Showing posts with label hunter's guide to monsters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunter's guide to monsters. Show all posts

Friday 22 October 2021

Hunter's Guide to Monsters - Chapter Thirteen


Some creatures become weakened and emaciated in darkness, but some others learn in the shadows. Though their bodies are aged or weakened, their minds are keen and their true powers can be horrifying... tonight, we reveal the magic of the 'WITCH':

Witch /'wich/ n. 1. A person, now especially a woman, who professes or is supposed to practice magic or sorcery; a sorceress. Compare Warlock2. A woman who is supposed to have evil or wicked magical powers: Witches in black robes and pointed hats. 3. An ugly or mean old woman; hag: The old witch who used to own this building. 4. A person who uses a divining rod; dowser. ⧫v.t. 5. To bring by or as by witchcraft (often followed by into, to, etc.): She witched him into going. 6. Archaic. To affect as if by witchcraft; bewitch; charm. ⧫v. 7. To prospect with a divining rod; dowse. ⧫adj. 8. Of, relating to, or designed as protection against witches.

13. Witches
  by Hunter Jeremiah

If you want to know what a witch is, it is a woman - or in some cases, a man - who has been corrupted by dark magic. They are distinct from other magic users, because they use witchcraft, a magic which is naturally malevolent. Not only have Hunters been fighting witches for centuries, but they were the first creatures we were hired to hunt down - our job description was originally "witch-hunter" after all. For this reason, they've had many names over the years: awliya, in the Middle East; baba yaga or ved'ma, in Russa; boksi, kijo, mangkukulam, yama-uba, yosa, in various parts of Asia; bruja or brujo in Spain; crone, hag or hellerune in the United Kingdom; daayan, in India; hagr, hexen, seidhkona or vitka, in Germany; maghe or streghe in italy & itonga, sangoma, tsua, umtakati, zindoki, or various many other names in Africa.
Before I continue, I need to make this clear: I am not a politician, I'm not a philosopher, and I'm not a professor. If you want to know whether killing a witch is the same thing as killing a fellow human being, then I am neither prepared nor qualified to answer that question. What I am is a Hunter, and if you want to know how to stop a witch, then I'll tell you how you can find them, stop them and if you have to, yes, even how to kill them.
This is a distinct creature from a person possessed by a demon, because whilst a demon is a creature "of" magic (and yes, some witches are granted their magics from demons), a witch is not in any way possessed, she has just the one mind and she's not being controlled, but rather the influence of her magic has corrupted her mind towards malevolence.
And yes, I say 'woman' and use feminine pronouns because witches do tend to be women more often than not in my experience, and I've never met a male witch, so that's how I see them. But, be aware that male witches do exist. According to magic researchers I've spoken to, almost two out of three witches are women, but they weren't sure why there was this disparity. Some theologians claim that women are inherently evil, which I reject outright; some sociologists claim that women desire power, to level the imbalance of man's patriarchy, which sounds like left-wing nonsense & some pseudo-intellectuals think that corrupt magic finds women attractive and so seeks them out, which I just find amusing. The researcher I spoke to claimed that this was due to inherent bias - witch is a gendered term, and so people are less likely to report an evil magician as a "witch". But if you want to know the truth, the reality is... I'm once again neither prepared nor qualified. All I know is that when you meet a witch, you're in for a hell of a lot of trouble. If the sickly sweet seduction calms you, and her softly spoken whispers charm you, and she promises she'll never harm you - then you may have already fallen under the witch's spell.

Literally every human being can, if they so desire, become a witch by learning how to use witchcraft. For this reason, the history of witchcraft is really the history of magic. For, there are certain magics which are more dangerous than others. Some people call these black magic, but that term is considered politically incorrect these days. So, some people prefer to call it "chaos" magic, "red" magic, or simply "unsafe" magic. I'll try to simplify it by calling all dangerous magic witchcraft - it's the craft a witch uses, that seems the most apt. Now, I'm not a magician, so I cannot explain how witchcraft or wizardry works, and I certainly don't understand why magic is separated in the ways that it is, but I do know that when it comes to magic-users, there are some primary classes of magic, and half of them, are witchcraft. I've spoken to magicians about this, and the basic structure of magic looks something like this:
Good Evil
Earth Flesh
Fire Bone
Water Blood

Now, these are not all of the magics of the world. There's of course, alchemy, curses, necromancy, sigilism & trolleri, and perhaps more that I've never heard of, but the important factor is that these are the most common, naturally-occuring magics, and witchcraft, the Evil magic - Blood, Bone & Flesh - is amongst them. If a magic user is a witch, she will have one of these classes of magic. I've also had it explained to me that these classes affect more than just their namesake. I've been told that just as Earth Magic helps with alchemy; Fire Magic affects the weather & Water Magic can heal, witchcraft similarly has secondary abilities. Also, whilst any woman, or man, can be a witch, the corruption of their magic often results in a corruption of not just their mind, but also their body. Witchcraft takes power from, and uses the forces of, living things - and it twists and corrupts them, and these distinct physical corruptions are known as a "witchmark". So, let's compare and contrast the different classes ofwitch you may face, and what makes them distinct.

Blood Witch
This is a witch that can control the blood in your veins, as well as the thoughts in your mind. She gains power from consuming fresh blood, and using blood in her spellcraft.
A blood witchmark is most commonly a blood blister, or a prominent spidery vein on her skin, often (but not always) around the head or neck, which glows red hot when cut or pricked in a way which causes it to cauterize the wound. Other identifying physical corruptions of a blood witch include thinning hair; varicose veins; perpetually bloodshot eyes; rosacea & in extreme cases, blackened or toxic blood.

Bone Witch
Also occasionally called a "ghost witch", this is a witch that can puppeteer the very bones under your skin, as well as spirits within and without. She gains power from wearing bone jewellery and consuming bone dust and marrow, and uses bones in her spellcraft.
A bone witchmark is most commonly a discoloured tooth or nail. In cases when it has been removed, this tooth or nail is known to evaporate, or dissolve, and a new discoloured tooth or nail will grow back in its place. Other identifying physical corruptions of a bone witch include unnaturally long fingers; asymmetrical limbs; scoliosis; a hunched back & in extreme cases, horns and sharp, crooked teeth.

Flesh Witch
More commonly known as a "skin witch", this is a witch that can warp, tear and grow your very flesh, and raise the dead. She gains power from eating meat, and often uses leathers and hair her spellcraft.
A skin witchmark is commonly a patch of pale, or darkened skin, or when on the scalp, a streak of grey or white hair. The patch of skin cannot be cut or burned, whilst the witch is alive. Other identifying physical corruptions of a skin witch include premature wrinkles; sagging skin; excess body hair; warts, boils or verrucas & in extreme cases, grey or green skin pigment.

Now, all witches, regardless of type, have a few things in common, which we either need to know to defend outselves, or can use to our advantage. Firstly, all witches will have at least one witchmark, which can help identify them, but the more powerful they get the more the magic corrupts their body, meaning its often easier to tell a witch's power level. The only time this isn't the case is when the witch has a witch-animal, or a "familiar", a pet which they bond with ritually. Doing this allows the animal to become infused with corrupting magic, as the witch herself remains physically uncorrupted. This animal can be literally any living thing, although it's often something either easily concealed, like a mouse or a bug, or a common domestic pet like a cat or a dog. The physical corruption of a witch-animal is less pronounced than bodily witchcraft corruption, and may be as subtle as a slight change in eye colour, demeanour or size, or a distinct mark on its fur, skin or scales; but the most common corruptions are humanization, resulting in intelligence, human emotion and the ability to speak. I've also heard that it is possible for a witch to use a human slave as a witch-animal, or even other monsters such as werewolves, ape-men or demons. I haven't found any firsthand accounts of this happening, perhaps because this would be difficult or dangerous to accomplish, but it remains a distinct possibility.

Also, witch magic is limited by its distance, as well as its scope. The unaided reach of a witch's influence is approximately 10 metres, with slight variation depending on her natural ability, and it's limited by her eyesight, as she must maintain eye contact and focus with any spell she is conjuring. If a witch wishes to extend her reach further, she will require a focusing tool, such as a wand or a staff, but she still will be unable to affect anything beyond her field of view, or the field of view of her witch-animal.
Also, without any external aid, blood witches can only affect blood and minds; skin witches, only affect flesh and death & bone witches only affect skeletons and spirits. Inorganic matter, forces and energies are beyond the scope of a witch's natural abilities, which means that machinery and tools can be used to our advantage. However, if a witch wishes to affect such things, she can do so with enchantment, ritual or sigilism. These spells can be more complex and powerful, but they require time to learn, prepare and cast.

But, more than any other aspect of witchery, there's one factor which gives the witch her greatest strength and weakness. Witches often need to collect, use and/or consume their magic's namesake, to gain power. The more raw, fresh and alive the organic matter is during the ritual, the more power a witch can gain for herself, and so many witches turn to animal sacrifice as a source for her magic, or even human sacrifice. Because a witch only requires her particular organic flesh, blood or bone for a sacrifice, it is common for witches to collect in "covens" of three, with one witch of each magical class, to sacrifice victims and grow their magic together.
This is why witchcraft is inherently evil, and must be stopped, as it feeds on the death and suffering of the living.
But, the reason why this is the witch's biggest weakness is because this is the hardest aspect to hide. A witch can veil her twisted face, glove her gnarled fingers or cover her corrupted skin, but it's much harder to hide a crime of kidnapping, torture and murder. Whilst there is a distinct possibility that witches can collect in pairs, or in groups of mor ethan three, this is exceedingly rare. The benefits of covening is lost when there isn't a third witch to consume the remaining evidence. But if there's more than three then when their victims are entirely consumed, the an extra witch will be in conflict with whomever shares her magic, as each gets only a fraction of the benefit. This might be countered by having covens with multiples of three, with an even balance of blood, flesh & bone magics; however, having such a high concentration of magic-users makes it much harder to keep their activities secret. I once faced a pair of blood witches - twin sisters - and their trail of bodies made it much quicker and easier to hunt them down.
Now, there have been cases of witches which have done everything they can to be benign. They may not sacrifice humans, and only consume animals that die naturally, or feed off willing victims, or leave victims relatively unharmed. This has lead to a phenomenon called "sleep-riding", where these witches will sneak into people's homes, and use their magic to paralyze sleepers, then they will climb on top of their frozen bodies, and leech their magic out of their victims. Some call these "benign witches", "grey witches" or even "good witches", and in some countries, these persons are listed on a register, and monitored closely by the magical authorities, as they're considered harmless. I don't know if I'd considered traumatizing people in their dreams "harmless", but either way in this country, witchcraft is still a crime, I don't call them benign, but rather "pre-sacrifice witches", as all witches turn to sacrifice in the end. So, these women must be captured and taken to the authorities for rehabilitation.

