it doesn’t bleed so much, take deep breaths and you’ll be okay” said Edison. As he saw the Duke, he stood up and patted another man on the shoulder. “Keep pressure on that thumb.”
Edison jumped over the side of the truck, back onto the sand and walked towards the Duke as the engine started on the truck.
  “Where the hell were you?” Edison asked the Duke, as he cleared the crowd.
  “The timeship, but it’s been taken away. The Baron took it!” said the Duke.
  “You were just going to leave?! That man is bleeding to death,” said Edison.
  “I don’t know medicine, I can’t help him any more than these people could. But I can help Anise!” growled the Duke, walking past the church.
  “What about me? Do you care that you left me here to clean up this mess?” asked Edison, and he held out his hands. “I have his blood on my hands. Nobody here knows how to deal with a severed finger, I had to do your dirty work. And this country has a high risk of H.I.V. too, that was stupid . . . for goodness sake, Duke, will you stop and look at me?”
  The Duke whirled around and shouted in Edison’s face, “I have to save Anise!”
 “Do you think I don’t know that?!” demanded Edison. “You have to stop and think, Duke!”
  “Just STAY out of my WAY!” roared the Duke, he turned and kicked open the churchyard gate, marching onto the grounds. He took the laser spanner from his pocket.
  “What on Earth are you doing?” asked Edison.
The Duke ignored him as he scanned the area with a red laser on his spanner, then began to walk towards the centre of the yard, but as he did a green semi-transparent hand reached up from the ground and grabbed his ankle and the Duke tripped over. As he rolled over to stand up, three more hands appeared and grabbed onto his legs and leather jacket with a ghoulish wailing sound.
  “Let go of me!” he cried out. Thrashing his arms, he swiped through the transparent arms, disturbing and weakening them slightly, but then transparent silhouettes of people slid from the ground and grabbed his arms, holding him down with echoing groans. The Duke struggled, but couldn’t escape their grasp. “I said let go!”
  “What did I tell you, mon ami?” said the old gravedigger, slipping out from behind a crooked, old tree. “None can step foot on my cour wizzout my say so.”
  “I am the Duke of Rathea!” roared the Duke, “And I DEMAND you let me go!”
  “Do you zink you are ze first to charge into my yard, screamin’?” asked Cimetiere, stepping forward, plunging his shovel into the ground in front of the Duke. He knelt down, holding the handle for support. The Duke struggled, crying out and flexing against the ethereal hands of the ghastly people, as he did the old, black man just watched quietly. After a minute, the Duke stopped, exhausted.
  “Please . . . I need help, please?”
  “Not from me, mon ami,” said Cimetiere. He gave a dismissive gesture, and the phantoms dragged the Duke backwards. The Duke struggled to gain his footing, but they stood him at the gate and threw him out. The Duke collapsed onto the ground just outside the churchyard, where Edison was standing.
  “What the hell is going on?” asked Edison, kneeling down. He offered a hand to the Duke, and the Duke glanced at it bitterly, then sighed, and took the hand.
  “I have found the wormhole generator,” said the Duke. “It’s beyond the gate, but Monsieur Graveyard is guarding it . . . he threw me out.”
  “Well, what do you expect when you’re charging around like a raging rhino?”
The Duke gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.
  “I apologize.”
  “ . . . what?” said Edison, surprised.
  “I have . . . a severe temperament. I mean no disrespect,” said the Duke, holding up an open hand, but his arm was shaking. “But, I have to save Anise. I know exactly what I have to do, I need to use the machine, I need your help. Please . . . help me,” said the Duke.
  “How? What the hell is going on?” asked Edison. “I’ve seen vampires and werewolves, now ghosts. Tell me what’s going on Duke.”
  “I don’t have TIME!” roared the Duke, he stepped forward and grabbed Edison’s upper arms tightly, but when Edison winced he let go, clenching his fists.. “I . . . do you trust me, Inspector?”
  “No,” said Edison, staring at the seething duke. “But . . . I trust how much you care for Anise. What do you need me to do?”
  “Follow me,” said the Duke. He stormed back into the churchyard. Edison, having seen what happened last time he went in, hesitated, but then the Duke yelled “Come on!”
As they moved to the centre, the green figures appeared near the edges of the yard, but none of them approached.
  “They’re just psychic residue, Edison,” said the Duke, when he saw Edison’s eyes darting around.. “Don’t be afraid.”
  “Ahh, back so soon, mon ami?” said the old gravedigger, still standing next to the shovel he’d plunged into the ground just moments ago.
  “Cimetiere!” called out the Duke, his voice sounding slightly hoarse. “Let me pass.”
  “You ‘ave autorisation?” he replied, the green ghosts encroaching closer.
  “Yes. Inspector, tell him I can use the wormhole generator.”
  “‘Tell ‘im’?” said the loa, shaking his head, “Inspecteur, you don’t ‘ave to do as ‘e tells you. I will kick ‘im out again, if you want.”
  “Why does he need to ask me,” asked Edison.
  “Because it is yours - humanité’s portail - I will not let aliens charge in wizzout permission.”
Edison glanced at the Duke before nodding at the gravedigger.
  “Sure, he can use the portal,” said Edison with a shrug. “ . . . but only if I go with him.”
  “Fine.” The Duke, glared.
  “Zere . . . not so ‘ard, was it?” said Cimetiere, grinning. “Suiveurs, soulèvent l’portail . . .”
The loa took his shovel out of the ground and walked five steps away, then plunged it into the ground once more but this time it sent deep cracks across the graveyard dirt. There was a crumbling sound as the ground shifted, and fossilized, old skeletons with glowing, red, pinpoint eyes crawled out of the earth, all standing in a circle. There were six in total, caked mud and grass clinging to their ribs and teeth. The dried earth fell away from them as they mechanically, jaggedly clawed themselves from the ground.
  “What the hell . . .” said Edison, taking a few steps back. As he did, one of the phantoms behind him moaned, its echoing, hollow voice made him gasp.
The skeletons reached into the dirt and pulled up a large, dark metal ring - the stargate. The ring had been buried a few inches beneath the soil, but they lifted it upright before the Duke and Edison, with Baron Cimetiere standing in the middle of the ring, dirt pouring around him and over him, tumbling off his top hat. As the ring rose upright, the skeletons crouched down, and in synchrony they stopped, the gate stood tall, each of them holding the gate in place, three either side in a perfect symmetry of painful servitude, two of them near the base held out their arms to form rudimentary steps, then the red from their eyes faded away.
  “Now, take me to the Baron!” said the Duke, baring his teeth like an angry dog.
  “Are you sure?” said the gravedigger, leaning on his shovel once more. “Know that ‘e is très loin, many stars from here. It will take a lot of énergie to send you there, and you will need just as much énergie to return”
  “We will make our own way back,” said the Duke. “Dial the co-ordinates.”
Baron Cimetiere nodded, then raised his hand and slowly moved his hand around, drawing a circle in the air. As he moved his hand, the entire gate seemed to crackle and spark with red electricity. When the entire gate was live with power, he began snapping his hands towards the gate. With each violent gesture, a bolt of red lightning shot from his hand and struck somewhere around the ring, and where it did, the symbol on that portion of the ring became illuminated. He lit up nine symbols around the ring, when suddenly the energy coalesced within the ring and the unstable vortex burst forth with a whoosh. It finally settled, leaving a glistening pool of silvery water.
  “Come on,” the Duke said to Edison. He quickly walked up to the gate, climbed over the bones that formed steps into the wormhole, and disappeared into the event horizon of the wormhole. Edison, not wanting to be left behind, quickly made his way up and left the world.

