Showing posts with label blogserial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogserial. Show all posts

Saturday 14 June 2014

Mister Heavy

<< < Chapter Eight > >>

It was late afternoon when the Lift appeared within a children's playground, the temporal winds making the swings sway back and forth and the surrounding trees rustle as the ship slipped into existence, with a whine, a grind and a final thud. Inside the console room, the Duke was calculating their position on the console when a little, white butterfly flitted down and landed on his hand.
  "What have we here?" asked the Duke. He used his free hand to finish typing, then turned, holding the butterfly towards his compatriots.
  "Is that a butterfly?" asked Anise.
  "I've never seen something like this before," said the Duke. “It looks harmless enough.”
  "How did it get in here?" asked Edison.
  "We must have landed the ship around it,"said the Duke, staring at the little bug on his finger. “But whatever it is, it’s from Earth. That's where we've landed.”
  "We're on Earth again?” said Edison, “What time period?”
  “Why don't you see for yourself?” said the Duke. He didn't take his eyes off the butterfly as he reached back and pressed a button which opened the doors. The Duke lightly shook his hand and the butterfly took flight, heading back outside. Edison flinched as the butterfly flew past him, and he backed away.
  “It won't hurt ya,” Anise giggled.
  “I'm not scared of it,” said Edison, “I just don't want to hurt it. They're so fragile.”
Edison then followed the bug outside, with Anise behind. They both looked around at the see-saws, play equipment and surrounding trees.
  “Looks pretty modern to me.”
  “We're in Hyde Park,” said Edison, turning back to the Duke. “Is it the right time? Is this when we left?”
  “Give or take a few days, yes,” said the Duke, as he closed the doors to the console room.
  “Then can I go?” asked Edison.
Anise and the Duke both turned to look at him.
  “Why?” asked Anise
  “I'm still on-duty,” said Edison.
  “Will you come back?” asked Anise. Edison looked at her, opened his mouth, but didn't answer.
  “You're not a prisoner,” said the Duke, walking over to him. “You can leave whenever you wish. But if you want to stay, you need to tell me, or we might leave without you.”
  “Look, I don't know,” said Edison.
  “Chess . . .” said Anise, sadly. “Don't go.”
  “Can I have time to think about it?” asked Edison. The Duke stroked his beard as he considered.
  “We'll remain for one day. If you don't return to the ship by then, I'll assume you've decided to stay.”
Edison nods, and Anise offers him a hug, which the Inspector accepts.
  “If you stay, I'll miss you.”
  “Me too,” said Edison. Then he turned to go.
  “Oh, Inspector?” said the Duke. Edison stopped and turned to look at the Duke. They stared one another for a few seconds, before the Duke said, “You can't tell anyone where you've been.”
  “I know,” said Edison. Then as he walked away, he grabbed his radio. “This is Inspector Chester Franklin Edison, reporting for duty. Do you read me?”
He left the playground and headed off into the park.
  “Do you really think he's gonna leave?” asked Anise.
  “I didn't think he was going to stay in the first place; but he proved me wrong.” said the Duke, he looked at Anise, but his eyes were drawn to her feet. “Where are your shoes?”
  “Oh . . . I lost them when I jumped off the elevator,” she said, looking at her toes. The Duke raised an eyebrow, then turned to the ship and fiddled with the panel by the door.
  “You should really be more careful,” said the Duke. “I wouldn't want you treading on something with bare feet, come on.”
The Lift made sounds as if it were moving, but the cabin remained still. After a moment it stopped with a clunk and a mechanical voice said: 'Wardrobe'. The doors opened to reveal the grand walk-in wardrobe, which looked more like an alien clothing boutique than a wardrobe. Anise excitedly ran inside, with the Duke following behind.
  “Hey, is there a shower in this thing?” asked Anise, rifling through the racks.
  “There are decontamination showers somewhere on the lower levels. Why?”
  “Because I've been wearing this outfit for two days, Duke. I need a shower. And a change of clothes; can I use one of these outfits?”
  “You can keep it, if you so desire,” said the Duke. “I don't exactly need the women's clothing.”
  “Perfect,” said Anise, as she found a little, black skirt, and the Duke smiled to see her so delighted.