If you believe that there may be a witch in your community, and you want to remain safe, then these are some useful reminders to protect you and your loved ones, and know when to contact the authorities:
  • Beware the Stick - A witch with a wand has finer control over her power than one without. If you think she has a wand, get the hell away.
  • Do Your Homework - You can usually determine how powerful a witch is, by sight. The stronger she is, the more danger everyone is in.
  • Earth, Salt & Iron - Materials which conduct magic can harm a witch, if someone you know avoids, or is harmed by, such items, protect yourself.
  • It if Talks, You Walk - If someone's pet is talking to you, it may be a witch-animal. Don't trust it, don't listen, just walk away.
  • Keep Your Distance - If you're outside of an unarmed witch's sphere of influence, then she can't curse you. Stay away, and stay safe.
  • Running to Running Water - Whether a witch can swim or not, running water tends to create a natural leyline, which painfully tears the magic out of witches that cross.
  • The Buddy System - Witches will kidnap victims that are isolated and hidden from view. Stick together, to keep everyone safe.
  • Think and Drive - Even with her magic, a witch isn't stronger or faster than a regular human, so using a large vehicle can keep you safe.
  • Which Witch - Not all magic is witchcraft or evil. Still be wary, but if someone's unaided magic doesn't affect organic matter, then it can't be witchcraft.
  • X Marks the Witch - If you're suspicious, keep a wary out out for discoloured teeth, hair, nails, skin or veins. These signify a witch.
WARNING: Iron, salt, silver and other related materials are magically-conductive. These do not resist or dispell magic. These are used to bind witches as they drain magic away from witches the way a short-circuit drains electricity from an electrical system. Some amateur Hunters and witch-finders make, purchase or sell silver-coated or iron-alloy body armour in a mistaken belief that this will protect them from magic. This is deadly, as it will actually draw raw magic to it like a lightning rod.

Witchcraft is illegal, because it is so corrupting and harmful, so if someone is identified as a witch, they must be captured as soon as possible. However, if a witch is known to have harmed another person, let alone commits the sin of human sacrifice, then they have forfeited their right to trial, and it is our job to kill the witch. This can be more difficult if you are not a magic-user yourself, but trust me when I tell you, it's entirely possible. The hardest part of hunting a witch is not her magic - that's the most obvious clue - rather, it's the human part. Anyone can learn witchcraft, if they so desire, and whilst some humans can be stupid, some can be very smart, and try to cover their tracks. So, I will be as thorough as I can be, but don't be afraid to use your initiative to find a way of trapping your witch.

Often, you will be called to investigate a suspicious kidnapping or murder. However, there have been cases of people requesting a witch-hunt because they suspect a person in their community of witchcraft. So, you should first try to ascertain your victim, this is the kidnapped/murdered person. If there is a body, you should check to see if they have been eviscerated, exsanguinated or ostectemied. Most witches are amateurs in butchery and surgery, so expect a messy excision of the organic material they've taken (although I once met a witch who was an ex-surgeon, so this alone isn't a defining clue). If you don't have a body, and someone has been kidnapped, then whilst this may be a witch who has tried to cover her tracks, you should assume the worst, and prepare to face a coven. In either case, find out more about the victim, and where and when they were kidnapped or killed, as this should give you more information as to who could have taken them. If you're dealing with a kidnapping victim, then it's good to check the area of their disappearance for any clues of magic - things which are physically impossible - as some witches use their magic to hide their tracks. So, taking people from locked rooms; disappearing into the sky; vanishing in the middle of a crowd - anything which distorts or counters the known natural laws.
If you're called to a witch-hunt without a clear and obvious victim, you may be dealing with a pre-sacrifice witch. In this instance, look out for animal shelters that euthanize; hunting grounds; nursing homes for the elderly; large hospitals; veterinary surgeries & anywhere whereby the death of humans or animals is common, or expected. I once knew a witch that worked as a policewoman in a big city, who would take what she needed when she was first on a crime scene (that raised a few eyebrows). Also, question the surrounding area for reports of unusual sleep paralysis or home intruders, and investigate any clues of supernatural influence or effect.
Of course, keep in mind, sometimes a witch-hunt is a snipe-hunt. Some people are just weird, and they draw the attention of the paranoid and the jealous, so make sure you find clear and present evidence of witchcraft before you spend time and resources hunting down someone's delusion.

But, depending on the clues you find, you'll have your suspects, this will be either a coven of three witches, or an individual witch.
If you're facing an individual witch, you should determine whether this is a blood witch, a bone witch, or a skin witch. This is often self-evident from their victim, just find out what is missing, but it helps to determind how best to safely deal with them. When facing a coven, it's best to work with at least one other Hunter, so you can protect one another from a witch's sisters.
If you don't have a clear suspect, due to confusing clues, or this being a pre-sacrificial witch, then you should look for either newcomers to the area. Or, you should look out for any local pawn shops or libraries, as some witches are self-taught from books on witchcraft, or artefacts. I never faced her, but I heard a story about a witch who bought a cat from a shelter which had been a witch's familiar, and it taught her witchcraft. Note: Whilst pre-sacrificial witches should be captured, not killed, familiars have no such rights - kill familiars on sight.
But, no matter how this witch got her magic, the key thing to know is that if she has magic, she will use it - otherwise, it's not our problem - if she isn't using her magic, then she's not committed any crime. So, if you're struggling, you can either question as many people as possible to find out anything unusual. Or, if you get desperate, you can ask for the assistance of a mercenary magician (assuming you're not a magic user yourself), but I only suggest doing this if you have some clue that witchcraft is involved as hiring a mercenary magician is very expensive, unless you know a magic-user that owes you a favour.  

Lastly, you need to focus on location - and when dealing with witchcraft, your only concern will be their witching-grounds. This is a secluded the place where witches perform their rituals, enhance their magics and learn their spells. Witches can perform their magic anywhere and anytime, so long as they have the required energy to do so, from their rituals and sacrifices. But, preparing spells takes time, and if they have kidnapped a victim rather than simply killed, then the torturous sacrifice of a victim also takes a lot of time and effort - and sometimes, specific tools for cutting and breaking. Some witches like to do this out in the woods, far from town, or in a similar outdoor, but secluded place; some take refuge in abandoned buildings; others might perform their magics within their own home, or in a shed or garage on their property (especially if they live alone, have a large, open property) & some witches, especially covens, will find a dedicated space that they own or rent, specifically for witchcraft. This space will not be in a densely populated area, as rituals may involve chanting, screaming and unusual emanations such as light, coloured smoke and energy. Although, I did hear the story of one man who performed witchcraft in his apartment (He was apprehended very quickly, when his neighbours called the fire department), so if you hear any police reports of unusual domestic disturbances or noise complaints, or hear gossip of strange lights coming from anyone's home, it's a good idea to investigate there as soon as possible.

The hardest part of hunting a witch is if you need to capture her alive. The cunning, craft and creativity of witches makes it much harder to catch them alive than to put them down. But, we've been doing this for literal centuries, and we've gotten it down to a science. So here's the best known way of capturing a witch alive. You Will Need:
"Snare" - Your snare is a trap designed to weaken your witch when she steps into it. In the old days, something as simple as an iron bear-trap was used, but these days, using either a magically-triggered sigil-trap, incapacitant gases activated by trip-wires or even flooding a room with smoke. I have heard about Hunters that use improvised explosives with iron nails, or even just run over witches with their car, to severely incapacitate her - whilst undoubtedly effective, I'd only suggest doing so as a last resort, unless facing a coven. I personally prefer a motorized-winch, to create a wire trip-snare; or, in an indoor space, I will use an improvised gas or smoke grenade.
"Shot" - Because of the reach of a witch's magic, it is imperative that a Hunter has a long-distance weapon on hand, so he can stay out of danger during this capture. Hunters once relied on bows or crossbows, and whilst handguns are more popular these days, these are still effective, especially when using iron-tipped, or enchanted arrows/bolts. A rifle can shoot from a further distance, but if you're capturing and not killing, you will have to approach the witch once she's been weakened so I find that a rifle is cumbersome and the extra distance unnecessary. That said, I use my shotgun as its the only gun I own, but its less effective at distance, so I rely heavily on my snare to weaken or confuse a witch before I approach.
"Silver" - the last step is the simplest, a chain or cage which can safely contain your witch. iron chains and chain-linked nets are still the standard for capturing witches. In fact, the art of casting a silver or iron chain to effectively bind a witch is a skill which has been passed down through the centuries, and was once the defining skill of a Hunter. This is called Silver because the traditional chain was pure silver, which made them shorter or thinner (due to the cost), which is why a witch needed to be further weakened before she could be bound by a silver chain. These days, silver chains for Hunting are either an alloy, or a silver-coated iron chain. Specially forged handcuffs can also serve this purpose, although they require more effort to bind your witch than a simple net. I have also heard of some Hunters that use an iron cage, but these are too expensive for the average Hunter, and difficult to move. As an old-fashioned man, I still prefercasting a chain to bind a witch, as it's still just as effective.