The Duke stepped out of the stargate onto a speckled animal skin that carpeted the floor. The room was two storeys tall, and brightly lit with gas lights that were in the top corners of the shalestone-walled room, and spaced along either side leading to the end, where three chairs waited ten metres away from the stargate which sat at the other end of the room; off in the corner behind the chairs was the Lift, just as it had looked on the beach. Each of the chairs was hewn from hardwood, with red leather as the cushion, but the chair in the centre was twice as tall as the two that flanked it, taller than any human person could possibly be, topped with the cruel-looking antlers of some alien stag. Both arms of the chair had a chain leading from them to a leather collar around the neck of a hyena-like creature with spotty, brown and grey fur and a wild mane. One of them was asleep, but the other was loudly chewing and slavering over a large bloody bone, which looked disturbingly like a human femur.
In the chair sat Baron Kriminel, himself, not possessing an earthling host. He was a skinny black man with wiry muscle. He didn’t wear a shirt, or shoes but had a dusty tuxedo jacket on, a broken top-hat with the discoloured silk tearing at the seams and trousers shredded around his ankles. He wore dark brown, fingerless leather gloves on his hands, and an eye-patch with similar brown material over his left eye. He was lounging in his chair, stroking a small, glass in his hands, with white lines on it and a lit candle inside.
Edison stepped out behind the Duke, and the portal closed behind them. As soon as the Inspector saw the Baron, he looked sick.
  “Duke, whatever you’re going to do, can we do it quick?”
  “BARON!” shouted the Duke, his voice harsh, echoing against the mottled grey walls
The Baron glanced  looked up from the box in his hands, and smirked.
  “Duke,” he said quietly and mockingly, getting to his feet and stepping over the feeding hyena-creature. His voice sounded hoarse, as though he had smoked every day of his life. “This girl got a beautiful soul, I see why you like ‘er . . . honeysweet” said the Baron, placing the jar on his throne and standing there, patiently, staring at the Duke. The Duke walked towards him, walking over assorted animal skins that lead up to the three chairs.
  “Where is Anise?” said the Duke.
  “Safe . . . for now,” said the Baron. “Stuck to a govi jar. All yours, for the right price.”
  “You want my ‘soul’?” asked the Duke, coming to stand two metres away. At that distance, he could see the Baron’s face more clearly. The entire left side of his face looked emaciated and gaunt, paled and skeletal.
  “Yesssss,” hissed the Baron, “A pledge, to me. A prayer. A promise to the Baron.”
  “Do I kneel down? Do I kiss your feet?”
  “Non, just pray,” said the Baron. He smiled as he looked at the Duke, but when the timelord didn’t move, staring coldly back at the Baron, his smile dropped.
  “What are you doing, Duke?” asked Edison, standing back behind him. The Duke didn’t answer.
“You think you’re strong, don’t you? Is that why you’re here?” asked the Baron
  “I’m here to get my friend back!” growled the Duke.
  “By bein’ a hero?” said the Baron. “I’ve seen a lot of heroes in my time, they want to test me, see if they can bleed out my power, take my throne . . . all of them rotted away.”
  “I don’t like bullies . . .”
  “I don’t like wearin’ socks, je ne donne pas une baise,” The Baron held out his hand, and his one visible eye glowed red as the jar lifted from the throne, the occult hand of voodoo telekinetically raised it in the air and placed it in the Baron’s open palm. “I got you by the balls, Duke! One wrong step, I break this jar, your beloved beaux dies, forever. I have all the power, this is my world, nègre!”
  “Do you think I haven’t faced someone like you, before?” said the Duke, baring his teeth. “I am the Duke of Rathea! Warriors, fighters, terrorists, maniacs, genocidal monsters - and, yes, even those that think themselves gods! - all of them stood before me and declared me defeated and dead! You’re not the first to say as much, but there’s an enormous difference between you and the corpses of those I have stood upon, victorious! Do you know what that is, ‘Baron’?!”
The Baron shrugged, still flippant and calm.
  “Please . . . tell me. I’m shakin' to know.”
  “They stood before me on Rathea, they threatened my people . . .” said the Duke, quietly. “My world is dead, razed and burned to dust. I stood upon the ruins of my kingdom, I held in my hand the ashes and dust that used to be the blood of my people!” said the Duke, he held up his shaking hand, his voice breaking with emotion. “I was left behind! My people all dead! I was ready to die with them . . . until Anise. She taught me to live, again.”
  “I still hold all the cards,” says the Baron smirking cruelly, holding the jar in front of him. It looked so small and fragile. “Now I know how much she means to you, I still have the upperhand.”
  “No . . .” growled the Duke, frowning severely. “You still don’t understand . . .”
The Duke suddenly screamed and leapt forward, as fast as a hungry tiger, grabbing the Baron by the skull. He started smacking the Baron’s face into the chair. Out of sheer surprise, he dropped the jar, it landing on the fur on the ground.
The feeding were-hyena snarled and jumped, but the Duke kicked it in the face, making it fall back, whining. The Baron was frowning as the Duke held his face in his hands, and he screamed.
The Duke pulled the Baron up by his head, and swiftly wrenched his head around, making a disturbing crack!
The Duke dropped his head, and the Baron’s limp body crumpled to the floor, then the Duke looked at his hands. He was breathing heavily, like a raging bull. He threw a punch at the leather of the chair in front of him, then pressed his hands to his head, screaming.
  “Duke, stop it!” yelled Edison, running forward, “Duke, STOP!”
The Duke fell to his knees and cried out, his eyes tearful, and he screamed again, wordlessly, this time his throat sounding ragged.   “Duke, please . . .” said Edison, running up and placing a hand on his shoulder. At first, the touch made him flinch, but then the Duke seemed to calm, his breathing started to slowly calm down.
  “I didn’t want you to see this . . .” murmured the Duke.
  “You killed him, Duke.”
  “I know . . . I couldn’t . . . Anise.”
  “Duke, just focus. We need to get out of here,” said Edison. He reached down and picked up the jar that had fallen on the ground. It had white hearts and symbols drawn on the glass, and inside was white dust, a lit candle that burned despite the sealed lid its flame bright red, small chains and some chicken bones were scattered around inside as well. “We’ve got her back, let’s just get out of here, okay.”
The Duke stared at the little candle in the jar, and seemed to smile at the corners of his mouth.
  “Okay . . .”
Edison helped the Duke slowly get to his feet, and they walked over the the Lift, the Duke looked tired as he unlocked the door and lead the way inside. Edison watched as the Duke walked into the centre and looked over the Lift’s console within the main control room. He held the jar in his hand, looking at the candle. It seemed so small, but he was assured that this was Anise - everything of who she was.
  “Inspector,” said the Duke, not looking him in the eye, “can I ask something of you?”
  “Yeah. Sure,” said Edison.
  “Could you not tell Anise what I said?”
  “About how much she means to you?” asked Edison.
The Duke nodded.
  “Why?” asked Edison.
  “It’s not her fault,” said the Duke. “I used to be . . . I don’t like the person I used to be. When he died, I was lost, and she helped me find a new me. A new Duke. But I’m still young, still learning, it’s a lot of pressure to put on one person, to be your conscience. Your sanity. Your guide . . .”
  “You love her, don’t you?” interrupted Edison.
The Duke didn’t answer, merely sighed deeply.
  “Please, just promise me that you won’t tell her. Either she will be scared, and leave. Or she will feel trapped, and obliged to stay. I don’t want that, and she shouldn’t be forced to choose.”
  “Okay, Duke,” said Edison. “Mum’s the word . . . when we put her soul back, I promise I won’t tell her anything about what happened. But, tell me one thing. Did you know that you were going to snap his neck before we stepped through the wormhole?”
  “I didn’t want to . . .” said the Duke, and he stared off across the control room.
  “That doesn’t really answer my question,” said Edison.
  “No. It doesn’t,” said the Duke. He started flicking and switching dials, then pulled the ignition lever.

From the throneroom, the Lift started to shift and groan, and it made the lights flicker as it started to fade from existence, then with a wheeze and a thud, the ship vworped away. A few moments after it left, there was a soft hissing sound. In front of the throne, the collapsed form of the Baron was lying, head twisted around, but purple smoke was pouring out of his nose. The smoke quickly formed into a cloud above the throne, several wisps stretching out like tentacles. Then it found the maned hyena-creature that was licking its bleeding muzzle. The poor animal whined, scared, as the smoke found its nose, then aggressively flooded its mouth and nostrils. The entire cloud slipped into the animal’s airways, and once it did, the poor creature stopped whimpering, and as its eyes glowed bright red, it snarled, viciously.

Friday 26 August 2016

Righteous Rage

Everybody gets angry. At least, everyone seems to, and I think it's important to understand what makes us angry so that we can avoid losing our temper, and figuring out how to avoid making others angry.
However, lately, I've developed a new habit which can show how anger does not have to be something we all avoid. In fact, anger can be one of the more beneficial emotions. The word of the day is: 'ANGER'.
Anger /'anggə/ n. 1. A strongly felt displeasure caused by real or supposed wrongs; wrath; ire. ♦v.t. 2. To excite to anger or violence.
I don't know if you've seen the movie Inside Out, it's a good movie, not the best from Pixar, but the basic premise is that all of the emotions in someone's head are anthropomorphised, and each has a specific job. "Joy" makes us seek out good things, "Disgust" avoids unhealthy things, "Anger" seeks out fairness, "Fear" avoids dangerous things & "Sadness", well . . . that's the point of the movie. But, we can avoid spoilers because I'm talking about anger, and as the movie explains, Anger has a purpose, we get angry when things are unfair, or when we see things as being unfair or wrong.

But there is a problem and that is that emotions, whilst they may have a "purpose", are not always very neat and tidy. We can lose our temper and hurt ourselves, hurt others, break things and lash out. Some people can't manage their anger. Especially young kids, when they get angry they tend to scream, throw things and hit their friends, parents and teachers. In fact, for the most part, when people get angry we just tell them to "calm down", because we don't know how to handle it, and we know it will get in the way.
Whilst I think you should do more than tell people to calm down, I'm not suggesting that you should just let people be angry, some people don't know how to handle their anger. However, I believe there's more to anger than just "the emotion that makes you break things when you feel like life's unfair".

I use anger, myself, in a few ways. I use my distaste to come up with cutting and intelligent insults & I use my anger as a thermometer of my mental state, and if I am getting angry, I may use that as a sign I need to change something.
But what I want to talk about today is the way that I use my anger to learn.

The last two posts I wrote for this blog were, in fact, examples of me using my anger as inspiration for blog posts. I wrote Unsafe & Unschooled because I was working in a café within a church which was spreading propaganda against Safe Schools because they wanted to preserve "traditional marriage", and stop transgendered people from using the right bathroom; this made me very angry. And my very last post, Drowning in Hysteria, I talk about it in the post itself, but in general I was noticing more and more examples of radical left-wing socio-politics that I know to be irrational; as someone who leans to the left, this made me very angry.
But those are not the only times anger lead me to an informed rant on this blog.

Respect, or GTFO - I was angry at people mislabelling Feminists.
The Right to Live, and let Live - I was angry at the lies about Euthanasia.
Why I Hate Muslim Men - I was angry at the hypocrisy of an Islamic Apologist.
The Bold and the Bravado - I was angry about common misuse of the word 'Brave'.
Insane Asylum, or How to Get Away with Racism - I was angry about Systemic Xenophobia.
The Twenty-Eighth Amendment - I was angry at the lie of "the Right to Bear Arms".
Who Spoils the Spoilers? - I was angry at people who Spoil stories.
Shallow Depth - I was angry at storytellers that pretended to write Complex Stories
Irrational Pride - I was angry at the way national pride could hide Jingoism.