The Duke waited outside of the ship, sitting on one of the swings and fiddling with his laser spanner, as the afternoon got darker and darker. He clicked a switch and the prongs of the spanner began spinning around very slowly with a dull whizzing noise.
Suddenly, the door to the ship opened, and Anise stepped out. She was wearing a textured mauve t-shirt, designed so that it looked like the fabric was a rippling stream, with short sleeves and a conservative but wide neckline; a short, black skirt & a pair of white running shoes. Her hair was slightly damp from the shower, so it was slightly curly and limp, but still as neat as she could get it.
  “What do you think?” said Anise.
  “You look beautiful,” said the Duke. Anise smiled as she walked over and joined him on the swings.
“So, what do we do now?”
  “We have to wait to see if Edison will return,” said the Duke. “In the meantime, I think the power cell in this spanner is low.”
  “Oh, okay,” said Anise. “Does it run on batteries? I've never seen you charge it.”
  “It's part of the ship's equipment, it can charge wirelessly from the console. But when we faced the Slyph, I utilized a power surge, which requires a lot of energy, it takes a long time to replenish.”
  “Right,” said Anise. She kicked back and started to swing lightly back and forth. “Do you want to do something?”
  “What do you mean?” asked the Duke, returning the spanner to his jacket.
  “Well, if you need to recharge the spanner, you could plug it into the console, then maybe we could go somewhere. Y'know, together.”
  “I don't know where anything is on this planet,” said the Duke. “Where would we go?”
  “We could see a movie,” said Anise, with a shrug.
  “What is a 'movie'?” asked the Duke.
  “Y'know, a film,” said Anise, but the Duke frowned. “Moving pictures. They put it up on a screen so that it's nice and big.”
  “Is this similar to a holographic projection?” asked the Duke.
  “Well, yeah, but a little more low tech',” said Anise.
  “Then no, I wouldn't want to watch that,” said the Duke.
  “What about dinner?” she asked.
  “Are you hungry?” asked the Duke.
  “I will be later . . .” she said. “We could go to dinner.”
The Duke frowned again.
  “'To dinner'? Where is 'dinner'? Do earthlings all go to one place to eat?”
  “No, but . . . y'know, we could go to a restaurant to buy dinner.”
  “Oh. Well, I don't have any terrestrial credit. I don't even know what you trade with on this planet.”
  “I could pay.”
  “No,” said the Duke. “That wouldn't be fair on you.”
  “Well, I can't just sit here, all night!” said Anise, getting annoyed.
  “I could . . .” said the Duke, looking over at her. Before he could say anything else, there was a loud bang! off in the distance, and the Duke jumped to his feet.
  “What is it?” asked Anise, jumping up, but the Duke just ran
  “I don't know. Come with me,” he said. They jumped the boundary of the playground and ran down the path. It was a fair way from the playground to the road, but when they arrived, they found themselves at the scene of an accident. Looking down the road, they could see a cab and a bus. The cab was sitting at an angle, obviously struck by the bus, with nothing more than a scratch on the rear fender. It didn't look like it was a serious crash, until the duo walked around to join the crowd, and saw the third car caught between them. A red sedan was caught on the corner of the double-decker bus, and the metal had warped around it, the whole chassis bent at a sixty-degree angle.
  “Holy hell,” said Anise, “can we help them?”
  “We can try,” said the Duke. They walked out onto the road, and the Duke could see the driver on the right side of the car, amidst the bent metal. “Are you alright?” asked the Duke, tapping on the cracked, rear window. The woman inside slowly nodded.
  “How can we get her out of there?” asked Anise.
  “Move back,” said the Duke, looking inside the bus. But the driver wasn't in the bus, he was on the phone, calling for help or an ambulance.
Suddenly, the entire car began to move. Anise and the Duke watched as the front lifted off the ground and swung around, pivoting on the rear, left tire. Carefully, the front was placed back on the ground, and they saw as the man that lifted it walked around to the driver's side. It took them a second to process what they were watching. A man in a well-kept business suit and a green tie walked around to the door, and in one clean motion, ripped the door off its hinges.
  “Do you need a hand?” the man asked, in a very proper British accent. The woman nodded, and so the man placed his foot on the bottom of the door, and grabbed the crumpled section of roof with his hand. Without breaking a sweat, he kicked down and pulled up, and with a fwump! The crumpled roof bent upwards, widening the opening. The man helped the driver to undo her seatbelt. “Can you stand?” he asked.
She shook her head, so he carefully helped her to step out of the car. Anise ran forward to grab the woman's arm and they both helped her to sit on the ground. Her head was bleeding and she looked dazed.
  “Is there a doctor here?” Anise called out. A pair of students ran over, and announced themselves to be medical students.
  “Take care of yourself,” said the man, then he stood and turned to walk away.
  “Hey, wait!” called Anise, standing up to follow him. “How the hell did you do that?”
The man didn't respond. The Duke came over to join them as Anise grabbed his shoulder to turn him around.
  “Pardon me,” he said, shrugging off her hand and continuing to walk away.
  “What's going on?” asked the Duke. “Excuse me sir, would you stop?”
The man suddenly started running.
  “What the hell?” said Anise.
  “Run after him!” barked the Duke, and he started running. Anise followed suit.
  “What's going on?!” asked Anise.
  “What he just did was not humanly possible,” said the Duke. “I want to know what he is!”
  “Why are we running after him?!”
  “Because he's running away!”
The man turned down a side road, along the pavement and Anise overtook the Duke as she rounded the corner to follow him, starting to close the distance between her and the stranger.
  “Wait!” Anise yelled, “Just stop a second!”
The man made another sharp turn behind a building, but Anise was a few feet behind. She turned and ran down the alley after him, but when she couldn't see him, she slowed to a stop. She glanced around, listening only to the sound of her breathing, when there was a loud thud from overhead. She looked up and saw the man standing on the roof. He didn't stop to look behind him, he ran over the rooftop and out of sight.
“What the hell . . .?” she said. She heard the Duke catch up behind her, and when he saw her, he leaned against the wall and took a moment to catch his breath before asking.
  “Why did you stop?” he gasped.
  “He . . . he jumped the building,” she said, pointing, as she joined him.
  “What?” he asked.
  “It's like he's a bloody superhero . . .” said Anise.
  “Then why was he running away?” asked the Duke. he walked further down the alleyway, and saw something on the ground. He knelt down to see it up close. “And he didn't jump.”
Anise walked to stand beside the Duke, and saw that he was running his fingers along a patch of ground. The ground was grey concrete, but there was a pair of black circles two feet from the wall. The Duke flinched as he touched the warm surface, then held his fingers close to his face, with ash on them, and smelt it.
  “Eugh . . . plasma burn,” said the Duke. He stood up and brushed his hand on his jacket. “He must have plasma jets in his boots or some such thing, to so quickly char stone like this.”
  “Well, what now?” asked Anise.
  “We're lucky,” said the Duke. “Plasma rockets aren't exactly common in the centre of Earthly cities, if we're to find this man, we should set the computer to detect any plasma signatures, and wait for him to jump another building.”
  “Duke, why are you so keen to catch this guy?” asked Anise. “Can't we let him go? I want to know what he is as much as the next time traveller, but he's a hero. What harm can he do?”
  “Everyone thinks they're a good guy,” said the Duke. “I just want to make sure.”

When Edison walked into the London Branch of the metropolitan police station, it was to an office full of busy cops in their cubicles. But as soon as they saw him, all paperwork stopped and all eyes were on him.
  “Edison?” said DI Morley, “Holy hell, where have you been?”
  “He's back!” someone else shouted, and the rest of the room was filled with a smattering of applause. Then he was flocked by a dozen officers, either seeing if he was really back, shake his hand or to congratulate him on returning safely or even to ask where he'd been and who had found him. It was too much for him to deal with at once, until he heard a voice, speaking over the crowd.
  “Edison.” said the Superintendent. He sounded calm and didn't raise his voice, but he could be heard clearly over the din. The crowd spread out and made a hole for Edison to head towards the boss's office, and he saw the Superintendent standing there, a stout man, balding, with thinly-framed glasses. “Can I have a word with you?”
He walked into his office, so that Edison could follow.
  “Good luck, mate,” said DS Waterhouse. Edison nodded and followed the Superintendent into his office. It was walled with windows, but the blinds were drawn, which wasn't a good sign. Edison closed the door after him as he entered the office.
  “Good afternoon, sir,” said Edison.
  “Is it?” said the Superintendent quietly, “That's yet to be seen.”
Edison didn't say a word. He was trying to remember the speech that he'd prepared in his head.
  “Where the hell have you been, Chester?”
  “I'm sorry, sir,” said Edison, trying to compose himself. “ I was preparing to return home after securing the area around Liverpool street station. I was jumped by two men. Knocked out. I don't know where I was . . .” it had sounded good in his head, but out loud, the lie was starting to sound foolish. “They had a bag on my head, threw me in the back of a van. I didn't see much, they beat me around, and after a few days, they threw me out at Hyde Park, so I made my way back here.”
  “You were kidnapped?” said the Superintendent.
  “Yes sir,” said Edison. There was a long pause as the Superintendent linked his fingers and stared at Edison, his eyes flicking as they scanned every inch of the Inspector's face.
  “Do you know who it was that attacked you?”
  “No, sir. They attacked me from behind.”
  “I see . . .” he said. “Do you know why they let you go?”
Edison shrugged and shook his head.
  “I have no idea, sir.”
The Superintendent leaned back in his chair, staring at Edison.
  “You've created quite a mess for me here, did you know that?” asked the Superintendent. “After you went missing for two days, without a trace, we reported your case to the media, in the hopes someone might have seen you. For a whole week, it was headline news: London Officer Missing.”
  “I didn't know,” said Edison, feeling guilty. The Duke didn't tell me that we'd come back a week late.
The Superintendent held up a finger, to signal Edison to remain silent.
  “That's when questions start coming in from all sides. Why did he disappear? Why was he alone? Why was he armed? Who's fault is it? Who's to blame? The I.A. came through here, through my precinct; alongside some unified bloody “task force” - army men charging through - all accusing us for the disappearance of one of our own officers. There was word of homophobia in the media. A hate crime, in this day and age!”
Edison's blood turned cold. He hadn't told his boss that he was gay, he'd told almost no one because it was a private matter. How could they have found out?
  “Then, through all this talk of corruption, gay-bashing & the rumour mill churning out cock-and-bull, you come waltzing through my door, fit as a fiddle. It raises more questions than it answers, Edison.”
  “I'm sorry, sir,” said Edison.
  “Don't be sorry, be smart,” said the Superintendent. “I don't know where the hell you really were, but no one out there is going to believe your “kidnapped” story, I sure as hell don't. You passed firearms training above the margin, on a bad day, you've outperformed some of my seniors, and then this happens.”
  “I don't know what to tell you,” said Edison. “I really was kidnapped, just . . . I can't explain.”
  “Enough,” said the Superintendent. He looked more sad than angry. “You're a damn good detective and a good man. I don't want to believe that you've gone and done something wrong, but we have to deal with this all properly. We're gonna give you a check-up and a drug screen, check your story-”
  “Sir! I never broke the law!” Edison snapped.
  “Be silent, Detective Inspector!” the Superintendent snapped, and his voice alone was explanation enough as to why he was the boss. “I want to believe you, Edison. I want the truth to be that you've been dragged off on some misadventure and been dropped right back on my doorstep, in one piece, like a goddamned miracle! But it's my job to suspect the worst and prepare for it, and the only way to deal with this is to call the media, tell them we've found you and we're still investigating what happened. If it turns out you're on the straight and narrow, then I'll feed them your kidnapped story, but until then, I have to take this very seriously.”
Edison was angry, but he nodded. He didn't want to be paraded around like a crook, but he couldn't tell them the truth. If this is what it took to be accepted back on the force, he'd do it.
  “Alright, sir,” said Edison, standing up. Without being asked, he removed his police duty belt and placed it on the Superintendent's desk. “I'm guilty of nothing; I just hope I can prove it.”