The method here is simple, you use your Snare to weaken your target; this is most effective if you can leech the energy or magic from your witch, even the simplest trap can be salted, silver-plated, or otherwise prepared with a magically-conductive material. But if this isn't possible, a trap which which causes pain, injury or confusion can also be useful at making your witch prone to capture. Then, whilst still outside the reach of her witchcraft's influence, you use your Shot to further weaken your target at a distance, if she is still fighting you. Lastly, you need to close the distance, and use your Silver to bind your witch, and incapacitate her witchcraft.
Some other equipment you might need to accomplish this includes protective Gloves, (avoid leather, when facing skin witches), to handle magically conducting materials; A Conductor of some type, a large object with exposed, magically-conductive materials to divert any cast magic (this can be dangerous, as magic is volatile); Armour, so long as it is not magically-conductive metal, or leather - I recommend kevlar, ceramic and plastic armours, with synthetic fabrics; your Weapon of Choice, if it's not a projectile weapon, I wouldn't recommend using it to Hunt your witch, but when facing a familiar, it is good to simply put the animal down; a Gag, to prevent a witch speaking magic words or enchantments & some kind of Magic, if you have it as there are counterspells which can render some witchcraft harmless, but ensure that you don't let that magic corrupt you.
Of course, when it comes to facing a coven, it's best to fight them one at a time, but if that's not possible, use whatever equipment or methods necessary to deal with them safely, and effectively. Once captured, witches must be taken to your nearest magic authority to be dealt with accordingly.

Witches are corrupted humans, and so the same ways of killing a man, will also kill one of these women. It was once believed that witches needed to be overwhelmed by a natural magic's namesake to slay her, which is why blood-witches were drowned, skin-witches were buried alive and bone-witches were once burned at the stake. However, this is a myth - these will kill most anyone, but if a witch's magic has been anulled then for the sake of your own sanity and humanity, it is preferable to use a quick or painless option. The only risk of a witch being resurrected is if she is a member of a coven you have failed to completely Hunt.
Decapitation is often the quickest and easiest way of killing a witch, or simply shooting her in the head, if you own a loaded gun. If this isn't possible, Exsanguination will kill her, like any other person, as will Poisoning, Immolation & Suffocation; but these are unnecessary and inhuman in most instances.
Once killed, the body can be disposed of by your nearest Hunting authority.

- - -

Final Notes
Witch-hunting is some of the most difficult work that any Hunter will do, and I hope that this helps keep you safe. But more than any other creature, even those other beasts that corrupt humanity into monstrosity, witchcraft is the eternal reminder that power - true power - corrupts. And that we can all fall victim to its allure. I've heard of children, mothers and even seen fellow Hunters that have fallen victim to the corruption of witchcraft. So, I beg of all of you, don't turn to evil to find strength; instead, rely on faith, family and friends when you feel weak... or, someone like me will have to Hunt you down.

Sunday 20 October 2019

The Hunter's Guide to Monsters - Chapter Twelve

As fragile creatures that can only survive on a warm patch of land with air to breath, the sea still remains shrouded in mysteries. But tonight, we fish up some of the more unusual beasts that dwell beneath the waves... one of the fish-people that we call a 'MERMAID':

Mermaid /'mermayd/ n. 1. An imaginary female sea creature with the head and body of a woman and the tail of a fish.

12. Merfolk
  by Hunter Jeremiah

Merfolk both are, and are not, like the myths that surround them. A mermaid is, in fact, a water-dwelling creature of astounding beauty, with the tail of a fish and the upper body like a young girl, and they have been known to use their beauty to lure young men into the water. However, a mermaid is only a female merfellow and merfolk are very much a sexually dimorphic animal. A male merfellow, also known as a merman or a mermaster, does have a human-shaped torso, but he is often much larger than a female, is covered in protective scales, has sharp claws for protection, has pointed teeth and has a prominent dorsal fin.
These two appear so different that for a long time it was believed they were two separate kinds of creature, but it has been confirmed by cryptozoological and microbiological study that they are the same species.
Like most sea-dwelling predators, the risk we face from merfolk is relatively small so long as you remain on land. However if you venture near inhabited waters, either ashore or in a boat, then you risk seeing why these creatures are considered mythical. If you venture near the water's brink and see a virgin in the drink, don't dare to let your focus sink - or you may find yourself falling much deeper than in love with your sea-temptress.

Merfolk are found all over the world, especially in coastal areas, as they live in saltwater such as the seas, deep saltwater lakes and rivers & of course the ocean. They are known as jengu in Africa; ben-varreymerrow or selkies in various parts of the British Isles; näck, neck, nikker, nixie or nøkken in northern parts of Europe gorgóna, ichthyocentaur, naiad or nereids in Greece; jiaoren, kuliltu or ningyo in the Orient; maneli in Persia; rusalki in Russia & sjövættir in Scandinavia.
There is a theory amongst cryptozoologists that mermaids share a common ancestor with the hydra, perhaps even with angels and centaurs. It's very possible, considering how much they share in common. However, how it happened is of no consequences, what matters is why it happened - these creatures look the way they do for the purpose of deception, hunting and protection, and they use their hands, beautiful features and human-like voice to serve those goals.
In fact, the mermaid's siren song is the most unusual facet of merfolk. To begin with, although mermaids do appear to have a form of speech, their siren song is a wordless, voiced song - and in fact it appears as though only mermaids are capable of a siren song, as mermen have never been recorded using it. Also, despite mermaids not possessing and psychic abilities or magic, their singing has been known to mesmerize those who hear it, and produce feelings of euphoria and recklessness in human, birds and most mammals. Magicians have confirmed that the siren song is not any form of sorcery, and acousticians are currently studying the effect; but, at time of writing, no explanation for the siren song's effects have been found.
It is for this reason that mermaids are popular on the black market, and one of the reasons why they may be found in areas where they would not naturally be found - of the dozen mermaids I've had to Hunt in my time, nine of them were bought in the black market by fools who didn't know what they were doing.

Merfolk are not deep-sea fish, but rather live just above it in the mesopelagic zone below 200-metre depths and above 1000-metre depths. This is also known as the twilight zone, as there is still some sunlight, but it is barely 1% of the luminosity at surface level, as merfolk cannot survive in the warmer surface waters. Merfolk tend to build themselves habitats on the sea floor - using their hands to either dig into the seabed, or build tools and structures out of materials they find, and the structures they build can have an unusual and beautiful architecture - such as the abandoned Castelo dos Corais discovered in the Atlantic.
Merfolk live in schools of between twenty and two-hundred individuals, usually one large family with a single breeding pair known as the king and queen. However, they are a social species, and when two colonies are nearby, they tend to interact, trade and hunt together in one interacting supercolony. Merfolk are omnivorous, often farming their own seaflora, and eating meat in the form of hunted fish, birds they can catch or animals they can lure from the shore to capture or kill using nets or spears.

A merfolk hunting party usually consists of less than a dozen mermaids with just one or two mermen. These groups either lash out quickly with nets and spears, or will lure in prey by having one or more of the mermaids act as bait, by sitting prone or singing, with her fellow hunters waiting just before the surface of the water.  Merfolks will only eat humans if they are foolish enough to be lured in by a hunting party on the shore, or if a school is desperate enough to try to snatch people out of boats or ships during a food shortage.
This is all useful information for a Hunter as any lake less than 200 metres deep, containing freshwater or without a viable food supply is unable to sustain merfolk life, and they are usually benign. But, most importantly, mermaids use tools and weapons, which can make them a more threatening creature to Hunt.

If you believe that there are mermaids living in a body of water near you, or you live near a shore where mermaids have been seen, here are some methods to keep safe:
  • Darkest before Dawn - Merfolk tend to surface and hunt at night, so if you have reason to believe there are merfolk in a body of water near you, avoid the place at night.
  • Do Your Homework - People who see beautiful women with scales or fish monsters tend not to keep it to themselves. So, check o your local history before you go fishing.
  • Don't Stare, Get Out of There - Mermaids use their beauty to lure victims close to the water. So, if you see a mermaid, don't allow their glamour or siren song to mesmerize you.
  • No Swimming - This goes without saying. Stay out of the monster's lair...
  • Not a Mere Maid - Whatever you do, don't underestimate merfolk. Whilst they look young, small and pretty, they are both stronger and more intelligent than they appear.
  • Play the Waiting Game - Merfolk can only hold their breath above water for thirty minutes. So, if you see a merfellow above water, it's a matter of time before it suffocates.
  • Warning Siren - The effect of a mermaid's siren song is lessened by distance. So, if you can hear their song from a distance, you should ensure that you don't close that distance.
Because merfolk live and breath in water, they cannot survive for much longer than thirty minutes out of the water. For this reason, you will never have to 'Find' your merfellow - they will be in the water, every time. Whilst you may have to head out in a boat or a ship at some point, they are not difficult to find. Whilst mermaids are not easy to locate in the ocean, that is their domain, so unless there are very severe circumstances, if a merfellow kills a land-dwelling creature that is in the ocean, it is considered a wild animal attack, and not a Hunter's responsibility. They're just creatures trying to live their lives, and so should be left alone.
In fact, there is very little hunting or tracking to be done, it's genuinely much like shooting fish in a barrel. Not that there's much shooting involved either, as most merfolk require catch and release. Most troublesome merfolk have either gotten lost or been sold on the black market, and aren't responsible for simply following their nature outside of their natural environment.
There are only two cases wherein you will need to Hunt down and kill a merfellow: Either when a merman is in heat and seeking out a mate from the human population; or when hunting parties are repeatedly attacking and killing people near the shore.