And that's it. Believe it or not, whilst I may appear to rant and rave an awful lot, some of that is just the passion of my language. But these specific blogposts, I wrote because something made me angry, and that inspired me to talk about it.
I have always considered anger and hatred as a fuel that I can use to do good things, but lately I have learned to turn anger into a positive.
For all of the posts in the list above, my anger made me want to move, and once I gained my composure, I wrote. If you'll excuse my troping, originally my anger was akin to a Roaring Rampage of Revenge, I would use my anger as a means to rant once I had control of it. But these days, my anger is more akin to a Tranquil Fury, which was used in my last two posts. I do not just speak out, I use my rage as a means to learn more, and use what I learn to discover the best way to remove that which angered me. My anger does not just seek to resolve these triggers, but it succeeds, and I find I am unable to become angry about these issues again, since I know no way to see them as a problem, and if others present them as a problem, I show them the solution which I have learned.

So, why am I talking about this? Well, I'm not just bragging, I want to encourage you to do this too. This all began because I made a conscious choice, and I think if I can make you choose it too, you can become a better person.

You may now be wondering "what was the choice?" Well, it all began with the Safe Schools debacle. I felt betrayed by people I knew and trusted, I felt like I was indicted in their hatred for supporting their organization, I was frustrated, but more than anything I was angry. These people were homophobic and transphobic, and every fibre of my rational mind knows that that is wrong.
But, I didn't want to hate these people. The habit of dehumanizing, of hating, of thinking people are evil, this is too easy a reflex. I was struggling against it, because the concept made me anxious. These were the people I spent time with every day, which I laughed with, learned from, and in many ways respected. They were suddenly monsters.
I could not respect them, but at the same time I could not demonize them, but they were the "enemy" that as an LGBTQ ally I fight against. So, what could I do?
Well, rather than decide whether they were good or bad, I decided to talk to them. I spoke to my co-worker and asked for them to elaborate on their position.
When I did, I realized that they did have good intentions; and whilst they were wrong, they had the goal of helping kids. So, I came to the conclusion that, no, these people were not monsters, they were just Wrong. Capital "W" wrong. So, I explained what I knew, and tried to convince them. I softened their position somewhat, but after talking for five minutes, I quickly learned that I did not know enough. I knew this was wrong, but I didn't know the details, I didn't know what these policies were, and neither did my co-worker.
So, I was still angry. I was upset, because I had not convinced them of my point, but also I was stuck because I couldn't do more, I lacked the knowledge to make this problem go away. So, when I got home, I had a goal . . . my goal was to learn.
This is the conscious choice I was talking about. When you get angry, you might walk away, you might try to make your anger go away, you might distract yourself or talk to someone else. But I made the conscious decision to fix this problem, so I made a choice and the choice was this:
  "I will make sure that I am right."
Now, whilst the end result was me writing a blog post, that was because I wanted to share what I learned. But what actually calmed me down was not the blog post, it was the learning. I read through both sides of the argument and learned everything I could. My anger gave me the determination to read every single free module of the Safe Schools program, and the fortitude to stomach some of the hate speech and misinformation that was being produced from the propagandists. I not only wanted to, I had to, because I thought I was right, but if I wanted to prove it I would need the evidence, I would need to learn. And because my anger drove me forward, I learned more than I could have if mere idle fascination had inspired me.
Then, once I was done, I knew that I was right. Safe Schools is a program designed to make schools better and safer, and it does, and if you read that blog post I think you will be forced to agree because my evidence is compelling and my rationale is pretty much flawless. When I wrote that blog post, it wasn't out of mere anger, but also excitement at what I had learned. My rage became anxiety, my anxiety became excitement, and now I am nothing but content. I find nothing enraging about Safe Schools because I understand it, and if you don't I will gladly explain it to you (or, at the very least, direct you to my blog post).

Now, I'm not perfect. There are some things that people do which piss me off, and I don't control my anger properly at all times, but I'm still learning and I have already discovered several benefits. Not only have I written another blog post from my controlled anger, but on at least three occasions, I have come across people, religious, homophobic or just being needlessly rude; and rather than get angry and hate them or insult them for being wrong (as an angered person feels they have the right to do), I started to talk to them and ask questions, and engaged in discourse with them. And every time, I found that a conversation which at one time would have become an argument, maintained the level of a debate, and everyone moved on from those conversations having learned something.
Also, I've been using it to help my Beloved, who tends to have a very short fuse, deal with her anger. She is still having a lot of trouble, so I can't guarantee that this advice can teach you all Sagacious Serenity; but I can't see the harm in trying, especially if you are the sort to "fly off the handle" and lose control of your temper, because once you leash such a powerful beast, you will have a powerful ally at your disposal.

If you want to do this, but you're unsure how, I recommend a few things.

Firstly, you should start learning about logic and reason. In fact, do this now. A good place to start is with learning what a "fallacy" is, then looking into how they apply to conversation, reasoning and informal debate. If you want to be right, you should use the most reliable method for discovering and evaluating truth: Reason.
Otherwise, once you discover some fallacy, agenda or lie from those that disagree with you, you may think your work is done. It is not, you must show why it is wrong, or you're no closer to the truth than you were to begin with.

Secondly, remember, the target of your ire is not evil. Everyone is the protagonist of their own life story, and if they are suggesting something you know to be wrong, they are probably wrong or have misinformed opinions. If you are angry at a lesser animal, machine or inanimate object, know that it is just doing as nature intends/it was programmed/physics dictates. It's not evil (or, if it is evil, you'll never fix the issue until you figure out why).

Finally, never forget, be ready to be wrong. Your goal is to be right, so if something you believe is wrong, you need to eliminate it from your beliefs. You can't do that unless you are prepared to be wrong about what you know. If you're not sure how to go about that, go back to my first piece of advice, and learn about logic and reason. This makes everything a lot easier, so do that.

In conclusion, I'm the Absurd Word nerd, and I'm not just making this up from something I've been doing, I know that other people also use their anger for creativity, in fact some people can even us their anger to be inspired, and to inspire others, I know, because some of my favourite creators on YouTube are just people that were mad enough to speak out about something they know to be wrong, not just to rant and make noise, sound and fury, but to make things better. Anger may seem like something cruel, bloody and destructive, but I know from personal experience that some people can use it to create, to learn and even to inspire.
If this doesn't work for you, well, don't go getting angry at me about it . . . at least, not unless you're willing to try to prove yourself right.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Drowning in Hysteria

I am getting sick; tired; and sick and tired & sick and fucking tired of people who are trying to silence others. I am very hypocritical at times, I have a habit of seeing issues in very solid, black and white terms and it takes me a while to admit when I am wrong. But, I am proud to say that, even if it takes me time, I am almost always willing to listen to the other side.
I consider myself a skeptic, and it's only by testing my beliefs that I can expand my understanding. It's only by exposing myself to the opposing ideas that I can come to learn them in any way, and even if those ideas are wrong, through my understanding I can become more right. But, it seems that others don't seem to understand this . . . even if you are right, you should listen to the people that are wrong, because through their wrongness you can learn something.

The Word of the Day is: 'HYSTERIA'.
Hysteria /his'teareeə/ n. 1. Senseless emotionalism; emotional frenzy. 2. A mental disorder characterized by violent, emotional outbreaks, affecting sensory and motor functions.
I know this blog has become quite topical and reactionary lately, but I can't quite help it. I'm writing about what's on my mind, and THIS is on my mind.
See, not all that long ago, a sports commentator made a joke on the radio, and I need everyone to understand that this doesn't matter. It doesn't matter at all, because nothing in, of or about the joke even matters.
In essence, Eddie McGuire was chatting with some associates about a charity event called "Big Freeze at the G", where money is raised for Motor Neurone Disease by having people donate to see celebrities plunge into ice. In response, he said:
  "I reckon we should start a campaign or a one-person slide next year: Caroline Wilson. I'll put in the first donation, ten grand -make it twenty- And if she stays under, fifty."
Now, is this comment innocuous? Well, no. Because he went on to say they need to be careful, because the woman in question was "like a black widow" and everyone should stand around and bomb her. Now, this was a joke, but this was a joke at someone else's expense, and that is wrong. But, it's wrong because it's rude, there are friendly jives, roasting and jokes, but I think he took it too far. And since the man has a history of running his mouth off about people in ways that listeners find offensive, the issue is that this man is a bit of an insensitive prat, and someone really needs to tell him that he has some kind of problems dealing with the way he expresses himself, especially in regards to people he dislikes.

But people have been taking this comment, and claiming that the man was inciting domestic violence.

WHAT?! What the actual fuck, people?! No no no, I get that it can be stretched. Because domestic violence is part of the issues in regards to violence against women, and it is true that in this instance they were discussing committing violence against a person that is a woman.
But, whilst they were talking about violence against women, they weren't talking about violence against women. The actual subject of that conversation was not that they wished for a person to die by icy drowning, but that they all found certain aspects of that woman's character distasteful, and since her benefit results in their detriment, the inverse must be proportionally true. It's surprising that I have to get to this level of explaining how language works, but _here we are._

But, for context, Eddie McGuire is not married to this woman, he does not spend his time with her in his home, they are not even neighbours. The mere implication that his joke about drowning a co-worker is related to partner-on-partner violence is mind-bogglingly stupid. But even worse, in my eyes, it's incredibly sexist.
Because the only way to make that connection is to go:
Joke about drowning: Man hurt woman; Domestic Violence: Man hurt Woman, okay, yeah, same thing.
It is not the same thing; and implying that just because he has a cock and balls and she has tits, him joking to drown her is in any way related to a husband raping, hitting or verbally abusing his wife is disgusting, and if you think it does, you disgust me. I do not abide by sexism, and that is what this is.