The Duke was at the console of the timeship, checking the sensors, while Anise sat on the velvet couch, arms folded and legs crossed. She was sullen, but the Duke didn't seem to notice. After a while, he smiled, satisfied with the readout and turned around to his companion, his smile faded.
  “Are you hungry?” he asked.
  “ . . . no.” said Anise, then she stared at him, silently.
  “Is something the matter?” he asked.
  “I don't understand why you're so keen to run after this guy,” said Anise. “Couldn't we do something else? Something that's not chasing after aliens? Something more fun?”
  “Anise, that man has very powerful alien technology, in the form of those jump-jets, and I cannot understand that unnatural strength that he possesses. Either he's an alien that can hide amongst humans, or some kind of man possessed. Perhaps a very convincing android, either way I need to know why something so powerful is on your planet.”
  “What if he's just likes saving people?” said Anise. “What if he's just like you?”
  “Then we'll find that out,” said the Duke. “I don't want to hurt him, Anise. I just want to know his motive, for sure. It's my duty as a Duke - and a time lord - to make sure that the presence of this man will not cause disorder on this planet. If you want, after we've dealt with this, then we can do something fun.”
  “Okay,” said Anise, unfolding her arms and sitting them in her lap. The Duke turned around to check the readout again.
“Duke . . . do you remember when we went dancing?” asked Anise, a little self-consciously.
  “Of course,” said the Duke, offhandedly. “I could never forget it.”
  “What did that mean?” asked Anise, nervous. “I keep wondering if that meant something more, it felt so close. Did you mean something more by it?”
  “It didn't mean anything,” said the Duke, making Anise's heart sink. But he continued, “it’s just an Oathacan hwalgas, from Rathea. It's just a couple's dance, there's no ritual to it.”
  “I didn't mean the dance . . .” mumbled Anise, she looked over at the Duke, and sighed. “I wonder what the Oathacan word for 'friendzone' is . . .”
  “Plasma burn!” yelled the Duke, tapping one of the screens, and turning around. “The signature is across town.We need to hurry, so we'll get there in the ship. Hold on tight!”