In cases wherein your merfellow simply needs to be relocated, your job will be to capture it and take it where it belongs. So, if you're going fishing for mermaids, You will Need:
"Hook" - This is your bait. In the past, Hunters may have used actual hooks to latch onto their prey, and whilst that is an effective desperate measure, these days we tend to be more civilized. Some hunters purchase fresh, whole fish (don't go getting fish fillets, as it makes merfolk skittish - they'd be wary of whatever cut it up). Some Hunters use their hunting animal to help them bait mermaids using hearing protection to save them from the siren song (you can purchase hearing protection for dogs, cats and other pets), but that is a risky option unless you can control your animal without voice commands. Personally, I like to go the cheap and dangerous option - I wear earplugs and I stand near the shore with my weapon sheathed just in case, and a net in hand. No matter what method you use, you should of course get some hearing protection.
"Line" - Almost every Hunter who captures mermaids uses a net, or ropes. I prefer a chain net, as mermaids can be easily injured by rope, and mermen can easily escape from a lasso. I have heard of Hunters who use tranquilizer darts, and some who even place the fish-meat bait in the middle of a tarp, and use either pulleys or co-ordinated manpower to wrap up their merfellow in a bundle.
"Sink" - Binding up your merfellow in a net is all well and good, but after being out of the water for half an hour, your live mermaid will become a dead mermaid. You may have to wait ten minutes or so, to have the mermaid weakened a little if it is struggling. But, otherwise, you will need a portable container of water to transport them. Specialty mermaid hunters will often have a specialized, reinforced aquarium, water truck or even a small, portable glass coffin. But, when I have been called to deal with merfolk, I use a relatively small rainwater tank that I've modified so that it's enclosed, and has a watertight lid. I can easily attach it to my trailer, and use a shallow boat ramp to fill the tank with sea water, being sure not to capture any dangerous sea life in the process (Note: remember to never use freshwater, as it will hurt your merfellow). I park this near the site where I will perform my capture, then once successful, I simply drag my net to the Sink, drop the creature inside, and seal the lid. Merfolk can usually breathe for up to three days with 100 gallons of fresh seawater (approx. 380 litres).

Some other equipment you might want to consider carrying would be armour, preferably lightweight in your limbs in case you go for a dip; your weapon of choice, something lethal in case things take a turn for the worse; a lifejacket or tether, in case something tries to drag you underwater; a torch, both to see at night, or to dazzle your merfellow; spare bait or food, if your journey to release the merfellow takes too long (merfolk eat half a kilo of meat, or a kilo of green plant matter, each day). & spare hearing protection, in case your own becomes wet, damaged or lost in the scuffle.

Merfolk are flesh-and-blood creatures, killing them is relatively simple, but it is always preferable to choose a more painless option.
The most humane way to kill a merfellow is to Decerebrate it, either with a very sharp harpoon or blade, or with a gun directed right into the brain, so as to quickly kill the creature. I have also heard of Hunters who essentially hit the creatures on the head so hard that they cause a traumatic brain injury, as a form of percussive stunning, however, this is difficult to do properly and there is a high risk of suffering if you fail, so I do not recommend it at all. The second-best option is to Decapitate them. This is simple if you've captured your creature, but would be very difficult, if the creature is struggling and flailing. For this reason, some hunters choose to capture, tranquilize, then behead dangerous merfolk. If you're low on options, you may simply choose to snap their neck, as that also can get the job done.
In desperate cases, these creatures might be left to Exsanguinate, and die from blood loss, or to Suffocate, however, I would warn heavily against either of these techniques. These are slow, needlessly cruel deaths and even if a Hunter could live with himself for committing an act like that, I would still worry for his soul.
Once killed, your mermaid body should be disposed of accordingly should either be returned to their pack or taken to your nearest Hunting authority to be dealt with accordingly.

Final Notes
The siren song of the mermaid is designed to fascinate and mesmerize. But, when some men see this natural wonder, they seek to covet it for themselves, to capture its beauty and bottle it up for themselves. This can lead to their death in the wild, and for those foolish enough to poach these creatures and possess them for themselves, they either end up causing harm to the creature, or to themselves.
You cannot domesticate natural beauty and glamour, you can only imprison it - and so the best thing anyone could ever do with a mermaid is to let it free, and walk away.

Sunday 28 October 2018

The Hunter's Guide to Monsters - Chapter Eleven

We have seen what horrors have come down to us from the heavens, but what lurks in the dark holes of the world? Tonight, we explore the horror of being frozen in place, as teeth, claws and piercing eyes come slithering ever-closer. Such tortures come to us, courtesy of the 'GORGON':
Gorgon /'gawgən/ n. 1. Greek Legend Any of the three sisters whose heads were coverd with snakes instead of hair, and whose glance turned the beholder to stone. 2. A mean, ugly, or repulsive woman.
11. Gorgons
  by Hunter Jeremiah

I have never Hunted a gorgon, myself. However, this chapter is based on the expertise of experienced Hunters, and I have seen gorgons in captivity and whilst they were being transferred, so I assure you that what you're about to read is based on the knowledge of those who have first-hand experience, even though I myself have very little. The gorgon, or “a medusa” as it is sometimes known, is a dark cohesion of a human and a serpent.
Some believe that this hybrid is the result of a human cursed to gorgonism through some dark magic. Others believe that it is the result of praying to a false god, and being punished. Personally, I believe that gorgons are incredibly dangerous, so it doesn't matter where they are from, all that matters is what we do when they get here. Gorgons are incredibly dangerous. Not only is their vision captivating, but they are quite cunning, their bodies are very strong and they have sharp, venomous fangs.
If you step inside the gorgon's lair, and face the beast with serpent-hair, avert your gaze and do not stare - or you'll never get out alive.

The gorgon is native to Europe and some parts of Asia, as they prefer a warm climate but nest in dry, cool rocky areas, often in caves and mountains with access to warm sunlight and water. In Europe, they are mostly known as "gorgons", "basilisks" "lamia", "pythons" or "typhons", but across Asia they are known as "naga", "nugua" & "nure-onna". They have been seen internationally, but this is due to travelling bestiaries, as well as black market smugglers. They cannot survive outside of their native habitat due to the fact that they are cold-blooded and unable to survive in tropical climates. Also, due to the high danger that they pose, any and all gorgon nests that pop up outside of Europe tend to be destroyed rather quickly by Hunters.
The reason why gorgons are so dangerous comes from their frightening gaze. It is a misconception that gorgons can turn a person to stone with their vision - such alchemy is beyond them - rather, their icy stare is capable of transfixing any victim that looks them in the eye. This is a powerful psychic phenomenon, akin to a form of mind control, but with the sole capacity to make someone become as still as a statue, and only for as long as the gorgon keeps their gaze steady. It is not yet known if the limits of this ability are metaphysiological, or due to the gorgon's limited intelligence, but many suspect that it is the latter.
What is truly dangerous is the bite of the gorgon - they have a very powerful venom which causes paralysis, hypothermia and intense pain, and leads to death anywhere between 15-minutes and 3-hours after being bitten, depending on the location of the bite. There is, as yet, no anti-venom for the bite of a gorgon, and some suspect that there is a supernatural aspect to its potency, but this is still being researched.

A gorgon looks like a very large, very long snake with a human torso in place of the head. I have seen mature gorgons which, from head-to-tail, measure ten metres, but I have been told that some exist which are fifteen metres long, or perhaps more. They are covered with scales, from head to foot, and are most commonly dark green, but they have been yellow, red, orange & black - the specimen which I saw happened to be an albino gorgon (incredibly rare), which had white and cream-coloured scales. From the waist, up, or slightly higher along the spine, the scales are much smaller, smoother and usually a colour akin to human skin tone. Although they are not human, their skin does make them look much like human men and women from the waist up, unless you looked at them up close. At the tips of their fingers, they tend to have small, white, sharp climbing claws, like that of a lizard. As well, they have retractable, venom-injecting fangs in their mouth, where one would expect canines. Their most iconic feature is that their scalp grows "snakes" of varied sizes, usually between shoulder and waist-length, and always with scales the same colour as their tail.
The latest research has found that gorgons not only are gorgons capable of seeing through the multiple eyes of their "serpent hair", or "prehensile vibrissae" as the researchers referred to them, were in fact a complex set of sensory organs which can see, smell and hear in multiple directions at once. Researchers are currently investigating the structure of the gorgon's skull, and how these sensory organs affect their psychic abilities.

One of the most unusual features of the gorgon is that they are capable of vocalization. Some captive gorgons are capable of very basic, influent human language, but most gorgons speak their own language known as "Nagee" (or "Gorgonese", by some Hunters) with two known regional dialects of nagee: Western and Eastern. Eastern Nagee is the most well-understood, as it has been researched in India for a very long time, and Western Nagee is quite similar, but research is limited in this field due to a lack of interest in the community. Their language is composed of harsh, breathy vocalizations, which sounds like clucking, hissing and purring. This is a very limited language, with less than twelve-thousand recorded words in Eastern Nagee, but it developed due to gorgons being a very social species. They are monogamous, often remaining with the same mate until one of the pair dies, and the pair will raise their young until their children can find mates of their own.
Although gorgons do not feed often, as it would take a gorgon a month to digest a "full stomach", but they can be very dangerous when they are hungry. Not only is their gaze petrifying and their venom deadly, but gorgon tails are essentially pure muscle, and incredibly strong. With their long, powerful tails they can move with sudden speed, climb trees and easily crush victims with their tail. In fact, once their prey is dead, they tend to wrap around and constrict it, so that it is easier to swallow.
The only other unusual feature about gorgons is that they are scared of bison, yak and buffalo. I was told that this is because those are big animals with horns and eyes on either side of their head, meaning that they are not as vulnerable to a gorgon's stare, and can attack them - so, presumably, this means that a gorgon would also be scared of other similarly large, horned animals such as bulls, deer and mooses. I'm not certain of this, but it's a reasonable assumption.