But I'm not actually done, that alone was not what annoyed me. When I first heard that someone made a joke and people got offended, I just said "they're being silly" - because they are, Whilst the joke is rude, it's not offensive to me. It should be offensive to Caroline Wilson - because it was intended that way (it was rude) - but I don't see the need to be offended on her behalf, and in fact she has already responded, this is done in my opinion.
She came out to say that she expected an apology, and revealed that he was clearly vitriolic because she wrote a column saying he should implement a succession plan, because he said he considered leaving as President of Collingwood Football Club (after losing to Carlton one match), but she felt like he hadn't actually considered how the club would be run without him. In response, he made these cutting remarks.
This seems to confirm my suspicions that he does not know how to express his emotions in a positive way, showing a lack of professionalism, and he should apologize . . . and that's it, apologize, and maybe people should consider whether he knows how to conduct himself within the football organization, if he can't retort to a colleague suggesting he doesn't know when to quit.

So, problem solved, no drama . . . Eddie is still a dick, and Wilson clearly seems to be dealing with some office politics, but it's not a big deal.

Then . . . oh, and then, we're getting closer to the main event . . .
There is a commentator on television, his name is Steve Price. Now, Steve Price is also a bit of a dick, but I think he is good worth for television. And, he is good worth because whilst he is often pig-headed and brash, even seen as a bit of a shock jock on the radio presentation job which is his main profession, this isn't "Fox News". He is a media personality known for being conservative, opinionated, loud and decisive, but he is not unintelligent and he is not always wrong. In fact, his more conservative approach to some political issues is sometimes better than the alternative. Not always, not even the majority of the time, but sometimes he hits the nail on the head whilst the others are floundering around political correctness - for that reason, his input is valuable.
Now, he appeared on a show called Q&A [short for Questions and Answers, an interesting political program where any audience member can ask a Question, and a select panel of political, cultural and social celebrities; including politicians, scientists & experts (which rotates each week) give an Answer to those questions - it's an apt title. (and the presenter is well-versed at reining in political waffling and shit-slinging, so it's good television)].
Now, during a recent episode of this show, broadcast on the 11th of July, an audience member referenced the aforementioned Eddie McGuire incident, and asked how politicians planned on addressing the cultural issues which allow domestic violence to happen.

Now, there are two things you need to know before we get into the meat of why I am so annoyed. Firstly, Steve responded to this question, much like I did. In a nutshell, he said: These people are wrong, all that was said was wrong and people defending what was said was wrong, they should have apologized and they did apologize. That being said, the media is sensationalizing this into a more than it is, it really was just some stupid blokes joking around on a football show, this has little to nothing to do with domestic violence.
So, I am biased towards him in this instance, because he agrees with my opinion. I don't agree with all of his views, I even feel that he wrongly said they apologized right away which is not the case, but on the face of what he said, I would have to agree.

Secondly, you need to know that the question itself was incredibly biased and in many ways emotionally loaded. I watched the episode in full, and rewatched the scene many times. The questioner was named Tarang Chawla, and his exact question was this:
  "Sam Newman has caused controversy yet again for defending Eddie McGuire who joked about drowning Caroline Wilson. I work as an ambassador for Our Watch, White Ribbon and The Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre. Male violence is the leading cause of death and disability for women under 45 in Australia.
My sister Nikita was stabbed to death by her partner in January last year with a meat cleaver. She was 23.
How will politicians in the media play a better role in bringing about long overdue cultural shifts so tragedies like what happened to my family are not normalized?"

If I need to explain why this question was incredibly loaded, then I don't think you understand what that means.

In response, Steve answered as he did "this is overblown", but then a fellow panelist named Van Badham replied saying that Steve Price and his ilk were part of the problem, that by diminishing this issue down to "just a joke" they perpetuate the very culture that the questioner would seek to shift.
Steve responded to her saying that she was putting words in his mouth, told her she should retract her statement saying he was as bad as Eddie McGuire as he would never make such a joke.
When she reiterated that he was indeed part of the problem, and told him that he should have used this opportunity to speak out against domestic violence, rather than defend the speaker considering that he had just given an example of his sister being the victim of domestic violence, he responded to her by saying that just because she was a woman, that didn't mean she was the only person upset by this.
To this, the audience gasped, because apparently this was an episode of Will & Grace, and I wasn't made aware of that fact . . .
She continued by saying that the issue was multi-faceted, and we needed to address the dichotomy between genders, and the negative stereotypes and presuppositions made of them.
To this, Steve said she was being hysterical.

I am a feminist, I believe in equality, I hate bigotry and sexism . . . but I 100% agree with Steve Price. Allow me to explain why . . .

That question, in itself, is a complicated little nugget, how do we bring about cultural shifts to avoid partner-on-partner violence?
But, it's based upon a faulty premise . . . the premise that this "drown my co-worker" situation is a part of a misogynistic culture. Now, do I think we are part of a Complicit Culture? Yes. (Complicit culture is a broader more fundamental, less confrontational notion of Rape Culture . . . I wrote a blog about it, read it at your leisure).
But, was Eddie McGuire's joke a part of Complicit Culture?
Well, no; to start with, I feel that Eddie's comments were not misogynistic. Whilst I can see that his comments could be indicative of a discriminatory mindset (he could joke about this with his male friends, but didn't address his female co-worker directly), and at a stretch could be seen as desensitizing people towards violence against women; I feel that our culture already responded. The media, commentators and the public (on social media) responded to this incident with a uniting "No Fucking Way, That's Not Okay".
Job Done. Drop it. Leave it alone. He was a dick, we told him to apologize . . . he did (some think it's not enough, but it's not their issue, it's Ms Wilson's). That's job done. Pack your bags, go home. Because our reaction to this issue was the right one. So, this situation was not indicative of that culture; in fact it represented a growing counterculture. Unfortunately, it represented it very poorly, because whilst it is good to respond to perceived implicit othering within the workplace, especially of the male dominated realm of football, we doused a matchstick with an ocean.

So, the question referencing this incident and saying "how do we stop this from happening in the future?" Well, we already did. We responded with overwhelming negativity to this incident, perhaps even too much, but this incident cannot be said to cause any domestic violence. If we encourage people to analyze their comments, and apologize when they are deliberately offensive, we create a self-conscious culture that will more readily analyze potential complicity in discriminatory attitudes. That is, in fact, the better answer to the question - that's how politicians should deal with it, by encouraging people to voice their disapproval for publicly displayed discrimination and gender-related offence.

Then why the severe reaction from the crowd? Well, because they'd been emotionally primed. I know this sounds insensitive, but that's because it is and it's a harsh fact, but that doesn't change the fact that is is indeed, a fact:
The hacking death of Nikita Chawla does not matter in regards to this question. That may seem heartless, but to be fair neither does the cancer-related death of David Bowie; the suicide of Robin Williams or the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
See, these people are already dead. I am sorry that she died, I wish someone could have helped her before things got out of hand, and I wish someone could have helped her husband to deal with the mental and emotional issues that would lead him to violence, before anyone got hurt. But, we didn't . . . that's sad, but it doesn't really change the content of either the question or its answer.
Not only that, but I think that Nikita Chawla should be more than just a bullet-point in a question on a television show, used to guilt the panelists into feeling sorry for women. She's not just a horror story, she was a daughter, a sister and a friend, and I think it is disrespectful for her death to be used in that way.

Unfortunately, that seems to be Tarang's only schtick, since after the incident, he once again brought up his sister in an article claiming that Price had the option of either choosing to feel upset for those being demonized for telling sexist jokes, or he could be upset for victims, like his sister, of male-on-female violence. To this, I have only one thing to say:
Utilizing the death of a family member as a tool for you to feel more determined in your crusade is deeply disrespectful. Nikita never asked to be a martyr, and it's wrong to idolize her as one.

But the worst part? I'm still not done. That's not what infuriated me to the point of writing this article. Do you know what was? After all of this, Steve Price showed up on a low-quality tabloid news program called The Project where some of his coworkers asked for him to respond to the backlash against him on the Q&A program. On this program, he was able to reiterate his position without the need for panel discussion - he was the guest, the focus of the panel, so he was centre stage to present his point of view.
In that medium, he reiterated his points more considerately, saying that he in no way condoned the joke, he was not defending the person, and made it clear that he is an advocate for support of victims of domestic violence, and his statement that "men can be just as upset" was in regards to domestic violence as a whole, because of the implication and context of the response. This, I feel, was a great response. In the heat of the moment, it may have appeared that he was attacking Van Badham's gender, but he made it clear that he was not, he was merely trying to express his opinion. Steve Price is not a man known for being tactful, but this gave him the opportunity to clear up misunderstandings from that evening.