Night had recently fallen outside the apartment building, when the timeship rematerialized on the corner of the block, a large metal elevator cabinet with exposed metal brackets. The doors opened and the Duke ran out of the Lift.
  “There, plasma burn,” said the Duke excitedly, pointing at a dark mark on  the ground. He turned to see Anise walking out of the ship behind him.
  “Alright. Where's the superman?” asked Anise.
The Duke looked up to the top of the apartment block.
  “Nowhere to go but up,” said the Duke.
  “If he's up there, why didn't you land the ship on top of the building?” asked Anise.
  “Because the signature was here,” said the Duke matter-of-factly, pointing at the scorch marks in the gutter. “Come on, we'll take the stairs.”
The Duke walked towards the glass doors leading into the apartment block, but it was locked. He takes the laser spanner out of his pocket and points it at the door; with a clack the electronic lock released and he opened the door, then Anise followed as he lead the way inside. There was no lift, so they climbed up the stairs to the roof. They quickly reached the door onto the roof, so the Duke carefully opened the door to checked outside before stepping out.
  “There he is,” said Anise in a harsh whisper. The man was standing a foot or so in front of some kind of standing vent on the roof. They watched as he pointed his right hand at the vent, and a thin, red beam shot towards the vent, where it burned it let off a thin strip of wispy, white smoke, then he lowered his hand to his side . The Duke flung the door open and stepped out onto the roof.
  “Stop right there, sir,” said the Duke. The man's head turned to see him as he approached. “I don't mean trouble, but I demand to know what your goal is here.”
The man swiftly turned to look at the Duke and swung a punch at his face. The Duke caught it with his left hand, but the man swung with his free hand into the Duke's hip. The Duke growled in pain, grabbed the man by the throat, lifting him off the ground slightly and slammed him into the vent-box,denting the top deeply, and he held him down.
  “What in all of time are you?” the Duke seethed.
Despite the violent throw, the man looked unaffected; his hair wasn't even dishevelled. He pointed his left hand at the Duke, looked him in the eye, and then his hand seemed to flicker away, in a pattern of geometric shapes, like dismantling polygons, down to the wrist. Underneath, was a thin almost-skeletal silver hand with black knuckles and white, textured  pads on the fingertips and the edges of the palm; in the centre of the hand  was a thin, blue, rectangle, like a small, neon light. It glowed briefly then fired a blue, pulsing beam. The Duke was thrown off the man, landing on his back.
  “Duke!” screamed Anise. “Are you alright?!”
  “Stay back,” said the Duke, sitting up, “I can handle this.”
With a hissing sound and a whoosh of fire, the man suddenly rose to his feet, swinging upwards while stiff as a board, and the Duke rolled to the side, and rose to his feet.
  “I don't want to fight you!” yelled the Duke. The man raised his right hand, and as before, the surface skin disintegrated revealing a skeletal hand, but instead of a blue rectangle on the palm, the thumb was dark black with a glowing, red line to the thumb-tip. The Duke dove to the side as it fired a thin, red beam. This beam was very bright and with one burst there was a flash of glowing, red embers and smoke where it hit the concrete. the man turned the laser weapon at the Duke again, and he ran for the stairwell, ducking behind the doorframe as it fired at the spot he had just been occupying, scorching the concrete.
The Duke was face to face with Anise as he caught his breath.
  “Are you alright?” asked Anise. “This is starting to seem like a bad idea.”
  “Doing the right thing is usually a bad idea,” grunted the Duke as he reached into his pocket to retrieve his spanner.
  “Can I help?” asked Anise.
  “Just stay safe,” said the Duke, adjusting the controls on the laser spanner.
Then, he walked onto the roof again, pointing his spanner at the man. The prongs of the spanner let off a small, purple spark of energy, and red light on the thumb-laser went dark. The man swapped hands, so the Duke pointed the laser spanner again, pressing a button, but nothing happened. He pressed it three times, but it didn't work.
  “Oh, drat,” said the Duke. The man fired a pulsing beam of blue light at the Duke which repelled him backwards. He maintained the repulsor beam as the Duke fell over, rolled backwards, and was pushed off the edge of the roof.
 “DUKE!” screamed Anise. The beam ceased and Anise ran over to the edge of the rooftop. She saw four fingers gripping the edge, and leaned over to see him dangling by one hand. Anise lay on her stomach and reached out to grab him. “Take my hand!”
The Duke was hesitant, but he put his spanner in his pocket and threw up his arm, grabbing her wrist as she grabbed his. He tensed his arm to pull, but Anise started to slip forwards.
  “Bloody hell!” she screamed. She grabbed the edge of the building with her free hand. “You're really heavy.”
The Duke frowned, then glanced down at the ground, eight storeys below at the sidewalk, untended garden and iron fence
  “Let go,” said the Duke.
  “No,” Anise said, her voice quiet, like a whimper, she was starting to shake from the strain. “I won't let you fall.”
  “It'll be alright,” said the Duke. “Just let go, I don't want you to fall with me.”
  “No, I can't.”
  “Let go,” said the Duke. “Even if I die, it doesn't matter; everything will be alright.”
  “I won't let you die!” said Anise.
He let go of the rooftop with his left hand.
  “NO!” screamed Anise. “No no no . . . someone, help! Please!”
She held on tight with her hand, but she was losing her grip on the roof, she was being dragged down.
  “Anise, let go!” ordered the Duke. “You'll fall!”
  “I won't let you die . . .” she grunted, hair falling over her face. “I won't let go.”
Behind Anise, the man appeared, and he grabbed her by the upper arm.
  “No! Leave her alone!” screamed the Duke.
But then the man stood up and walked backwards, bringing Anise to her feet and pulling the Duke up, together. As soon as his waist was at the edge of the rooftop, the Duke grabbed the sides and began to pull himself up.
  “Watch your step,” said the man, in a very formal, British accent.
Anise wiped tears out of her eyes as she looked at the man.
  “What on Earth . . .” she muttered and the Duke climbed to his feet.
  “You almost killed me,” snarled the Duke, in response the man just stared at him.
  “What are you?” he asked.
The man continued to stare, standing stock still like a store mannequin.
  “I know you're an alien,” said the Duke. With a cough, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a maroon pocketbook with a stylized, circular symbol on the front, he opened it to the page  bookmarked with a blue ribbon. “I'm the Duke of Rathea. Now what in all of time are you?”
As quick as a flash, the man knelt down in front of the Duke, and bowed his head.
  “Duke of Rathea, I humbly apologize,” said the man.
  “Next time, you could start with that,” said Anise, her voice still trembling.
The Duke shot her a dirty look.
  “On your feet, man,” said the Duke. “And tell me who you are.”
The man stands up straight, and stares blankly into space for a moment, until his entire body begins to dematerialize. From head to toe, large geometric segments faded away, the surface hologram peeling back to reveal a humanoid machine. Its head was smooth, with a large, oval-shaped panel of opaque, black glass in place of its face and forehead. its body was very smooth, polished metal; sleek with miniscule details, of secure panels, unrecognizable ports and tiny, glass panes along the surface of the torso. On its chest was some kind of concave plate built in like a satellite dish without an antenna in the middle and glowing, Its arms and legs were less detailed, but none the less sleek and efficiently designed, except for the lower portion of the legs, which looked like softly glowing, pale-blue tubes contained in metal bracing, with two retractable feet at the base surrounding dark, metal thrusters which must have been the plasma jets.
  “The superman is a robot?” asked Anise, bewildered.
After a few seconds, the black glass of the man's face flickered and became transparent, to reveal what looked like caterpillars. From what they could see inside of the head, there were six in total, each about three inches long, and quite plump, very much like regular caterpillars. However, each one was much shorter than a regular caterpillar, with only six limbs each side; they wore some kind of decorative cloth, bound to them with rings between each leg; The large eyes on their faces, bordered with dotted ocelli, were blue-green, opalescent and compound, like flies & their six, thoracic forelegs were segmented, unlike their six hindlegs.
The space within the head of the machine was separated into two levels, the top level like a gantry overlooking what could only be described as the bridge, as it looked like the interior of a spaceship, only miniaturized like a dollhouse. But instead of dolls, it was populated with insects.
  “No,” said the Duke. “It's a spaceship.”
There were three insects on the gantry, reading the computers, two caterpillars in navigational stations at the front; and, in the very centre, one of the caterpillars was curled up into a scoop-like chair, and was looking at the Duke with it's shiny, compound eyes. It chittered the mandibles of its little mouth, and the machine translated in that same, Proper English voice.
  “I am Captain Hwitwoo of the H.G.S. Gravid Heavy. We are most sorry for attacking you, our reflexive subsystems identified you as hostile, and so I ordered the attack in the belief that I was protecting my crew.”
  “Oh my gosh, that's adorable,” said Anise, giggling, perhaps from hysteria. “They're little caterpillars!”
  “Anise, compose yourself,” said the Duke under his breath. “They may be small, but they must be highly intelligent to have built such a complex machine. We're making first contact with an intelligent, alien species; be respectful.”
  “Okay,” said Anise, she sniffled, though she couldn't stop smiling. “They are really cute, but.”