Like I said at the start of this post, I haven't faced a gorgon myself, and this is because they are not native to my area. However, even before I began writing this guide, I travelled to Asia to learn about some of their local monsters. Although I haven't faced a gorgon, the insight I gained there has been invaluable, and helped me to face other creatures in my duties as a hunter. So, whether you, yourself, are at risk of facing a gorgon, it is important to know how to handle yourself when confronting these dangerous beasts.

If you believe that you are encroaching upon a gorgon's nest, or fear that you or your neighbours are at risk from a gorgon that has come to your area, here are some methods to keeping yourself safe:
  • Hiss, Purrs & Whispers - When gorgons speak, they have a very distinct-sounding language, very breathy and harsh. If you hear someone speaking in Nagee, turn and walk away.
  • Keep Your Eyes To Yourself - Direct eye contact is a death sentence, so only view them indirectly. A mirror, a camera or a cloth across your eyes can protect you from their glare.
  • Let There Be Light - Gorgons are not very clever, the light can blind them, and due to their cold-bloodedness, they avoid heat. A torch could save your life.
  • Lose Your Patience - A gorgon can last a week without water and a month without food. So, if you think one is near, don't try to hide, just get out of there.
  • Salt and Vinegar - Gorgons have a powerful sense of smell, and sensitive skin, so they like to avoid reactive substances like alcohol, salt, vinegar, 
  • Sink or Swim − If you know how to swim, swimming far from the water's edge will keep you safe. Gorgons are heavy, can't swim and cold-blooded, they won't swim after you.
  • Turn and Run - Although fast, gorgons tire quickly; you can't outrun them, but you can outlast them. So, if you're in range, run away and don't turn back.
  • When in Rome - Where gorgons are native, the locals have lived there for thousands of years alongside them. They must be doing something right, so follow the example of the locals.

Because they are yet another endangered species, gorgons in their homeland are protected, and if you find one, you're required to catch and release. However, I don't live in their homeland, and everywhere else in the world, no such protections exist. The only reason you would need to capture a gorgon in a country other than their native Europe or Asia is if the person that the creature belongs to is the one hiring you to find it. But, in every other case, they represent a severe danger to local life and liberty, and so it is our responsibility to Hunt them down.

Gorgons are big, heavy snakes. Because of this, if the ground beneath them isn't entirely solid, they leave very large and very distinct, zig-zagging tracks behind them. This is the most common way that gorgons are tracked down. Your victim, if a gorgon has tried to attack someone, will probably be dead and gone (eaten by the monster). Usually, gorgons take their food back to their nest to feed, but if not, there is a chance that there could be some blood from when the gorgon crushes their meal, and this will mean a blood trail, which can point you in the right direction. However, if neither of these work, your best bet is to look for somewhere that is not too far from a natural source of water, and is cool and dry, as this will be your location, the nest. If you can find your nest, then you will find your gorgon.
As for your suspects, unless you are in their native country, meaning that the creature is meant to be there, you have two major suspects: artefact collectors & black market dealers. If your gorgon has come from an artefact collector, then it may simply be a case of them buying an egg, and having it accidentally hatch on them. Gorgon eggs are very rare, and so highly prized, but some smugglers will trade them, even though they're not unfertilized. If this is the case, check your victim, it is likely that they will also be your suspect. But, if not, you can either check the artefact registry with your local authorities, to see if anyone in the vicinity is a collector, or alternatively you can usually douse for such high concentrations of magic, then question them, and see what they know. If they knowingly bought a fertilized egg, then you need to report them to the authorities.
For black market dealers, these too may be your first victim, so check the crime scene as well as their homes and businesses for any Hunting equipment, as some smugglers use tools similar to us. If this is the case, interrogate them for information, then be sure to report them to the authorities.

Because gorgons are flesh-and-blood creatures, killing them is relatively simple, even if it's not easy.
The most humane way to kill a gorgon is to Decerebrate it with a gun, the most effective method is to shoot it in the head with a shotgun. You can lure the creature close, but still hit your target whilst looking at them through a mirror, which is why I think it's the most effective. Some Hunters like to shoot them from a distance with a ranged weapon like a scoped rifle, but I've never fired a weapon like that personally, and hitting your target requires either luck or patience, neither of which I'm particularly fond of. If this isn't available to you, then the next best thing is to Decapitate them. This would be very difficult, if you're not used to swinging without seeing, but the Hunters I spoke to claimed that they can fight very effectively with a bandanna over their eyes, as they can still see through the cloth when it's close to their face, but it protects them from the gorgon's gaze. I attempted this myself, but I found that it made my vision very blurry, so I don't recommend it. But, if you can see clearly enough, and this allows you to get close and quickly sever the neck, then it's a good option.
If you're low on options, then as cruel as it seems, you can Incinerate the poor beast. Especially if your gorgon is hiding deep in its nest, and won't come out, lighting a fire will easily bring the creature out, and dousing it in fuel should end it rather quickly. Although, I warn that you should still have your weapon of choice handy to finish the job if its death throes are getting too violent.

Final Notes
I think that the lesson we should all take away from this is that, when it comes to wild animals, they belong in their native habitat. Forcefully taking a creature away from its home and dumping it half-way across the world puts everyone in danger, including the creature itself. And that is an awful shame, because these are magnificent creatures. The albino gorgon which I saw was a beautiful, innocent creature with a power that was stunning, both literally and metaphorically. It would be a shame to have them suffer and die, just because someone wanted to treat a wild, intelligent creature like some kind of pet.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

The Hunter's Guide to Monsters - Chapter Ten

There is a common and persistent desire amongst mankind to take to the skies and fly, to soar like the birds. As well as this, many of us are enamoured by the extraordinary beauty of the human form. So, what person could resist the allure of a beautiful, naked human body with a set of wings? This is why one of the more dangerous monsters is the 'ANGEL':
Angel /aynjəl/ n. 1. Theology One of a group of spiritual beings, attendants and messengers of God. 2. The usual representation of such a being, in human form, with wings. 3. A person, especially a woman, who is thought to be like an angel in beauty, kindliness, etc. 4. A protecting or guardian spirit.
10. Angels
  by Hunter Jeremiah

If you are currently imagining the kind and generous messenger of a powerful and loving god, then you are going to be very mistaken. God does not need monsters to deliver His message, and I despise such blasphemy. There are even some who try to call these creatures as "avians", "birdmen" or even "icarians" to help dispel this confusion. I don't do this however, as it has lead to the further confusion that, perhaps, these creatures are  like the werewolf or ape-man, creatures that are thought to be a corrupted form of mankind. However, angels are not human at all, they are merely animals which take the human form as kind of defense mechanism and camouflage. There is actually a theory that most angels take the form of naked women, due to a kind of natural selection, as the more beautiful and human they looked, the less we were inclined to hunt or kill them. They tend to be harmless, and easily spooked, and don't usually get close to humans. However, if you stand before those glorious wings, and hear the chorus as it sings, and wonder what glory the angel brings - you will learn why the angel has such sharp claws.

These creatures can be found worldwide, as their wings have allowed them to fly long and far, and they have been discovered nesting in almost every country, but these nests are few and far between. Due to a lack of feathers or hair on the majority of their body, and fair skin, they tend to prefer tropical climates, with a fair amount of sunlight, year-round, but they have been found in the subtropics, and as far North as China. Due to the majority of them being fair-skinned, angels usually avoid arid deserts and dry zones. Also, since they tend to prefer secluded areas, they prefer to nest on the outcrops of cliff, sheer mountainsides or in very tall trees. In Japan, they are known as tengu; in Spain, Vikings who discovered angels referred to them as valkyries & in Greece, they call them harpies or sirens. These myriad stories all see a portion of the truth, but the reality of angels is scattered in between all of these stories.
To begin with, angels are omnivores. They tend to forage for fruit, vegetables and fungus, but as they are not very strong and their claws not very long, the majority of the meat in their diet comes from scavenging. They tend to prey on very small and or weakened animals, or they will feed on fresh carrion.
This is why they have a connection with battlefields and sickness, because they feed on the dead. It's also the reason why some think of them as "heavenly" - angels have been seen "watching over" people who are close to death, but this is due to them waiting for a free meal, rather than some form of blessing.

The main reason why people think that angels are so beautiful and sacred is because they, like us, are made in God's image. But, they just use their looks as a way of luring in prey, it's nothing more than a trick. Angels, in general, look like slim, tall, naked women with wings, but they have several characteristics which are inhuman. Both males and females have long decorative feathers on their head which look much like human hair, as they are bristly and long, but up close one can clearly see the quill of these feathers in their scalp and small eyebrow feathers. They tend to look fair-skinned, although angels with tan, brown, red and grey skin have been seen. They have a feminine humanoid face and eyes, but their eye-colours have been recorded as different shades of brown, yellow, orange, red or blue. They have long, white claws on their fingers, and on their toes, just one or two inches long. Their wings are very large, often extruding from their shoulders to their lower back, with a wingspan of eight to ten metres.
As well, have four long toes and a fifth rear-facing opposable toe near their "heel", designed for grasping, and this arrangement makes it appear as though they are always standing on their tiptoes or in high-heeled shoes.
It is usually difficult to differentiate between male and female angels, as both sexes look like naked human women. Both males and females have soft faces and an "hourglass figure", as they both have large upper-body muscles for flight around their chest and back, but lightweight internal organs making their stomachs look very flat and lean, and store fat around their hips and backside. As well, both the males and the females do not have external genitalia, but rather a cloaca. The only way to differentiate them, on sight, is that males tend to look more flat-chested, and are usually taller, and only the females can lay eggs.
In colder climates, or during winter, they have been seen with thick, downy "pubic feathers" protecting their nether regions as well as their chest.