But then, oh and then, he was harassed by the panelists of The Project. They explained that because of the history of the word "hysterical" that his comment of her being hysterical was deeply sexist. Hysteria dose indeed come from the Greek hysterikós which meant "suffering in the womb", which was believed to be a mental affliction of women, wherein they became irrational and emotional because their uterus was unsettled.
His response was merely (and, I'm paraphrasing) "I don't know the historical context of that word. I'd refer to anyone - man or woman acting that way as hysterical".
This was the response he got, also paraphrased because I haven't managed to find video of this incident online:
"Steve, because of the historical context of that word, you can't use that word to speak out against women."
And because of that statement, I am VERY annoyed . . . Why?

It's not just because that is the most sexist thing I've heard all year.

I am a feminist because I believe in gender equality, we are equal in what we deserve, politically, economically, ethically and socially. Society, culture and language are all integrated, and whilst the content of words may refer to separate genders, there's no context for words to be used exclusively by either gender.
Are we segregating words, now? Giving words different definitions depending on whether men or women say them, or whom they say them about? Context is one thing, but this isn't context, it's discrimination, saying that a word cannot be used by men, despite the meaning of the word having evolved over time?

And it's not just because it lacked any sense of self-awareness.

Because, it is 100% clear that hysteria is exactly what is going on here. In this instance, Mass Hysteria, as the media is making a great deal out of what is essentially a football commentator being a moron, and the public has responded appropriately. I have included the definition, hysteria is exactly the response causing all this drama in the first place. That's why this is the word of the day, because the issue here is that everyone is acting hysterically - emotionally and irrationally - towards a controversial issue. And whilst I don't agree with the joke that was said, any rational person can tell that a simple apology is all that is required in this instance.

No, it's not those things, what bothered me was the bigotry.

I believe in Freedom of Speech. Because without the freedom to speak, it means some forms of speech (i.e. styles, forms, meanings or kinds of words), some forms of speaker (i.e. creeds, races, genders, classes or nations of people)  or some speaking forms (i.e. mediums, means, types or forums of idea) must be discriminated against; it means that they (unlike other forms of speech) are not given freedom. Whether we are witholding words, people or ideas; in order to do so, we must first judge which words, people or ideas are less deserving. In my experience, no one is qualified to be the judge of free speech. And because no one is qualified, any means to silence speech gives both the "preferred" speakers and the "unpreferred" speakers the ability to silence others.
But worse than that, is that I don't think anybody is unworthy of being heard. You don't know what a person is going to say until they say it, and even if a person is known for being stupid, they may say something smart (for example, Steve Price. Whilst he is often wrong, he is also occasionally right in ways other people would not as easily come up with). And, even if they say something stupid or wrong, that's no reason not to hear their words. Children, students and curious adults all say things which are wrong, but we don't disallow them from speaking, instead we just tell them why they are wrong. The only reason not to listen to someone is if they are saying the exact same wrong thing twice, but even then it doesn't mean they don't deserve to speak, just that they do deserve to listen. Because most of the time, when someone say something which is wrong twice, it is because someone saying why they were wrong was in some way silenced.
For a fantastic example, just see this: Famously, Bill Nye once debated Ken Ham on the subject of whether Creationism was a viable scientific model. In this conversation, Mr Ham did not learn much, and we know why, because he admitted that nothing could change his mind because he was "a Christian", he was deliberately not listening because he had an irrational belief which no rational belief could unseat. But through allowing open discourse on the subject, at the end of that debate, people were more educated. On an Evangelist news site Christian Today, 92% of the audience agreed with Bill Nye's position. Open and honest debate is good for everyone. Even when the speaker is admittedly bigoted and wrong, by allowing open discourse, you create a better culture.

But by going on and on and on, we actually come full circle. Because, by whining and whining and whining about it, the problem doesn't get any bigger, but the "solution" does, and when the solution becomes bigger than the problem, people start seeing the solution as the problem. Silencing people who are engaging in open conversation; labelling people as bigots unduly; complaining about the style rather than the substance of discussion & acting hysterical every time something bad happens.
This is the reason why so many people oppose feminism in the first place. It has become so bloated and aggressive and reactionary that people have started to counter it with their bullshit, as I've mentioned before.
But through all this, I remain a feminist. Firstly, because I still believe in equality. And secondly . . . well, I'll cover that in an upcoming post.

I'm the Absurd Word Nerd, and I hope you've learned something from this post. But if you haven't, or even if you disagree, the worst thing you could do is tell others they're not allowed to read it.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

UnSafe & UnSchooled

I want to start this off by saying that I am not here to pick a fight. I may end up eating those words, but my goal is not to make people upset, to insult anybody or to imply that people are being willfully unkind. In fact, I'm not even here to change people's opinions. That may seem weird coming from a blog like this, I often say "I'm a Narrator, not a Dictator", because I just tell people things. I don't use actions to change the world - I often do seek to change opinions, so that others act differently - but today, I'm not.
Whilst I am of the opinion that LGBT people of all colours, kinds and creeds deserve equal rights in every strand, that is not the issue here. So, if you disagree, if you think that marriage between a man and a woman is in some way sacred; if you think that transgendered youth should not be given the chance to transition or be recognized as their gender identity & if you think that same-sex children do not have a right to sexual education, you're welcome to that opinion . . . for today, at least; if you want to argue that particular point, then we will do so on another day, on another post, and I will gladly explain why your opinion is unfounded.

But the reason I am here is not because these people's opinions are wrong, it's because their facts are wrong. There is no word of the day today, because I'm not exploring language, I'm just here to explain something. The Topic of the Day is: "Safe Schools"

If you are not Australian, you may not understand the specific political controversy I am talking about today, but I recommend you read these words anyway; because, with the current cultural climate, every country is going to have to come to terms with its homosexual, bisexual & transgendered citizens in the near future. This is just another instance of Australia trying to deal with hers.
See, we are about to have an election, which means political parties are starting to fight. All you need to know is that despite being the result of a leadership spill, our current Prime Minister is pretty popular and for a long time the Opposition Leader was barely a blip on the radar, but as we've come closer the election, the Opposition Leader has gone full-gear into his election campaign, and he's been gaining popularity. So, as a result, whilst the major parties are creating positive campaigns, minor politicians are fighting dirty with smear campaigns.
One of the campaigns [which appears to be spearheaded by the Australian Christian Lobby, but don't quote me on that] is targeting Christians and Conservatives with pamphlets and resources saying that if you vote for the Opposition, then you will support the Safe Schools program; and tacking on the addendum that the Safe Schools program is an extreme sexual education program that tells children to be gay and that gender is a fluid concept, and telling very young kids about sexual intercourse and deviant sexual practices. I know this, because I received this pamphlet in the mail, and it made me very angry.

Now, this is the reason why I am not here to change opinions, because although I am a pretty progressive and open-minded person, I can agree with that ideal (somewhat tentatively). I mean, I agree for different reasons - I don't think anyone should be gay, but I also don't think anyone should be straight; I think you should be yourself. I also don't think gender is a fluid concept, I think that it is on a spectrum, but I don't think gender changes (transgendered male-assigned kids were always girls, etcetera), and I don't think that different degrees of femininity or masculinity matter, the only people whose gender identity should be legally changed and recognized are people with gender dysphoria who wish to treat that affliction by undergoing transition. I also think that, whilst it's perfectly healthy for adults to do whatever they want to do sexually, as long as there is consent and no harm caused; children need to be taught sex-education for the purposes of understanding puberty, safety and respect, not how to mount a sex swing.
So, no, we shouldn't tell kids to be gay, we shouldn't tell kids to cross-dress or to consider their gender transient, and we shouldn't discuss erotic content with young children . . .

So, it's a really good thing that Safe Schools doesn't do that.

Let's start from the beginning. So, what is Safe Schools? Well, it began as a Coalition that was begun for the purposes of combating the discrimination of LGBTQI children, this coalition was a joint effort of several LGBTQI "Ally" organizations throughout Australia (Western Australian AIDS Council; SHFPACT; True; Working it Out; Shine SA; Family Planning NSW & the Foundation of Young Australians) coalescing to create a dedicated program that would help the victims of queer discrimination.
What they came up with was a program which took a two-pronged approach. For these minority students, they offered respect and access to support and resources online; and for the rest of the student body, they taught children about respect, diversity, being kind to one another and working together without discrimination, offering resources to children at risk of becoming abusive or abused.

This is not just hearsay on the part of the program itself; when I received the pamphlet in the mail it had the distinct, emotionally manipulative style of propaganda. So, I decided to look it up, and I perused every single free teaching resource from the Safe Schools Hub for children in Kindergarten to Grade 7.
Now, I looked up just that bracket because kids in Australia graduate Grade 7 at age 12 [in Queensland at least, it may be different elsewhere], and that's around the time when, on average, kids will be reaching puberty. Now, I personally don't see a problem with teaching young kids sexual education and safe sex; I don't think it causes sexual deviancy . . . but at the same time, I lack the appropriate knowledge to either confirm or deny the "best age" for a kid to be sexually educated. All I do know is that puberty is when most children become more curious about their (and their peer's) bodies, so I figured after that point, it's fair game.