Chester Edison sat at a metal desk in an interrogation room, facing the reflective side of a one-way mirror. He'd surrendered his radio, and they'd removed his high-visibility jacket during a check-up, but otherwise he was still wearing the same uniform and vest, although he had removed his hat and placed it on the table. Edison had already given them a statement, and gladly tested for drugs and alcohol as well as a brief psych evaluation and even a medical check-up from a nurse. But they'd found him perfectly healthy, sane and sober. Edison hadn't requested a lawyer, he didn't need one; because, technically, he hadn't been charged with any crime, he was merely co-operating in every way he could to prove that he was an honest policeman.
Edison was just waiting while the other police worked outside. They'd already done all they could without a conviction, and he was sure they'd be letting him go home soon. There was even talk that he'd be put on paid leave for a week or two, basically to rehabilitate. Edison, of course, didn't need any leave, but he knew that this was less for him and more so that the superintendent could keep him at a safe distance while this mess blew over. He was just waiting for one of the officers to come through the door, so they could take him home.
When the door finally opened, however, Edison didn't recognize the man that walked through the door, a very tall, redheaded man with a moustache wearing a suit and tie. He shut the door behind himself and walked to the table, walking slowly and deliberately, so that each footstep seemed to punctuate his movement. He placed a manila file folder on the table, slowly pulled out the chair and sat down opposite Edison.
  “Good evening, Mr Edison,” said the man.
  “Good evening . . . sir,” said Edison, with a confused frown.
  “My name is Dr Felix Gough,” said the man. “I'm with the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, and I've been looking over your case.”
  “Case?” asked Edison. Have they decided to charge me?
  “Of your abduction,” said Dr Gough.
  “Oh, I see,” said Edison. “Good news I hope.”
Edison had meant to lighten the mood, but in response, the doctor sucked his teeth and opened the folder in front of him.
  “Are you aware that London has the largest number of public security cameras in the world?” asked Dr Gough.
  “That I am, yes,” said Edison.
  “Are you also aware that the density of cameras diminishes, the further you travel from the central business district?”
  “I am.”
  “So, on the night of your disappearance - the sixth of July this year - were you aware that your actions within the construction site on Bishopsgate would not be recorded by video camera?”
  “Well, no. I don't think that thought was in the forefront of my mind,” said Edison. “What is this, an interrogation?”
  “Just questions, Mr Edison,” said the doctor. “Can I ask when you broke your nose?”
Edison paused for a second. A strange woman in a space-suit cracked it with a gun . . .
  “When I was kidnapped, my attackers must have broken my nose.”
  “Must have?” asked Dr Gough, looking up.
  “Yes,” said Edison. He didn't attempt to elaborate, he wasn't very good at lying on the fly.
Dr Gough took a pen from his pocket, scribbled something on one of the pages within the folder, then placed that page under the rest of the papers.
  “Do you know who this man is?” asked Doctor Gough, as he took an enlarged photograph out of the file, spun it around the right way and placed it in front of Edison. Edison leaned forward and could see a grainy, black and white photo of the Duke. Even though it was blurry, there weren't many men that dressed and kept themselves like the Duke. In the photo, he was walking down a sidewalk, looking at something in his hand.
  “I'm sorry . . . I've never seen that man before,” said Edison, shaking his head.
He could feel his stomach churning.
  “Not long after the time of your abduction, this man was seen in the area around the Bishopsgate construction site,” said Dr Gough. “The only one on a deserted block.”
  “And you think this man attacked me?” asked Edison, tapping the photo with his finger.
  “We're investigating every possibility.”
Edison felt unsure, in the photo it looked as though the Duke was dialing a mobile phone, but Edison knew that it must have been his laser spanner. Thank goodness they couldn't make it out, in the photo, he almost looked like any other man walking down the street, calling home because he was late. Wait, he does look like just anyone, doesn't he? thought Edison.
  “Wait, let me get this straight . . . you have footage of a black man walking down the street late at night, and you just assumed that he was involved in violent crime?”
  “That's not what we're saying, Mr Edison.”
  “Look, I told you that I didn't see my attacker. I don't know his ethnicity. The last thing I want you to do is assume that he's black.” Edison placed his hand on the photo and slid it back towards Dr Gough. The doctor returned the photo to the folder and looked over some more of the papers.
  “Alright then,” said Dr Gough, closing the folder. ”I think that's just about it. You're free to go.”
He stood up and picked up the file.
  “What, that's it?”
  “Yes, just a formality, really. There were some suspicious circumstances, we had to make sure everything was on the level. I hope you understand.”
  “Of course,” said Edison, with a respectful nod.
Dr Felix Gough then walked to the door, and opened it before turning back to Edison.
  “Oh, one last thing . . . do you know what day it is today, Inspector?”
  “I don't know. Wednesday?”
The doctor paused for a second and glanced at his watch.
  “Hmm. it's a Sunday, today. I guess you must have lost track of time . . .”
Edison didn't say anything until the doctor closed the door behind him and left, then he sighed heavily. It's over for now . . . but I can't help but feel like it's not over forever.

The Duke, Anise & the starship H.G.S. Gravid Heavy had left the rooftop, and were standing at the front of the console room of the Lift. The starship was once again veiled in the guise of a nondescript businessman with a green tie; meanwhile, the Duke was flying the timeship from the console, returning them to Hyde Park. so the engine was grinding and whirring rhythmically.
  “Our scans indicate that your associate is human,” said the starship, gesturing towards Anise. It was fascinating the way the ship moved, it was so lifelike, except for what it was saying, he seemed like any other human being.
  “Anise is a special case,” said the Duke. “I, like you, am merely a visitor here. I know little of the planet, so she is my ambassador. My guide.” the Duke said. “She will not reveal your existence to the peoples of this planet, I promise you that.”
  “I understand,” said the starship. “I don't mean to imply any distrust.”
  “That's fine,” said Anise, rubbing her arms awkwardly.
There was a light shudder underfoot, and a dull clunk as the timeship landed in the playground. The Duke silenced the engine and turned to the starship.
  “So, tell me, why is it that you've come to this planet?” he asked.
  “Of course, my lord. We are on a scientific expedition. On our home planet of Ceris, we often struggle to defend our cities against wild animal attacks . . . the cariputo do not possess the gigantism of your kind.”
  “The Cariputo are your people?”
  “Yes. We have come here to research how the less-developed insects of this world manage to survive against large predators, so that we can improve our own defences to be more effective and less energy-draining than what we've done so far. We were investigating the nest of a wasp species atop that domestus, when you confronted us.”
  “Enhancing your defences is a noble mission, captain,” said the Duke, bowing his head respectfully. “But this world is not aware of intelligent alien life. You have caused some disorder by coming here.”
  “We recognize this world's pre-lightspeed status, this is why we've constructed our starships to blend in,” said the starship.
  “But your actions betray you. Humans are not as strong as your starship, and we saw you lifting a civilian vessel earlier today.”
  “That wasn't us,” said the starship.
  “Well, it sure as hell looked like you,” said Anise.
  “No, you don't understand . . .” said the starship. Suddenly, the ship stood stiff as a board, and the surface hologram dissipated, revealing the humanoid machine underneath, and the cariputo within the head.
“We've been having some difficulties with the ship's reflexive inconspicuity subsystems,” said Captain Hwitwoo. “We don't directly control the actions of the H.G.S. Gravid Heavy while veiled, that is while we're blending in. Human movement and emotion is too difficult for us to replicate in real time. So our computer analyzes and replicates human speech, action and locomotion while we give very basic directions.”
  “I don't understand. You're not in control of your own ship?” asked the Duke.
  “It's more complicated than that,” said the captain. “Commander Twiput, can you activate the inconspicuity subsystem without the veil, please?”
After a moment, the starship came to life and glanced around, it quickly noticed that Anise and the Duke were staring at it.
  “Sorry, I must have dozed off for a second there,” muttered the starship, then it mimed putting its hands in its pockets.
  “What is this?” asked the Duke.
  “Sorry,” said the ship, walking towards the Duke and offering a handshake which he didn't accept. “Have we met? My name is Gravid Heavy.”
  “Grey-vid?” said Anise.
  “Yes, how are you?” asked Mr Heavy, offering her his hand instead. Anise shook it, and although the fingertips and palm were rubber, it was a firm, human-like handshake.
  “The name is unusual,” said Anise.
  “I get that a lot,” Mr Heavy said with a light chuckle.
Suddenly, it let go of her hand and stood up perfectly straight again.
  “Move us out to a safe distance, commander, we don't want to crash into her,” said the captain. In response the starship walked backwards, back to where it was standing before.
“As you can see, it's a well-designed facsimile. But lately, the system has been prone to stray from hiding, such as intervening after that vehicular collision.”
  “So, you're saying the ship helped those people automatically?” said the Duke.
  “Yes,” replied the captain. “It was not our choice to save those humans.”
  “What, so, saving people was an 'accident'?” asked Anise, sounding bitter. “So much for a 'superman' . . .”
  “Our systems are designed to blend in, above all else, Anise. We mean no disrespect to your people,” said the captain. “ After all, it was those actions which drew your attention to our existence, wasn't it?”
  “That and the plasma burn,” said the Duke. He pointed at the plasma jets on the ship's feet. “When you take off using your plasma jets, you scorch the ground, it leaves a distinct burn.”
  “We'll have to make a note of that. Officer Twikwa, send that information to the engineers,” said Hwitwoo. One of the cariputo on the gantry level bowed its head and crawled into a small elevator tube, headed for the engineering level.
  “Well, we can't allow a ship with a malfunctioning hologram to wander idly around a human city,” said the Duke. “ But, perhaps I can help you. I have some understanding of artificial intelligences. If you wish to enhance your camouflage systems, I could network you to my ship's console and take a look at your computer, see what's causing this error.”
  “Of course,” said the captain. “This mission is vital to the development of my people. I would be honoured if a duke such as yourself were to help us.”
  “Alright then,” said the Duke, returning to the console. “Can your ship's computer connect to mine wirelessly?”
  “Of course,” said the captain.
The Duke activated a holographic keyboard and and screen, as he connected to the cariputo's computer, when suddenly the room filled with the sound of whistling, chittering and squeaks.
  “We're connected. I just have to translate . . .” said the Duke. Anise walked up next to him so that she could speak only to him.
  “How long is this going to take?” she asked.
  “I'm not sure. Why?”
  “Because you promised that we could do something fun after we'd dealt with the 'superman'.”
  “You don't find this fun?” asked the Duke with a smile.
  “No. Duke, be serious. I just don't like you being a duke all the time.”
  “I am the Duke. I can't stop being who I am,” he said, frowning.
  “I’m not asking you to stop being a duke . . . I'm asking you to be the Duke that took me dancing.”
The Duke looked at her and sighed, softly.
  “Anise, I-”
  “-hear us? We're receiving you, can you hear us, my lord?” asked the captain, in that familiar, British accent of the ship's computer. The holographic screen on the console showed an image of the cariputo crew aboard the bridge.
  “I'm receiving you,” said the Duke. “Now, how do I access this inconspicuity subsystem?”
Anise just went to go sit on the couch again.