Other differences include the fact that they are incredibly light, in order to achieve flight. They have hollow bones, low muscle density and compact organs, which means that they are lighter than they look. They also are incapable of language, as they do not have vocal chords and are not especially intelligent, although they can mimic human speech. They tend to be quite social creatures, nesting in large family groups of at least a dozen adult angels - with the largest discovered nest being a family of over two-hundred, nesting in a cave system atop a mountain in North Africa.
Angels have a very mild temperament, and although they are easily spooked and prefer to stay away from humans, they can be very dangerous when they are hunting, feeding, nesting or carrying their young. When angels are hungry, but there is not enough carrion or small prey available, they will hunt for food in a group which is collectively referred to as a choir; this name comes from the fact that their preferred method of hunting is to lure in curious prey by singing in harmony, and this siren song draws prey (often humans) in close, so that they can attack.
They have a few methods of attack. For small-enough prey, several angels will grab them to restrain them, then fly as high as they can and drop them, so that the fall will kill or incapacitate them. They can also simply attack with teeth and claws, although this is less common as they are not very strong.
One of the other kind of attack, which is rare but devastating, is that they can vomit acid on their prey. This can only be done when an angel is very hungry, as angels have very strong stomach acid developed from eating carrion, and this acid accumulates in their stomach if they have not eaten in a while. Once expelled, this acidic bile can blind, weaken or begin the digestion of prey.

So, whilst for the most part, we have little to fear from angels, they still do present a threat under certain contexts. For this reason, Hunting authorities like to catalogue active angel nests, and put in efforts to keep these from growing, or to stop new nests from appearing in areas near to human populations. But, stray angels do sometimes go out exploring, often looking for a neighbouring nest or hunting, and sometimes a new nest will crop up. When this happens, it's up to a Hunter to make sure that nobody gets hurt.

If you see an angel, either alone or in a group, or if you believe that you are near a choir or a nest of angels, there are some ways you can make sure you stay safe:

Birds of a Feather - A lone angel may be harmless, but as angels hunt in large groups, others may be nearby. Don't be scared, but make sure you stay aware.
Don't be a Birdbrain - An angel's siren song does sound beautiful to most listeners. But, it's merely bait so that you can walk into an ambush. Don't follow the music.
Don't Run - If you run, some angels assume that you are a prey animal, and so give chase. You can't outrun them, but you can easily outthink them.
Let There Be Light - Angels are simple creatures, they're scared of fire and torchlight, as it blinds them, and feathers burn. A torch can save your life.
The More the Merrier - Angels are weak and fearful, so if you are in a larger group, angels are less likely to attack you, the larger your group, the safer you are.
Run on Eggshells - If there is any evidence that an angel either has an egg, or new-hatched cherub, get out of there. Mother birds are very dangerous.
Take a Sick Day - Angels prey on the weak and the sick. If they can see you bleeding, coughing, groaning, limping, sneezing or whincing, they're likely to attack. So, if you're unwell, stay safe.
Walk Tall and Carry a Big Stick - Angels prefer smaller prey. So if you're sitting in a car, holding a rock, or even just wearing a backpack, they will tend to wait for an easier target.
Wet Your Beak - Angels are too lightweight to swim, and wet clothes are heavy, meaning that it is much harder for them to pick you up and fly off.

Most angels just want to be left alone, and most people just want to leave them alone. As well, because angels are somewhat rare, the Hunting authorities considers them to be at a high risk of extinction. They're relatively populous within their nests, but because of the way that they mate by having large families, with males flying to new nests, they have a relatively small gene pool. As well, although vampire politics can be incredibly complicated and underhanded, it's nothing compared to vampire religion, and because of this angels are considered a "protected species". This all means that killing angels is heavily restricted in many countries, so, it's very unlikely that you will ever need to "Hunt" an angel.
But, because of these laws, when you are required to stop an angel which is harming people, it can be very difficult to do so, but your goal is always just to move them along.

Usually, you will be called in either because someone has sighted an angel in town, or because someone has gone missing under unusual circumstances. In rare instances there may be a dead body, but this only happens when an angel is interrupted after it kills its prey, but before it can take the body back to its nest.
In either case, you should investigate the surrounding area. Question your witnesses, angels don't exactly blend into a crowd with those enormous wings, and this can give you an easy lead. Ask about any signs of inhuman singing or chanting, or the appearance of any large feathers. Feathers are a Hunter's best friend, since angels do shed feathers like other birds, and in a struggle, they rip out very easily, most angels are found because they've left feathers behind.
If you have a body, then your victim will have scratches on them - possibly vomit - and show signs of being dropped from a great height (several broken bones, often a cracked or shattered skull, post-mortem bruising from internal injuries & severe trauma to the points of impact on the underside of the body). However, since they tend not to leave tracks, a victim isn't much help.
As for your suspects, there are only two possibilities which may force a Hunter to cross paths with an angel. Either it will be a lone angel which is lost far from a nest, or it is a young stray mother, attempting to create her own, new nest in an area which is too close to human-inhabited areas. These are known informally as Penguins or Pigeons, respectively (like that old joke, "what do you call a penguin in the desert?", and because pigeons are urban pests). Penguins are easier to handle, and if you're dealing with a case of a sighting, not a kidnapping, then it's more likely that you're dealing with a lost penguin. One of the best ways to tell is the presence or absence of very tall trees, hills, mountains, buildings or structures - I'm talking over ten metres tall. Angels only nest high and dry, and will only nest in low-lying areas temporarily. If there is nowhere available for an angel to comfortably build a permanent nest, then you know you're dealing with a penguin. However, if permanent nesting opportunities are available, the other tell-tale sign is the amount that your angel is killing. On average, an angel requires on average, three kilos of food per day, and only half of that is meat, meaning that, without the bones, blood and non-consumables, your average person can give an angel two weeks worth of food. However, an angel which is about to lay an egg, or which is travelling with a mate, will consume much more, so, if your angel is feeding more erratically, that guarantees you're dealing with a pigeon.
Last, but definitely not least, your location is their nest, and finding that is how you stop an angel. On the one hand, it's easier to deal with a penguin angel, since you just need to move them along, either by scaring them off, or finding their nest and destroying it. However, on the other hand, it is a harder to find a temporary nest, as travelling angels have been known to sleep just about anywhere which is high and dry. In either case, you should look for the highest point in town, and if your angel is not there, then investigate in descending order. They prefer natural structures, as angels recognize them more easily, but high-tension wire towers are quite popular, as are water towers; if your angel is nesting lower, you should check anywhere taller than you can reach, so the tallest trees in the area, the multi-storey houses & even the roofs of semi-trailers are popular with some penguins.

You are not supposed to kill angels. If you had to, it would be really easy, they're fragile and their ability to fly is their only advantage - just clip its wings, either up close or at a distance, and you've practically already killed it. But, this actually makes it very hard to scare off an angel without hurting it. You don't want to get into a physical altercation, because most Hunters already carry their weapon of choice, meaning that you'll probably kill the poor thing. So, if you are in danger, not only must you capture this creature, but need to do so in a way that does not result in its death. To do this safely, you will need

"Knocker" - This is a non-lethal weapon, which you have on yourself, for safety purposes. This can be a tazer, a blade without its cover removed, a whip or a makeshift baton. Personally, I like to use a baseball bat with tea-towels bound to it with rubber bands. It's cheap, and the padding reduces bruising and pain, but it's also easy to handle and can make a loud noise when you bang it on the ground. This weapon is mostly for intimidation and close-quarters defence.
"Net" - You need something to bind your angel's wings. I prefer to use a large tarp with edges weighted with steel chain (shackled to the grommets using carabiners), but you can use a literal net, or even a large, wet blanket - since the goal is just to wrap them up so that they can't use their wings, and are restrained. Just make sure that it's strong enough to withstand their claws, but light enough not to crush them, and make sure it's big enough that you can throw it over them
"Nightcap" - Even if the net restrains them, they can be a danger to themselves by trying to free themselves. For this reason, you need a way of putting them to sleep. Depending on how you plan on binding them, you can inject a sedative or a tranquilizer, or even use some form of incapacitating gas. If you have some kind of spellcraft, you could use that to put them to sleep. But, at short notice, you can use a taser or - as I prefer, for safety reasons - you can just bind their hands and feet with rope, securely, but not tightly. It's not the easiest method, and goes against what most Hunters will teach you, but there's no risk of overdose.

Your goal is to enter the nest, with your Knocker in hand, so that you can protect yourself if necessary, and intimidate them, and have your Net either at the ready, or nearby. You should provoke the angel into attacking you, as they are not very strong fighters, and cast the Net over them as soon as they near you. Once they're safely secured by the Net, you should then put them to sleep with your Nightcap.

Some other equipment you might consider would be armour, in case your Net or Nightcap don't work as well as you hoped; a second net, in case there is more than one angel in the nest; a distraction, such as fire, colourful lights, or some kind of loud noisemaker can scare your angel into submission & perhaps an anchor, such as a heavy chain or gym weights, or even just a rope tied to your car, which you can use to literally keep yourself grounded, to prevent an angel from flying off with you. Once you've captured your angel, some food, particularly meat, fungus and sweet fruits comes in handy, in case you have to restrain your angel for a while & music, can calm a captive angel that is stressed, if you can't get a recording of angel music, classical music, birdsong and a capella songs are the most effective.
Warning: Please, keep in mind that blunt objects don't have a "stun" setting, so don't go thinking that you can combine your "nightcap" with your "knocker" just by giving an angel a blow to the head. You're will either kill them or seriously injure them by attempting this, it is impossible to "harmlessly" knock something unconscious.

Once your angel is captured, you should destroy their nest. This guarantees that they will not return, and also that no other angel will attempt to nest there. If you can, you should burn the area, and leave the place scorched, as this both destroys the nesting materials, and gives the place a strong smell that scares off most angels. If this is impossible, you can scatter ash and salt in the area, or even just pour alcohol or other strong-smelling liquids onto the floor of the nest. In some cases, where the angels have nested in a tree or abandoned building, simply by knocking down the offending structure you'll effectively destroy the nest.