As for why I only looked at the free stuff? Mainly, it's because I do not have the disposable income to spend money on teaching resources for the sake of curiosity. But the other reasons is that the major contention of this smear campaign is funding.
I want to take a quick moment to say, this is just funding, and if you decide to vote one way or another due to a like or dislike of this program, it won't go away. It will lose government funding, but this is a coalition of seven pre-existing organizations, and several of their resources are dependent on other government funded supporter organizations, of which there are 168. So, if you choose to vote one way or another, all it will mean is that they will find their funding someplace else. I honestly don't care who you vote for, I only care who I vote for (since that's all I can affect), but if you think voting against a party that supports this program, all you're doing is swapping out who finances this program.
In fact, I think that is the only reason not to support Safe Schools; the Australian budget isn't as plump as it once was, so if you think government funds should be spent elsewhere, this is one program that won't suffer too much from lack of government funding. See, even if the Australian Government support stops, the current program relies on the Foundation for Young Australians (a not for profit organization), and just this year (at time of writing) the Victorian government has declared that it will continue to fund the Safe Schools Coalition, as it was the first state to implement it and does not want to lose its benefits.
Whilst I see no reason not to fund the program, I can see the value in wanting to invest government money elsewhere.

But anyway, that aside, I actually looked into the resources, so: What did those resources actually say about homsexual and transgender children?

Absolutely nothing. Zilch, zip, nada. See, the beautiful thing about homophobia [and there is only one beautiful thing] is that the only thing you have to do to stop people from being homophobic is teach them to be nice.
The first few resources I read came in a couple of varieties, and whilst they were more or less complicated, and had a different focus, they fell into several common types.
One type was the "be a friendly community" resource, which were about why it's nice to have friends, how to make friends; talking about respect and also stuff about community and activities that made kids get to know how to cooperate with one another, as well as cyber safety. Another type of resource was the "thinking healthy thoughts" resource, for the younger kids, this focussed on being open and honest about your emotions - not sexual emotions, just being sad or happy; it was designed to make kids feel more comfortable when being honest about their mental and emotional health. Then for older kids, it had several bullying resources, including a resource that offered help to explain not only why you were being bullied, but also explained to bullies why they feel the way they do, and how to deal with their issues as well, without resorting to violence.
Thirdly, there was the "how to be nice" resources, which talked about good and bad behaviour, or how to play well with friends, or for older kids included discussions on cyberbullying as well as ethics, morals and discrimination, and how it is beneficial to embrace diversity.
See, discrimination is very simple. It's not a rational belief, it's often emotional; you don't need to enter into a theological, sociopsychological debate in order to be nice to queer kids, you just need to teach them the facts about why it's nice to be nice and the job is done.

Now, full disclosure, there was one resource that mentioned homosexuality. It was called "Say No To Homophobia", but there are two facts you need to know: Firstly, the link didn't work, because the page had been moved; and secondly, it was an external link to the BeyondBlue website - it was a third-party resource, it wasn't even funded by the Safe Schools program.
Oh, and there was one resource for older primary school kids that was about sexual education . . . it was about sexting (i.e. sharing sexual photographs or information about yourself via phone or text message). However, it was focussed on heterosexual relationships, and it had one focus "sexting is illegal, don't do it". So, there was one overt "sexual education" resource, and it was aimed at straight kids.

Now I want you to ask yourself a question, because I asked myself this as well:
"Why would a program, whose main website says they are dedicated to stopping discrimination of homosexual, intersex and transgender minorities include so many resources that are not targeted at queer discrimination, or aimed at straight kids?"

You can consider your response, but I found only one conclusion: Safety
See, this program is called Safe Schools, and if you wish to teach people not to discriminate, you can't just focus on one minority. For two reasons [again with the two reasons], firstly, by ignoring other minorities when saying "don't discriminate", you create discrimination by silence, even if you ignore the majority it still would be othering, and it would paint a target on their back, the same way that the "anti-bullying wristbands" backfired. So, in order to make it safer for queer kids, you need to make it safer for everyone.
Secondly, one of the major causes of bullying, discrimination and mental health issues is stress and the sensation of impotence; when someone is stressed they may take it out on others, and bullying can be caused by those who are abused and associate violence with authority, or those that feel some form of self-pity or low self-esteem, to the degree that they externalize these feelings by making others feel worse than they feel - it's a simplified explanation, but it's true that victims of abuse often become perpetrators, and bullying is abuse, no matter what form it takes, emotional, physical or psychological.
Whether incidental or by design, Safe Schools combat discrimination of the few by teaching respect to the many. There's nothing sinister or underhanded about it. They very openly say "we want to get rid of transphobia and homophobia" on their website.

Now, there is still this pervading belief that they are telling kids to imagine what it's like to be gay, and that it tells kids it's okay to cross-dress. These are the resources often quoted as "corrupting the children", but these are not resources that that are part of the safe schools program, those rumours are based off of student-made resources, and third-party programs.
See, some of the teaching tools [for highschool kids, mind you] include lessons which centre on having the students create their own anti-discrimination posters or taking part in events or activities that celebrate diversity, and one of those has been floating around as evidence of "the gay agenda", but it is merely a self-motivated student encouraging a kind of diversity. There are also third-party websites which ask for student input in regards to their mental health, and several of these relate true stories from homosexual and transgendered teens, it is not a resource administrated by Safe Schools.
In regards to reports of a module that asks kids to think like a homosexual, the Safe Schools Coalition had only one thing to say:
  "The role play activity that has been discussed in media today is not and has never been part of Safe Schools Coalition Australia (SSCA) resources." SSCA

Finally, the fears about little boys using the little girls bathroom, and vice versa? Whilst that is a topic of contention, and Safe Schools supports the right of transgendered children to use the bathroom in the manner which does not make them feel uncomfortable, the fact of the matter is that no matter what Safe Schools supports, the law is the law - we recognize transgendered gender identity rights in this country, so only boys can use the boys' bathroom, and only girls can use the girls' bathroom, even if those boys and girls are trans - but there are legal parameters that prevent people from cheating the system. A boy can't just declare himself female and run into the lady's loo any more than I can declare myself "authorized staff" and run into a bank vault.
Safe Schools does not tell kids they can just use whichever bathroom they want, that's a lie, and even if it did it doesn't change the fact that this is just a teaching program, not legislation or even curriculum, it doesn't change the current bathroom segregation legislation in any way, not one iota.

So, no, there's nothing about Safe Schools that sexualizes young children, encourages deviancy, causes children to question their identity or indoctrinates children into accepting a political ideology (unless "be nice to people" is a political ideal). It just encourages diversity, acceptance, respect, mental health and has an overall code of conduct exemplified by the ideal that school should be a safe place for all children.

The only possible justification you could have to fear or dislike Safe Schools is if you honestly believe that discrimination is a good thing which should be encouraged. If you honestly think that, well, you're wrong. Treat others as you would like to be treated, that's Sociology 101; we are nice to one another and do not discriminate, because it's beneficial for everyone if we treat everyone well.
Or, to paraphrase Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the Transgendered, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not Transgendered.
Next they came for the Homosexuals, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Homosexual.
Then they came for the Bisexuals, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Bisexual.
Finally they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me . . .

Today, I was not here to change your opinion, I was here to present you with the actual facts in regards to this whole Safe Schools "controversy", because when you know the truth, it's not controversial at all, either you think schools should be a safe place for kids, free from discrimination, or you don't. If you don't, I vehemently disagree with you, but you're allowed to be wrong. Just don't tell me, or I'll probably want to debate you on it. If you do, I recommend you get your local school to join up, it's a pretty cool program.
But if you think that this is an example of the "gay liberal agenda" or that by falling for this propaganda, you in any way address your own views in regards to LGBTQI, or prevent others from accepting them as part of the community, you are wrong. The truth is, the only reason the Australian Christian Lobby created this campaign is because the Opposition Leader said they wanted to legalize same-sex marriage, and they want to terrify everyone into voting against that policy by saying that support for the Opposition is support for sexual deviancy. But I'm not here to do that. If you don't like same-sex marriage, vote however you like, because even if you vote against the party that plans on same-sex marriage legalization, there is still a referendum to be held after the election anyway.

In conclusion, I still don't care who you vote for. Personally, I don't even think this is the most important thing to consider in this upcoming election (although I would love to downvote the propagandists that spread this bigoted fear mongering). You see, I honestly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you can feel about this in whichever way you want. However, you are not entitled to your own facts. These are the facts, and if you feel the need to dispute the verisimilitude of anything I have said thus far, bring it to my attention alongside a primary source that affirms your claim, otherwise you're just another poor sod falling for fear mongering, bigoted propaganda, and you need to learn how to do some critical thinking before you inflict anyone else with your opinion.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

The Much Too Perfect Weekend

I had the most perfect time last weekend. Me and my family went down to visit my gran.

Auntie Denise was there. And the cousins. Like Peter. Oh, my god, Peter, we had a few laughs
Mum went shopping and got a new dress. A green one. It's not usually her colour.

Shopping's not really my thing, but I went along anyway. What else could I do.
City's not like it is back home, it's friendlier. It's nice to talk to strangers sometimes.
Right after we went shopping we went to see a movie together. I haven't done that in ages.
Each of us got some popcorn, except for Gran. It gets stuck in her dentures!
And that afternoon we had a roast. Just like we always do at Gran's house.
My favourite part was the desert though, custard tart. I ate like 3 serves of that!
I felt tired, but the rest of the family wanted to watch a film, so I joined in anyway.
Nobody could get the telly working though, so we just told old family stories.
Grandpa told us about the time he lost his car in the city and spent the day looking for it.

Oh yeah, I'd heard that story before a hundred times, but I can't complain.
Night was really getting dark then, so we all went to bed.

Then the next day, we went down to the old fishing hole.
Herring are supposed to be all about this time of year, but we didn't catch any.
Everyone else had fun though. But it was just what I was expecting.