When Edison finally arrived home, he felt exhausted. Not sleepy, but worn out. He stepped inside, and looked around. It was a perfectly ordinary house. It was cosy and a little old-fashioned with the floral upholstery on the couch, dark wood tones, a fireplace, china cabinets in the corner and wooden furniture, but it felt like home to Edison. Everything looked like it was where he left it a week ago. He had expected things to be in disarray, as it was police procedure to search a person's home if they went missing. Either they hadn't really searched or they'd been really careful looking through his things.
Before anything else, Edison headed to the bathroom. He threw his work clothes in the hamper and stepped into the shower to wash off the dirt from all manner of different places and times. Then, wrapping his towel around his waist, he combed his blond hair into a neat little cowlick, shaved and washed his face. Then, grabbing his belt and shoes, he went into the bedroom, put the accessories away and got dressed. He chose to dress in a pair of jeans and a mottled grey shirt with a V-neck collar and long sleeves, since it was a little chilly that evening. Then we went and sat down on his couch. He lounged back for a moment, staring at the ceiling, then glanced to the little side table where the phone was. He couldn't see the face from this angle, but he knew someone must have called, so he pressed the button to check his messages.
  “You have seven messages.”
Edison leaned forward, looking at his bare feet as the phone beeped, then played the message.
  “Chess, it's Dave. We're having a dinner at our place, this Sunday, with the family. If you're not doing anything-”
Without looking Edison presses the delete button, the phone beeps again. The message began, but in the background there was the sound of a lot of people and music, and the messenger sounded drunk.
  “Hey, Eddy! . . . don't you think about stayin' at home! You come out man! Come out and party woo-” Edison presses delete again. Stupid drunk dialer probably got the wrong number. The phone beeps and the next message begins.
  “Uh . . . this is Sarah. Y'know, everyone's looking for you, I just . . . if you get this message, call the station. Okay bye, just . . . bye.” the phone beeps “Tuesday, five twenty-one p.m.
Sarah, thought Edison with a sigh as he deleted the message, she's been pining for me for months. I don't have the heart to tell her she's not my type. With a beep the next message begins.
  “Chester, it's Mum,” Chester immediately sat up and looked at the phone. “We just got a call from Inspector Morley, he says you just walked into the station.” Edison heard her sigh with relief. “Your father and I have been so worried. Please, call us as soon-”
Edison picks up the phone, cancels the message playback, and dials his parents. The phone rings, and Edison drums his fingers on his pants, impatiently. It rings again. And again. After nine rings, there's a beep and he hears his Mum's voice.
  “You've reached Carol and Frank. We can't come to the phone just now, but please leave a message and we'll get back to you.” The phone beeps.
  “Uh . . . hi Mum. It's Chester. I'm back, I'm okay, I'm well. I'm back . . . I hope you didn't worry too much, it was just . . .” space, aliens, time travel, “. . . well, I'm home now. I hope I can talk to you soon. Tell Dad . . . well, tell him-”
  “Hello?” said a gruff voice on the other end of the phone.
  “ . . . Dad?”
  “What? Who's this?” said the voice, before clearing its throat. He must have picked up the phone.
  “Hi, Dad. It's me, Chester.”
  “Oh . . . Chester. Are you alright, boy? Your mother was worried sick.
  “Yeah, Dad, I'm good.”
  “Good to hear. What happened to you?
  “I was jumped y'know. By some gangsters . . . look, is Mum there?”
  “It's almost two o'clock in the morning, boy. She's asleep!” growled Frank.
  “Right. Sorry, Dad . . . I can call another time.”
  “That's probably best.
  “Okay. Tell Mum I love her.”
  “Will do. G'night.
  “Goodnight,” said Edison. He heard the clatter as his father hung up the handset.
“ . . . I love you too, Dad.”
Edison hung up the phone. He was about to check the rest of his messages, but he realized that he didn't care anymore. He laid himself sideways to lie on the couch, then rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. It's two in the morning, I should get to bed . . .
Edison sat up and went to his bedroom. He sat down on the end of his bed. He didn't feel tired, so he just laid down again, and again found himself staring at the ceiling. It was so quiet, here. He'd gotten so used to noise, all the time. Particularly the whirring, wheezing, grinding sound of the Duke's timeship as it spiralled through time and space.
  “No,” said Edison, sitting up again. “The Duke doesn't want me there, he thinks I'm trying to steal his girlfriend. And it's way too dangerous . . .”
Who are you talking to, Chess? . . . you're talking to yourself. Well, then, who are you trying to convince?
Edison got up and switched on the light. He found a fresh pair of white socks, some dark brown shoes & a brown, suede jacket out of his closet. He put them on one by one, then grabbed his iPhone from the charger at his bedside table and his wallet.
Then, Edison headed out into the living room and towards the door. He opened it and walked down the footpath towards the gate, when he stopped. The streetlights were the only illumination on his quiet, sleeping street & he felt strange leaving his house without his uniform on and so late at night, he felt vulnerable.
His police equipment had come in handy more than once through time and space. But he wasn't a policeman anymore, he was on mandatory leave and all of his equipment was in his work locker. Edison stroked his chin thoughtfully for a moment, then went back inside.
He searched in his spare room, and found a box of camping gear. From that, he grabbed an empty hiking utility belt, some cable ties and a multi-tool, then closed the box. He strapped the belt around his waist, slipping the tools into the compartments, then headed into the kitchen. In the cupboard above the stove, he had his own mag-lite torch, which he added to his belt, as well as some notepads and pens he stored there. Then, after some hesitation, he went to his bedroom, and retrieved his own set of handcuffs and keys from his bedside table, then fetching his keys from the key rack in the cupboard, Edison headed out to his garage. He switched on the light and walked over to a locked, steel box he kept under the bench; a gun safe. He knelt down in front of the safe and paused for a moment. He rubbed the key in his fingers as he thought to himself, I could get in a lot of trouble for this. Finally, he unlocks the case and opens the lid, I could get in a lot of trouble without it. He adds the gun to his belt, and prepares to head out, into the unknown . . .