Once it is destroyed, you should head towards the nearest active nest and release your angel back into the wild.

Final Notes
Angels are beautiful, with perfect, naked bodies and a heavenly song. However, when I see them, I see a pestilent, bile-spewing, savage vulture - and so should you. They aren't human, they aren't sacred, they aren't kind & they aren't safe. But, I see them as little more than wild animals because I see how some have been lead down a dark path by treating them as something more than they are. I've even heard stomach-turning stories of people who capture angels to be their "brides" - it's sick. These aren't people, they're just animals that want to be left alone to scavenge and nest, on their own terms.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Hunter's Guide to Monsters - Chapter Nine

It is said that there are some things worse than death . . . tonight, we meet one of them. Feel pain, panic and pity for the tortured soul we call 'CHUPACABRAS':
Chupacabras /chū'pəkahbrə/ n. 1. A legendary creature in the folklore of parts of the Americas, supposed to attack and drink the blood of livestock, especially goats.
9. Chupacabras
  by Hunter Jeremiah

A rare and unusual monster, the chupacabras is a disturbing freak of nature with a dreadful history. For ages and ages, it was believed that the chupacabras was a result of satanists or Native American lingerlings or even misremembered nightmares from R-rated sci-fi horror movies. But the truth is more unusual than that. Also known as a ghoul, grunch, hodag, jersey devil, wechuge or wendigo
The chupacabras is in fact a mutation of the werewolf, caused by vampire venom. The unusual, metamorphic bone structure of a werewolf causes the teratogenic properties of the venom of grow sharp spines from the backbone, hair loss, muscular deterioration, ichthyosis, ocular dilation & hyperphagia.
So, the chupacabras has skinny arms and legs and often gaunt facial features. They will have patchy hair, and scaly often discoloured skin. Their hindlegs are often weakened, forcing them to run on all fours or hop like a kangaroo, and their heads will often have sunken eyes and retracted lips, exposing gums and jagged teeth, and they usually have long claws on their thin fingers and toes.
They also occasionally, but not always, have a tail.
The chupacabras is, in fact, sick; and a form sickness. If you are in any way bitten or scratched by the spines of these creatures, or even if you accidentally touch, consume or inhale any of the creature's bodily fluids, you too will be infected with this horrific and painful mutation. Whilst I pity the poor creatures that suffer from this disturbing sickness, they are incredibly dangerous and must be put out of their misery.
If the wretched hands of twisted pain, can scratch your flesh or mark your veins, as the sickness torments once again - you'll be screaming for a Hunter to put you down.

It is actually incredibly rare for a bitten werewolf to become a chupacabras. It requires a weakened and vulnerable werewolf to be bitten, and injected with a large amount of venom whilst the werewolf is in their animal form for them to succumb to the venom. But, since vampires tend not to bite werewolves and werewolves are naturally strong enough to overcome the bite in most cases, it is theorized by monster scholars that the chupacabras is in fact, a war orphan.
They believe that this mutation is the result of the centuries-old war between vampires and werewolves, since for a very, very long time, werewolves and vampires have been bitter enemies; and especially during the dark ages, it became a very bloody and vicious war. It is believed that, in an attempt to turn the tide, vampires attempted to infect the wolven victims of these wars, which resulted in the chupacabras being born. At the time, they were called "lamia", but unfortunately, this threat was not contained as the chupacabras is a virulent pest. It has been entirely destroyed within the British Isles and Oceania remains quarantined to these beasts; however, it is still a threat in the Americas, and has even been sighted in parts of Europe.
I find the history fascinating, but I tell you about their past for two important reasons. Firstly, these are not natural-born creatures, they don't act natural. They don't just eat for food, they don't nest or sleep and they don't attack if they feel threatened. These creatures are voracious and eat even even when their stomachs distend; they never sleep, only ever collapse or revert back to human form and they attack for almost no reason, often because they are in pain and lash out in anger and agony.
The second thing is, they are a mutated child of werewolf and vampire. They are not the beloved children of this pairing, but an unwanted freak. While they have aspects of both, they also have aspects of neither; as I just mentioned, they can revert to human form much like the werewolf, and they prey on the living much like the vampire. But, unlike the vampire, they hunger for more than just blood, often consuming blood and organs as well; and in some cases, even try to consume mud, rotten plants, glass, garbage, torn clothing, old newspaper . . . pretty much anything they can cram down their throat, their hunger is not restricted to food, they eat out of desperation. They kill out of anger, not food, they just eat the remains from starvation.
Also, unlike the werewolf, they cannot control this transformation at all, as it is triggered by hunger for flesh, and only once they have overeaten and are exhausted do they fall unconscious and return to their previous form; but, because human beings are not designed to digest large amounts of raw blood, flesh and bone (or the other non-digestible things that chupacabras feast on) a chupacabras in human form will often suffer from stomach pains, sickness, neurological issues and delirium following a transformation.
They change back into their chupacabras form when they are hungry, and when the sun is down; they do not return to human form during the day, only when hungry, but they cannot become chupacabras in the daylight.

These are wild and unusual monsters; however, just as a virus has common symptoms, and a rabid dog has common behaviours, although they act unnaturally, they can be predictable. These are some of the basic foundations of Chupacabras Psychology, which determine how a chupacabras acts:
- If it's Food, Eat it. Chupacabras are always hungry, and this is their drive. Find it, eat it. Nowhere in there does it say "cook it", they don't care, they just want to eat everything. And to them, pretty much everything is food.
- If it's Moving, Kill it. Chupacabras are always in pain due to their form, this makes them incredibly agitated and angry, and if something is near they kill it, out of anger and fear. But this applies to trees, grass and water, if it moves they attack.
- If it's Still, Grab it. Chupacabras are actually naturally curious, they have a human brain and claws which they use to investigate anything they come across, so they try to pick it up. Some consider this one of their few human characteristics.
- If You Grab it, it's Food. Unfortunately, their curiosity always comes second to their appetite, and if it's in their hand, it will probably fit in their mouth, so they will try to eat it.
These are, however, three corollary notions that drive their actions:
+ Cold is Scary. They never "seek out" heat, but they avoid cold, especially cold water.
+ Everything is New. They can only remember something if they are looking at it.
+ It Hurts. They are in pain, this leads to erratic shrieking, flinching and mood swings.
If you know how chupacabras think, then you're one step closer to knowing how to handle one safely.

If you find yourself at risk due to the chupacabras threat, here are some important notes to remember which can keep you from being eaten alive:
  • Home Sweet Home − Chupacabras don't understand doors. If you are hiding inside your home, they won't know where you are and will look for food elsewhere.
  • Barricade Your Door − Chupacabras are very strong, but not unstoppable. Whilst they can break through some doors, bars or something heavy can keep them out.
  • Play the Waiting Game − Never face a chupacabras at night. They have superior night vision, but daylight blinds them. Wait out the night if you want to stay safe.
  • Peace is Quiet − Chupacabras are not quiet, sneaky creatures, they are loud, cranky, sloppy predators, so if you cannot hear them, you are safer than if you can.
  • Don't Feed the Animals − Everything is food, nothing satiates them, and if you put food out near you, you just bring the chupacabras to you. Don't bait them.
  • Let there be Light − Light blinds the sensitive eyes of a chupacabra, and it can scare them. But this is a very risky move, as they may try to kill it.
  • Sink or Swim − If you know how to swim, getting into cold water can save your life. Because they fear the cold, they won't follow. Just beware of hypothermia.
  • Younger, More Hunger − Their transformation is controlled by unnatural appetite, so the more recently they have changed the more dangerous they will be.
  • Don't Touch − Don't kick or punch, don't grab, don't even get near. Even if you can survive, their spines can easily infect you with their corrupt venom. Beware.
Whilst, technically, it can be referred to as venom, the Hunting community tends to refer to the poison of the chupacabras as "chupacabras toxin". Mostly, this is to differentiate between vampire venom and chupacabras venom, but also to remind that the mutated venom of the chupacabras is more dangerous, painful and toxic. There have been cases of chupacabras toxin infecting people through their unbroken skin, it is a vile and painful infectant.
When hunting chupacabras, your main goal is to avoid being infected. Because chupacabras are already in severe pain, whilst some ethicists may disagree, Hunters have deemed it pragmatic that inhumane methods of hunting are fair game for the chupacabras. They are, after all, a human suffering from a toxic mutation. Your goal is to end their existence to cease their suffering and prevent the suffering of others.
Never capture a chupacabras, only kill. To capture a chupacabras, prevent it from eating, and keep it alive is nothing short of torture. Even in human form, they are sick, infectious and dangerous. Kill on sight.

The only upside of the chupacabras, is that they are loud, messy and conspicuous. Whilst I often equate the work of hunting a monster as that of a detective, in thsi case you're not a detective, you're a firefighter.
Find the source, put it out.
So, your location, is your first victim. Be it human, pet or especially goat (they aren't called "goat suckers" for nothing), the chupacabras will seek out and attack, then eat their victim. Chupacabras have an unusual habit of leaving behind skin, I believe this is a remnant of their vampiric nature that they prefer their food wet to dry, but no matter the reason, chupacabras have a habit of killing, then biting into the stomach and tearing out what they can grab and eating it. This is much akin to the way a werewolf may devour human victims, but there are some differences. A telltale sign is the "chupacabras bite". A common misunderstanding is that chupacabras drink blood identical to a vampire, but with a third "tooth" unlike the vampire bite. This is not true, chupacabras tear out organs and rip with their teeth, but they tend to grab their food and pierce with their claws in a way that pierces the skin with three fingers, which leaves behind a mark like the finger-holes on a bowling ball, two close together and one further down creating a long triangle. Also, werewolves are heavy and large, and tend to lunge on top of prey, chupacabras are messier, there are often signs of a long and painful struggle, wounds will often not look like torn scratches as much as piercing and gouging, and there will often be missing fingers, nose or genitals, and in the case of animals, they often eat the ears and tail, or even legs if they are small enough, anything it can fit in its mouth.
Don't mess around, don't interrogate, don't collect evidence. Remember, firefighter, there is a blazing monster on the loose. If you find a chupacabras bite, or believe the body has been chewed on and brutalized, extremities are missing, go on the hunt. Especially if it is night time.
They're not hiding, don't play cat and mouse, get in a vehicle if you have one and drive. If you don't have a vehicle, draw your weapon of choice and run. The Hunt is on, and the longer it takes you to catch this monster, the more death they will cause.
Your suspects will either be the conspicuous rabid, monsters with sharp teeth, spines and shrieking in pain as described above. Or, in the instance that your chupacabras is in human form, they will be unhealthy, delirious, their skin often a sickly yellow colour, covered in stretch marks or cuts, their teeth dirty and bloodied and it is very common for them to vomit blood or suffer extreme mood swings. They are dying, it's not the kind of thing you can hide very well; the only reason they survive each time is because the same thing killing them also gives them vampiric endurance and werewolven fortitude, but that just prolongs their suffering. Follow the trail of blood, teeth marks, victims, sightings and vomit, you will find your monster soon.