I can't complain really, it was a fun time. At least . . . I think it was.
Not like it was any different from last year.
Sure we did it all last year. The shopping, the movies, the fishing.
I didn't complain last year, did I? Or the year before that. I just accept it.
Don't worry, there's nothing wrong. There can't be. I just accept that this is my life.
Every single year.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Lost Chapter - Eʀʀᴏʀ.606: F̺̩̩il̄̚e͖͙̳͍̒̏͘ ̠̼̤̲̐̄̌̄̈̇ͫN͕̹͚̦̜̠̄͗͑ͬ̇̋͠ö̤͈̺̆̈́ͅt̨ͩ͗̂ ͥ̈ͥF̯̭͕̹̱͈͔͞o̻ͬ̾ͬu̫̫ͣ̄n̰̹̲̰͈̅ͣͧ̿̚͝d̪̖͉̾

[b]012.0 | Archive Ref #: b12.-216-X(L)-m01 | [b]13.0 
  After the last two occasions of having my documents, pilfered, mistreated or destroyed, I decided to begin digitizing some of my more precious documents. I believed that it would make my information more secure, since I have a password protected laptop, and I kept the files within an encrypted file.
  However, just three days ago I was scanning several more images to add to the file, when I realized that I couldn’t add the new files. It said there was an unknown file error. I opened the file, and the computer froze. My laptop was infected with an insidious virus. It took me half a day, but I managed to clear up some of the malware with several free virus-cleaning programs I found online and run the computer in safe mode so I could save some of the files to a USB, but then I had to format the laptop. I lost all of those files, But this contains all the data that I could resurrect from that USB of corrupted files.