The holographic screen on the console was showing several lines of code, half-translated, with several sections highlighted and underlined. The Duke was frowning deeply.
  “I don't understand what all of these numbers mean.” said the Duke, running his finger along the side of the screen.
  “Alright. Well, I believe I've found the problem,” said the Duke
  “Really?” said Anise, heading over from the couch. “What is it?”
  “See here?” said the Duke, pointing to several highlighted lines of code. “These are the recordings of when the ship has done something that put it in danger of being discovered.”
  “Those are just lines of code,” said Anise.
  “It's compressed, for the report. See, look . . .” the Duke tapped his finger on the lowest highlighted section. The screen was then filled with a short video.
It looked like footage of a sidewalk at night, filmed from eye level. Anise soon realized that it was from the perspective of the ship. As it walked past some women in skimpy dresses, someone started yelling.
  “Come here, ya bastard! I'll bash yer skull in!
The ship ran faster past the crowds, until it saw two drunk men, one on the ground, bleeding from his nose, the other standing over him. It grabbed the attacking man's hand.
  “You don't want to do that.” said the ship's voice.
  “Get off, ya fag!” The man yelled at the camera, then threw a punch that made Anise flinch as it hit the camera, making it flicker. Then he started screaming; he'd broken his hand. The camera turned to the man on the ground.
  “Are you alright?” asked the ship, as a hand came into view, offering to help the man up.
  “Yeah, cheers, mate.” standing up.
Then the video ended, returning to the screen full of code.
  “There are several records like this,” said the Duke. “But if these numbers are timecodes, that means the earliest record of an anomaly is here.”
The Duke scrolled up and pointed to another highlighted record, this record looked different, as it was highlighted, but also had a red outline.
  “What's that?” asked Anise.
  “That's an out-of-character error,” said Captain Hwitwoo, through the comm. “If the system encounters a social situation that it isn't prepared for, the program goes into recovery mode, so that it can adapt to the situation and learn how to handle it in the future.”
  “So what was the error?” asked Anise.
  “According to these logs . . . ” Hwitwoo paused for a moment. “We tripped over.”
The Duke pressed the highlighted section and it played another video.
From that same eye-level perspective, the ship was looking across the street as it crossed the road. After a few seconds, the vision flipped downwards, and two hands appeared as it braced itself and landed facedown. Luckily, the face didn't collide with the ground.
  “Oh my god, are you alright?” called out a voice. The camera looked up to see a young black girl, a teenager, run over and kneel down, holding out her hand. The video stared at her for a moment. “Here, come on.
The girl leant down closer and the hand disappeared from view as it grabbed his shoulder and helped him to his feet. Car horns started to blare.
  “Just wait, you idiot!” the girl yelled at the car, then the pair walked to the side of the road. “You could've been run over, if you weren't so lucky.
The video ended abruptly.
  “Nice girl,” said Anise.
  “I think I understand the problem,” said the Duke. “The system was adapting to a new situation, so it was in danger. Then it witnessed a girl running over to help it. The system must have learned from that.”
  “That you have to do everything you can to help people in need . . .” said Anise.
  “Exactly. But that's putting it in danger. It's already risked revealing itself at least half a dozen times.”
  “So, what can we do about it?” asked Anise.
  “Simple,” said the Duke, pointing the highlighted entry log again. “I just have to delete this, and the program will forget about it. It will return to normal.”
  “What?!” screamed Anise. “No, you can't just delete the memory of that girl.”
  “Anise, we've been over this . . . it puts the cariputo at risk.”
  “What about all those other people at risk? He saved that woman today..”
  “Anise, It wasn't built to be a hero.”
  “Is anyone? You're going to turn him into another passive bystander. How can you call that 'normal'?”
  “The cariputo want to be a passive bystander.”
  “Gravid doesn't,” said Anise.
  “Anise, please . . .” mutters the Duke. “It's a machine.
  “A machine that made a choice. We ran into it because we were doing the same thing he was, trying to help someone in need.”
  “You don't understand,”
  “But what about them?” asked Anise. She flicked her finger over the screen rolling through the data. “What about all of these people?”
Anise pointed at the screen, accidentally clicking the last highlighted section. The video of the last recording started to play.
In the video, someone was leaning over a ledge, screaming.
  “No no no . . . someone, help! Please!” Anise recognized her own voice.
  “Anise, let go! You'll fall!” the Duke screamed. It was the scene from earlier that night, but from the ship's perspective. The video seemed to zoom in rapidly as the camera ran forward.
  “I won't let you die . . . I won't let go.
A hand appeared as the ship reached down and grabbed Anise's arm. Then the video stopped.
The pair of them stood there in silence for a moment, then Anise marched up to the H.G.S. Gravid Heavy. The ship was slightly taller than her, but she looked at the captain sitting in his chair.
  “If Gravid hadn't saved us, we wouldn't even be here helping you!” she yelled. There was a beep from the console behind her as Anise pointed an accusing finger. “You don't have to put yourself at risk just to save people, but it's not right to stand by and watch when someone else needs your help!”
The captain glanced around the bridge, when Anise turned back to look at the Duke. He was looking at the screen again, confused.
  “What did you just do?” he asked, turning around.
  “Your companion triggered an out-of-character alert,” said the captain. “No one's ever yelled at the ship before.”
  “Well, the program adapted,” said the Duke. he tapped the latest entry on the screen, and it played a video of Anise yelling her speech, from the ship's perspective:
  “You don't have to put yourself at risk just to save people, but it's not right to stand by and watch when someone else needs your help!” then the video ended.
The Duke turned and stared at the screen.
  “Captain Hwitwoo . . .” said the Duke, turning. “This is the first time I've seen your kind of adaptive technology, but do you think this might be the solution? Does the program understand human speech?”
  “Of course,” said the captain. “It's programmed to be able to talk.”
  “Then, if it understood what Miss Trevino said, perhaps it learned from it. It was adapting to the situation.”
  “We can't be sure,” said the captain. “We don't have an artificial intelligences expert aboard.”
  “I understand,” said the Duke. “But I think this problem is solved. The issue isn't that the ship was helping people, it's that it was doing so with inhuman ability.”
  “I don't know if I can take that risk.” asked the captain. “What if someone else discovers us, because the ship decides to help someone?”
  “You've seen tonight that humans do help one another. By allowing someone to suffer when they're in need, you could also draw attention to yourself.”
The captain considered this for a moment.
  “Look, just leave it for a while,” said Anise. “You know how to delete the thing if you have to. But for now, don't . . .”
  “Alright,” said the captain. “We'll test it out, and see if we can't blend in. Raise the veil, commander.”
With that, the surface hologram reappeared around the ship, and it smiled.
  “Thank you, Anise,” said Mr Heavy, nodding. “And Duke. Perhaps we'll meet again. But, we'd best be heading off now. There's much research to be done.”
Then, the starship turned and walked out the front doors of the Duke's timeship.
  “There. That didn't take so long, did it?” said the Duke.
  “It took over five hours,” said Anise.
  “Five hours isn't a great deal of time,” said the Duke.
  “It is to me,” said Anise. “But I'm glad you didn't change him for the worse.”
  “That was all you,” said the Duke. “Now, if I remember rightly, I promised you that I was going to do something after we finished here.”
  “Like what?” asked Anise. “It's midnight, we can't go anywhere.”
  “Why do we need to go somewhere?” asked the Duke. “I don't need to go somewhere to enjoy time with you, Miss Trevino. You say you like dancing? There's a ballroom on the ship . . .”