Do not ever capture a chupacabras, I cannot say this enough. I've seen Hunters try, often using methods similar to capturing a werewolf or zombie, but it is a daft and dangerous action. Put Them Down. They have suffered enough. Let them die.
Your best method is a Decapitate. My tried and true method for taking down a chupacabras is to get in my truck, run them over and stop so that they're trapped underneath, then stab them in the head with my Weapon of Choice if they're still moving. I know it seems cruel but it's necessary, you can never touch them as there's a high risk of being intoxicated, and it puts you at the least risk. It also avoids unnecessary mess. Some Hunters prefer to get a gun, and shoot them in the head. It keeps them far away from you, lowering your risk of intoxication, and it is a swift kill. Unfortunately, this method can spread their brain matter out, which makes clean-up more difficult and if you only have a shotgun (as most Hunters do, for the sake of packing specialized shells), then it's an even higher risk of getting their toxin on you, and it also puts citizens at risk of getting shot if your chupacabras is in the middle of a populated area, which is very likely, but it does often work.
It's difficult, because they aren't bothered by pain, so fire is much too dangerous; traps often just aggravate them and they've been known to chew through their own feet to escape a trap; and because they have toxic blood, if you try to cut them or bleed them out or fail at many of the other various methods, you will leave a huge mess in their wake that can infect more unfortunate victims. The stupidest attempt I have ever seen was a man who fed a grenade to a chupacabras. Three more people became infected as a result, and the man died in the attempt. It was a waste of human life which I hope to never see again.
The only other method of killing that I endorse is Suffocate. Not just by drowning, although that can work, but if you have more experience with traps, one method is to entrap them (preferably a cage, not a snare, as they will try to tear themselves free), then surround the trap with something mostly airtight and fill it with a non-oxygenated gas you can acquire. I highly recommend carbon monoxide, as it's easy to attach a hose to your exhaust, and I find that it is the quietest method, if not the quickest.

It doesn't end there. The job's not done. When Hunting a chupacabras, you're in Attack Mode, you hunt, you kill, you do it quick. But after the job is done, you have to enter Defense Mode, you have to prevent the infection from spreading. As I said, the chupacabras is a pest, so you need to contain the threat before moving on, You Will Need:
"Suit" - You can't protect people from being sick if you are sick, yourself. You can purchase hazard suits online so long as they're airtight with splash protection (level B in the U.S., Type 2 in Europe), or if you have electrical tape, a raincoat, wet weather pants, rubber gloves and boots, you can wear that and seal up anywhere that isn't watertight with tape; but, you need to cover your face as your eyes and nose are very susceptible to infection, so no matter what I always use a raincoat with a hood, and wear a gasmask that covers my eyes. If you don't have a gas mask, at the very least, I recommend you wear protective glasses and a "particulate respirator" mask, even a disposable one, you can get them from most hardware stores. This isn't just for the chupacabras toxin; the cleaning solution required to clean it up is very volatile as well, don't cut corners.
"Slop" - You will need a caustic solution to dissolve and destroy your chupacabras and any bodily fluids or dead victims they leave behind. Chupacabras toxin is a biological toxin, which means it can be destroyed with a caustic solution. I prefer lye and water, since you'll need a lot and this is one of the cheaper and safer options; I use a 5:2 water-lye solution. This is your "weapon" now.
I mix the solution in a plastic wheelie bin which I purchased, as it is made from polyethylene, which is safe with the caustic soda I use. Now, this solution is incredibly dangerous, if you get any of it on your skin, you need to flush the area with water, try to water down the alkaline and if possible scrub it off. And if you mix caustic soda with water, the chemical reaction produces a lot of heat, and I find that it can melt the plastic of the bin I mix it in, so you'll need to add the soda slowly or use a metal container. Look up some basic chemistry, caustic soda can dissolve glass, the vapours are dangerous and the solution will cause permanent blindness if it gets in your eyes, be careful. Also, don't fill the container; there's a reason I chose a bin with wheels, you will need to move it around, and if it's overfilled, it will spill. It's a pointless waste, and creates a serious risk.
"Spade" - It's a bad idea to throw this stuff around with your hands. Not only is that risky if you've made your own Suit, but it's difficult to spread it effectively. I use a shovel, with a metal handle (wood breaks down in caustic soda). You will need a spade for a few reasons. If you are putting large pieces of chupacabras, especially severed chupacabras limbs or the head into your Slop, it's a safe way to scoop them up whilst keeping well clear of their spines and claws. Also, if there is blood on walls or the road, use your Spade to scoop out some Slop and spread it out on the affected area.
Remember, your job is to disinfect, not make it look pretty. It will probably leave a stain; that's not your concern.

Other equipment you might need includes caution tape and/or traffic cones. This is actually something you can purchase in hardware stores, and with this and some rods you can stand on the ground or sticky tape or a stapler, it can save a lot of effort trying to keep people away whilst you are cleaning, or marking off areas far away, if you have a big cleanup job ahead. Often the smell is enough to keep people away, but it does make some all the more curious. I find that Slop is the most effective, but if you find that too difficult in some circumstances, you could attempt to do the same thing with fire and accelerant.. I find that too dangerous, especially for stains inside of homes. You may also need some handcuffs, or just a strong few zip-ties is much cheaper and easier. Always bind their hands behind them or to something solid (I often zip-tie them to the tow-ball of my truck).
It is rare, thankfully, that victims of chupacabras get scratched and live to talk about it. However, in the instance that they do you have to quarantine them as well. You should also have fresh water with you, for safety, to dilute any accidental spills of your caustic solution.

So, set to your task. Once you have your Suit, Slop and Spade, if you have used any weapons or tools against the chupacabras which may need to be detoxified, it's a good idea to dunk them in the Slop and stir them around. If there is just blood, it doesn't take long for the Slop to get to work.
Next, collect your chupacabras corpse. I recommend that you break up your chupacabras corpse with your spade, to increase the surface area so it breaks up faster. Whilst Slop works faster and cleaner than some other methods, it can take around three hours to dissolve an entire chupacabras. Some hunters mix things up by burning the body beforehand, it does make it safer but I find that wasteful and dangerous. Also, any dead victims need to go in the slop as well. Don't rush, don't stuff them in, plan ahead. If there's too many for your Slop, either cremate the remains of the victims, or make more Slop.
Also, the reason I call it "slop" despite the fact that lye and water is clear when mixed is because as the body dissolves it becomes soapy, brown and gelatinous, which colours the water. If the Slop becomes too dark, dispose of it and make more.
Finally, pour some slop onto areas where blood, viscera, organs or body parts have stained the area. If you can pick it up, put it in the Slop; this includes grass, you can't leave these bloodstains on grass. Whilst the toxin will eventually break down, just to be safe you should dig out any grass or dirt with chupacabras blood on it and put it in your Slop.

Lastly . . . victims. If there are any living victims of the chupacabras with bites or scratches or blood on their skin, cuff them as soon as possible or separate them from anyone else in a locked room or enclosed space. Now is the difficult part.
You have two options:

- Kill them.
They are infected, they have a high chance of becoming a chupacabras. Especially if they have been penetrated with a spine, claw or tooth; or they've gotten blood in their mouth, eye or any wounds, it's inevitable. Kill them, and treat them as another chupacabras to clean up after.
- Torture them. As I've said, it is very rare, but there can be survivors of chupacabras attacks. If their intoxication looks minimal, or you're not sure how bad it is, you need to get some slop and apply it to the affected area. If that's too difficult, you could apply some accelerant and set it alight. Don't lie to them, it is going to hurt. A lot. Especially if it's close to their face. It's also a very stupid thing to do, but this is their only option and if I had to choose between second or third degree chemical burns and being chupacabras, it's no choice at all. After their skin blisters and burns away, get some water and flush the area until the soda is dilute (or the fire goes out), then, get the person first aid, with disinfectant and bandages. Then, wait until nightfall and test them. Soak a small towel in warm salty water and place it in their mouth. If they spit it out, they are well. If they try to eat it, or do anything other than spit it out or suck the water, it's time to put them down. If you're not sure, wait another night, feed them no meat and try again.

Final Notes
I hate the chupacabras. I've lost so many innocents due to careless mistakes with weapon choice; misidentifying warning signs; poor quarantine practices and hasty decisions. I also have friends horrifically scarred due to a small scratch they needed to disinfect, and irremovable stains on the back of my truck, to remind me of the time when I mistook an infected chupacabras with a detoxified survivor.
Stupid, small, simple mistakes are your greatest enemy in regards to the chupacabras.
I can guarantee you that the number of times that a Hunter has hesitated before destroying a chupacabras is equal to the number of Hunters that have died hunting these creatures down. Don't let yourself become one of them.