The Duke held his hands up to his face, but as his hands moved, the leather sleeves of his coat shuffled and whipped as though underwater.  “No . . .”
The Duke threw his hands down to stop the ship, but it was as though he was swimming through treacle. He grabbed the handbrake and twisted it sharply, then reached up for the ignition lever, but it was like he was pushing through mud. Then sand. Then stone . . . slowing slowing, the grinding was so slow, it sounded like a low growl. Then, stopped.
The Duke tried to look left and right, but time was almost entirely frozen; the attempt made his eyes hurt as though he was in a wind tunnel, the air was like a solid. He tried to blink, but it took a minute just for them to close.
“How is this possible? My body has slowed, but my mind is still as swift as ever,” thought the Duke. “I’ve never encountered something like this before.”
As his eyes finally managed to open, there was a ding. The Duke wanted to turn around, but couldn’t. He was frozen in increasingly slowed time. All he could see was a bright rectangle of white light that shone from the door as someone entered the console room, with the sound of slow, determined footsteps.
That’s impossible. Nothing survives within the vortex, let alone something with two legs.
There was a soft scrape as the feet came to a stop, a few metres behind the Duke. There was a light click, a creak of leather, then the person spoke.
  “.͠ .͞ ͟. ̶Duk̷e,͝ ̷is̨ i̸t̀? ̨O͏r is̢ ͟i͜t́ '̛T͏h͜e̶'̷ Dukę?̡” asked the man, his voice sounded hoarse and dry, and his cadence was slow, as though he hesitated for a slight moment before each word. “I ne͜v̨er̀ c͢an͝ ̛qui̶t͞e ̸t́e̕ll.̡"Ỳo͜ur͠ ̶file ̛says͠ 'R͢h́o to̢ th͝e Fir̶s̴t,̴ T̛he͜t̴a-Eta ͝to the̴ Zero̧t͠h͘', ͢bu͠t ̵also Rat́h'ḩeDoog͏h; Second;͝ Èǹd͜e̷r a̶n͢d̴ .͟ ͡.͞ ͝. ͞Mo͏r̢p̕h̡eús.́”
The Duke couldn’t respond. Any reply would take a week for him to speak, so he didn’t even try.
  “I͟ do ͞apólog̢ìze ̸f̴or̵ t͜h͞e ͏i̡ǹc͞o͠nven̨ienćé, but w̛e hąve app͜lie͝d ̡a͢ chr͏o͞n̸o͢l̷ogi̸ca̡l̸ ͟s͠u͜spensi̡on͜ o̴n͝ thi͠s tran̷s͠p̕ort̴ ͟and̷ its͜ ̡o̴ccưp͘a̶n͏t͞s.̷ ͜I͞t͞ ͡is ne̸c̢e͜ss͘ary̕ ̕foŕ ̀me̶ t͞o͟ s̵p̀èa̸ḱ ͜w̵it͜h yo͞u͝, ̶but͞ ͞ẁe have̶ ̴c̡a̵l̷cul̀at͘ed that,̵ w͡ere ͘yo̵u͟ t̵o̕ t͢a̧l̴k͝ ͘dùrįng ̧th̵is̡ ͏pre͜l͢imi̷nar̛y c͠o̡nve̛r̡sàt̡i͞o͡n͏ it͡ wou͝l̡d͜ mąk̡ȩ ͝oúr ͟m͡e̡s̷sag̡e͝ ̷m̢u͠ch ́le̸ss ̀eff̶ici͟e͠n͠t.͞”
There were further footsteps as the man walked around the console, the Duke looked to the left, waiting for the nerve endings to send the signal to his eyes, as the man moved around him. As the man entered the periphery of his vision, he saw that he was a white man wearing a grey business suit and had silver hair that was cropped short, and wore glasses, but he only saw the side of his face, but in his left hand the Duke saw a shiny metal briefcase.
  “I ͘r̕e̢pr̴e͜s̛e͏n͝t a ͠.̷ .̕ ̴.͢ ̷d̶épartmęnt ͏o͠f͟ ͟įnd̷i͝vidu͡al̕s̨ thàt, ͞on ̀occa̸s̛i͘o̵ǹ, ov͏erl͝o͝o͠k ̢wha͞t ͢goes͘ ́o̡n͢ ̧i̶ǹ ̀t̡ḩi͠s ͟p͏art̛ o͢f͢ the ͡c͡ont͝inu̶um.̵ ̸W͞e ̕do͟ ̴ơc̕ca͞s͢i͞on͘a̡lly ̀i̸n̨terac̢t, but ̸our͠ ͟du̢t͢ies ͞t̸end̛ to͝war̶d ̶a͢ mǫr̨e m̛án̶ager͞ial rơle,̶ ̶le̶ss ̸haǹd́s-́on̢. H͘owevęr͟,̴ w̛e h̛a͡ve͟ som͝e co̕mpe͞t̸i͘t̢ors̸ ͡in ̧t̵h̕is ͘re͜al̡i̛t̀y w̡hich͝ w̕e ͞h̶av̧e sou̶g̷ht tơ ov͘erp̕òwe͠r̴. Un̛f͟ortu͝na̷tely fo̢r ̕ųs, th̵e͡y ͢t̡e̡n̨d͢ t͡o͘ ͟plày͠ d͏irt͟y̴, of́ten ḑo͠n’t̶ fo͟llow ͜th͘e͞ . ̛. .̡ rules̡.͏ ̀W̶e͠ ̧beli̶e̸v̧e ͝yoų hàve͏ ̶m͘et ͢s͞ǫme ͏of ̸th͢eiŗ ͘r̴e̷prȩsen̵ta͠t̷i͘v̸es̸.̨ Ļ̷̶̸̵a̴̵͢͢͜C̕͞ŕ̵̷̢͠ớ͝͏̸i͘͟x̸̴͜ and K̕͢͜r͏͡͠i̡҉͡͠m̸̡i̕͜͝n͏̛҉̕e̶̵̡̢l̨͟.̀ You͡ ͢m̴ay kn̕ow̛ ́th͢em̨ ̧as L̶akwa, Gra͘n͏ ̸Gŗo͜k͢o or ̴Bo̵s̵s C͞r̨os͏s͞;̢ ͜a͟nḑ, ̕B̵aw̴on Cr̀ook̕,̛ ͝Cr̶im͜in͞al ͏or ͜thé ͞Ba͟ron̢,͟ ̨rèspeçtiv͠el͠y̴.̛”
“The Baron?” thought the Duke, “That name . . . the man who tortured Sylvia D’ath called himself the Baron, the man who made her regenerate . . .”
  “T͏hese͜ ͡ìńdivid͏u̕als are m͟embe̴ŕş of ͝a̶ ́larger͡ ͟am̶al͡g̶am͡a̢te͠d gro͠úp ͠wh͝i͏c͢h ͘t͘hre͡atens ̴not only ͡our̛ inte̸r͠e̢s̕tś, bu̵t ͢al̡s͘o ͡the li͞b͢e̷r̶ty͞ of͠ ̡a͢ļl t͠he̕ s͏ta͟ke͘hol͏d̢e͡rs o̸f̢ ͘this̛ r̨eali͞ţy.”
The businessman turned to look at the Duke across the console, and for the first time, the Duke saw his eyes. The businessman looked human for the most part, although he wore a dour face. But his eyes, despite resting behind a trendy pair of frameless, rectangular glasses, were a piercing, bright yellow. “Yo̢ur in̵te͜rfe͢r͠ence in̛ thi͏s̢ ma̷t͟t̀er ͟has͜ n͠o̕t̀ ̵go̵ne ͞unnot͝ićed,̶ ànd ̶w͞e͝ ̡w̸ȩre͜ at́ firśt̷ u͘n͞s̡e͞t͠tle̢d̴ ̢b̢y ͢yo̵ųr activìtie̛s ̷w͝he̴n̷ ͠y̨ou̕r ̵p͡át̵h̴ś ͘cr̵óssed ̀with ͘th̸o͢s̴e̶ of ̸o̧u͞r͟ com͏pe͝tito͝rs ͡.̸ ̷. ̵.̶ ͡bu͝t ͜a͞f̸ter ćar̵e͡ful͟ ́r̶ev͘i̡ȩw, we̴ ́h̨a͝ve decla̶réd y͡oúr̷ resu̶l̷ts t̛o͞ ́b̡e ̷.̧ . . im̵pre͠s͢śi̴ve. Y̧o͞u̧ ̀h͞a̧ve ̢prov̢e͟n̶ ͠your͜se͏l̵f̛ ͝to̡ ́be ̕a ͏val̸ùabĺe̛ as̢set̀,̛ D̢̀̀u̢͟͏̴k̵̸̡̕e̷̸̡҉̸.͝”
The businessman then walked forward, through the console, but not intangibly. As he stepped forward his legs seemed to stretch to the side. To the Duke, it looked as though he were a holographic projection whose lower half was clipping and glitching along the texture of the console, the image of his legs wrapping like a coloured shadow as it was emitted from the corner of the room, but from the look in the businessman’s eyes, the Duke knew he was not a hologram, he was a living creature that was manipulating his body to walk through a solid object.
  “The͡ i̸nd̨i̛vi͝dua͏l̀s ̢th̢a̕t ͝I͟ re̡ṕr͜e̶s̵e͡nt ̸l̴ikę t ̨offìćiate̴ ̧a͠ll͞ o̴f̸ our fore͟i̴g͠n͢ ͢ćont̨r̷a̕c̷to̵r̀s ̕by̛ ̨the̛ ͜boòk͞, ͘a̕s͟ you ̷sa̕y̡. So, I ̵am he͜ŗe ͏t͝o̕ ̧s͠u͝gǵe̕st͘ a͡ m̡e͝r̡ge͡r̕.̶ You̶ŗ ̶s͠ķi̧ļl̴s͞ ̨an̛d ̀abi̧l̛it̨íe̴s͟ c͜ouplȩd ́with͘ ͟oùr ̵r͞e͝s͏o͠ur̀c̢es̢ sh͡oul̴d̵ r͜es̀ol̕ve t̷his ̵p̷r̢oje̸c͘t̶ mo̷śt͠ effi͢ci̵ent̡ly̵. O̵ùr͝ ̡facilit̨y̡ ̧ca͝n offer͜ ̧ýo̧u ͜t͏he̡ ̵c̶apa͏c͡ity to bȩ án͢y̷wh͝ere,̷ ̸ḑo̢ an͏y͟ţh͜ing,̵ ̕b͜e ͢àn̷yon͟e .̵ ̀. .̶ as lon̢g as we͢ f͜i̧l͘e̡ ́the ̧appro̧p̴r̛ia̶te̕ ̛paper͝wor̶k͏. So̕,͢ are̴ ̨ýo͠ų interest̀e̶d i͡n͏ ou̴r̸ b͞us̡i̷n͢èss̵ p̢ro͢posal?”
The businessman held out his hand, and as he did, the Duke felt the time around him return to normal. He took a deep breath, and looked at the businessman’s outstretched hand.
  “What are you?” asked the Duke.
  “An ͞em̧pl͢oy̕e͝e ̵of my̧ ̵dȩp͜art͝men͜t,” said the man. “M͡y̛ r̛ole ͠i̴s͠ ̨signif̨i̢e̡d̨ by̢ p͘ersònn̴e͜l ̡nu̷m̵b̸er ͜two-͢on͢è-se̡ven̷-̡se̴v̛én͠-ńi͟n͡e͠,͠ how͢e̵v́e͠r, f͘or t͏he sa̧ke ͜of i͡nter͜p̧er̨s̸onal se̸rv̶i͟ce̴ ýo͢u ̶m̵ay̨ ͏addrȩs͜s̀ ̕m̷e͘ as ‘̀Hu̴m̷an,̡ D̵.’͜,̀ ̧or ‘̢D-̡m̕ąn'.”
  “You are a human?”
  “So, you enter my ship, freeze my friends and I, and expect me to co-operate?”
  “No̴ thr̕e̢a͏t w̸as ̕i͞mp̛li͏ed,” said the man, lowering his offered handshake. “And ͞co͟ns̸i͏de͏r͞in͢g ho̧w͢ h͏i̡ghl͢y w͢e̡ ͘h̸ave ͡d̀eem͡ed ̢you̷r in͡t̸e͜l̵l͟i͏g͢e̡n̷ce͞,͡ n͞o th͘r͝eat͜ w̧as͝ ̕i̸ǹfe͠ŗr̷ed́. We͏ have̵ ͡the mea̡ns ͡to ha̕r̨m yoù, yet ̛ỳou rema̷i͝n ̛p̶er͢f͟e͠ctl̵y įņt̶ac͝t.”
  “And that’s my point,” said the Duke. “You have deemed me an asset, if I were not an asset, would that deem me ‘disposable’?”
  “Our gǫal ͏is n͝ot͞ des͘truc̴ti͡ve. W͟e ͡ca̸tal͟ogue̸, òrg̨an̵iz͏e an͠d͞ m̸ain̕tai̸n. I m̶er̷e͜l͢y̨ se̵ek͝ t̡o̧ ͢e̵l͝iminat̛e o̧ur̨ c̢omp̨eti͘t͝or͢s͢ b͡eçause̷ ͡th͘ey ̢rep̕res̷en͡t ́a͢ ͢chao͜tìc͢ elem͜e͝n͢t whích i̸s gai̵n͝ing̷ ̕p͏ow̡e͠r͘.̷ ͟M͟y͢ dęp̀a̴r̀tm̕en̴t ͟f͞oŕese͝ȩs̷ ͢thei͞r inevita̢b̶le d͠em̨i͟şe̶,̴ ̀h͠ow̧ev̨er͘ ́y̧our i̷n̵v͟o̶lvem͘ent ̷a͟nd co-̛opeŗa̢t̡ion̵ ͠wou̷ld͘ ex͠p̡e̴d̛i̡t̀e̵ tḩis pr͞oje̕ct̡ ͟co͠ns͡idęra͟bĺy.̢”
  “I don’t like being the soldier in another man’s army.”
  “We arę a̕ll a̛ge̛n̷ts ͠of ̵a gr͡e̸ater ̛p̷ow͠er̨,͞” said the businessman. “I̕ ̧m̛er̶e̕ly off͡er ͏y͡ou th͢e op̧por͘tuńi͘t͘y ͠tó ͝c̶hoo͟se an͠ ̀all̢ianc̶e ͝w͠ith a͝ c̀o̡m̸pa͡ny̴ ̨w̢h̵os̨e ͘g̸o̢als͠ ͟coinc̵ide͏ ͡w̕it͠h ̸yǫu̷rs.”
The businessman offered his hand once more, but the Duke glanced at his two friends, still frozen in time, unaware of this entire interaction.
nbsp;nbsp;“I must decline,” said the Duke.
  “I̢f ͝you͟ w̸i͠s͟h̢,” said the businessman. “H̀o̷w̸e͜v̸e̛r͡, I̷ mu̡s̴t͠ warn yo̸u.̧ ͟W̡e͘ ̧c̨hòs̨ę th͟i̷s ḿo̶ment͡ to ͟sp̸e͘a̸ķ wi͢t̀h̡ you͏, b̢eçaus͡e̛ yo͞ur ͟next ͘d͜e̡s̷tín̨ati̢o͠n͏ ̴w̷i̧ll ̡bri̶n͏g͏ you̸ ̴fa͡c͢e ̕t̶o̵ ̷f̢a̷c̶ę,̛ ̧o͢n̕c̷e͢ ̕more, wit̷h̶ our͟ c̴om͠pe̴t͞i̴t̡o͢rs̷ . .̕ . ͠if̛ ̡you ̡al̵l̀y wit̷h them̧, we wil͡l͠ r͞e͏turn,̶ w̛ith̢ a mućh l̸e͞ss̷ fr͞iendly p̡r͜o̧p̶o͝sa̷l̷.”
  “You see, that’s the reason I had to decline,” said the Duke, frowning. “You offer me your open hand, but hide your closed fist. I don’t measure my friends by contracts, but by conduct. You certainly don’t act like a friend.”
  “W͟e do͘n’t ̨see͘k ̛fr̡ie͏nd͏s̴h͏ip,͢ ̛m̷er͏élý ͠bu͟s̡ines͢s.”

He turned and walked towards the door of the ship. The Duke turned towards the open door, and outside he did not see the vortex, but instead a bright, white light. The D-man stepped into it and was enveloped by a blinding light, then the door closed. There was a soft groaning as time began to speed up, and a loud screeching sound. The Duke looked as his friends began to slowly move, but the screeching became louder and louder.


  I have cleaned up this document as best I could, but there is still a great amount of corruption in both the text and the images. I don't know all that much about computers, software and viruses, so for your own safety I recommend that you don't copy any of the text, imagery or html on this page, unless you are willing to have your computer infected.
  I don't know who the D-man is, or where he came from, but what disturbs me the most is that some of the information he is referencing sounds like stuff I compiled for some of the other Lost Chapters. Perhaps it is just a coincidence, but it is a truly disturbing implication if I am to believe that there is some "order" behind the chapters which are being targeted, destroyed and mutilated. Tonight, I will go through all of the documents I have, so that if this happens again I will have a greater chance of remembering which of the files have been tampered with.
  Finally, it truly unsettles me that there exists a creature which can control the Duke within the Lift; he is the master of that domain, but he was frozen stiff like a deer in the headlights. What kind of thing could possibly have that kind of power . . . ?