It was sunrise by the time Edison drove to Hyde Park. He got out and walked down the path, fully equipped with his hiking belt and pulling a shiny, blue suitcase behind him on its little roller wheels. It was a gorgeous morning, as he walked through Hyde park, looking over the green grass surrounding the playground. The ship was right where he'd left it, and so Edison wanders through the gate and up to the ship. He stops for a moment outside of it and sighs.
  “Good morning, old friend. I've missed you.”
The doors opened in front of him, and he steps inside. As he entered the lobby, the first thing he noticed was that he could hear soft music. Is that elevator music?
Tapping on the rear door, it too opened, and he saw himself face to face with the throne room, and its marvellous Rathean decorations.
  “What the . . .?”
The music was coming from deeper inside, so Edison heads past the room, though the gallery and opens the doors to an enormous ballroom. The music was much louder inside, and he saw Anise and the Duke, doing some kind of waltz or tango.
  “Is this what you two do when I'm not here?” asked Edison.
  “Chess!” Anise screamed. She let got of the Duke and ran to greet him, almost tackling him with an excited hug. “I'm so glad you're back!”
  “It's good to see you too,” he said.
  “Oh, you missed out. We met a superman that was a robot with little caterpillars in it!”
  “Uh . . . okay.”
  “Inspector!” said the Duke, smiling as he joined them. “It's nice to see that you've made up your mind.”
  “It wasn't easy, but . . . I'm a policeman. I can do more good out here.”
  “You've made the right decision,” said the Duke. “Should we be going, then?”
  “No no, not yet. I want to show Edison how to dance.”
  “Me?” said Edison. “Anise, don't be silly. If anything, I'll be teaching you how to dance.”
Anise grabbed his wrist and they both ran to the middle of the dancefloor and the Duke chuckled as stood to the side and watched them both trying to dance together.

Friday 2 May 2014

The Blue Silence

<< < Chapter Seven > >>
With a mechanical grinding sound, the Duke's timeship vworped into existence, in the middle of a concrete room, with blue-tinged light peeking through the windows. The timeship looked like a silver, rectangular box, with a simple, steel frame braced around it, sitting on a two-inch thick, metal base with spindle wheels connected to the doors. After a few moments, there was a little ding, and the Lift doors opened. Anise stepped out, and squealed as she took a step onto a floor that was lower than she had expected. Her bare feet slapped against the cold concrete.
  "There's a step!" she called back. The Duke and Edison followed her, each taking care where they put their feet.
  "Are you alright?" asked the Duke.
  "Yeah, but the floor's a bit cold," she said, wiggling her toes. "Where are we?"
Edison wandered around the ship, admiring its new facade, then looked around the room.
  "We're at the construction site, on Bishopsgate," said Edison. He grabbed his radio. "Control? This is Edison. Come in, control."
  "Whatever do you think you're doing?" asked the Duke, raising an eyebrow.
  "Radioing in," said Edison, he clicked the radio on again, "This is Edison, please respond."
  "Then desist," said the Duke, "I don't want people coming here to discover my timeship."
  "Duke, technically I'm still on duty,” said Edison, adjusting his cap to make his point. “If you don't want to arouse suspicion, then you should worry less about your camouflaged spaceship and more about the policeman that vanished while on duty. Otherwise, we might start up a panic."
The Duke held up one open palm, conceding and Edison continued.
  “Control, this is Inspector Chester Franklin Edison, do you read?”
  “This is where it all started,” said Anise, looking around. nostalgic. “So much has happened.”
  “Indeed . . .” said the Duke, looking out the window. He noticed that windows had been installed, marked with crosses, to make them easier to see. “although we've arrived later than . . . Edison, Stop!”
  “What is it?” Edison asked, freezing still.
  “We're back on Earth, but not at the time from when we originally left,” said the Duke. He held up a shaking finger in a 'give me a moment' gesture, then headed outside. Anise and Edison headed out to follow him. The Duke turned to face them as he walked, and slowly looked up. “Oh dear . . . this is much later than I anticipated.”
Edison followed the Duke's gaze and found himself staring up at a skyscraper that was almost completed.
  “Oh . . .” said Edison, “Time really has changed.”
  “We're in the future, relative to your timeline,” said the Duke. Anise carefully hobbled her way with bare feet over the dirt and stone to join them.
  “What are we all lookin' at?” asked Anise.
  “We're in the future,” said Edison.
  “Oh . . .” said Anise. “Is that why everythin's blue?”
  “What do you mean?” asked Edison. But as he looked around, it dawned on him. The sky was blue and the plastic fencing was blue, he'd taken that for granted. But the dirt, once grey and gritty, was tinged blue. The concrete was a soft blue. The dark clouds in the sky were tinged dark blue and even Anise's olive skin was tinged blue. It was as though he were seeing the world through a thin sheet of pale, blue cellophane.
The Duke looked at his hands, then inhaled deeply. He licked a finger and held it to the sky, testing the wind. Finally, he reached into his pocket, and took out his laser spanner. He held up the little tuning-fork shaped device with two fingers, and for the first time the other two could see up close just how complicated the little metal handle was, with dials, buttons and adjustable gizmos.
The Duke dropped it. The laser spanner fell half a foot, then rapidly decelerated until it stopped moving half a metre from his hand.
  “Oh my God . . .” said Anise, kneeling down to see the spanner, floating in mid-air. “How's it doin' that?”
  “It's not doing anything,” said the Duke, grabbing the spanner out of the air. “the flow of time has been disrupted. Time has slowed to a near stop.”
  “How is that possible?” asked Edison. “I mean, we're moving.”
  “That's the timeship's doing,” said the Duke. “In the same way that it affected your psychic field, by travelling through the vortex, you're imbued with Temporal Grace.”
  “So . . . what's the 'blue'?” asked Anise, “An energy . . . cloud, light thingy?”
  “No, I figure that's merely blueshift,” said the Duke. “We're moving closer to the relative speed of light, and as a result, the wavelength of the light we see has decreased.”
  “So, what could make time stop like that?” asked Anise.
  “I have no idea,” said the Duke. “We'd best investigate . . .”
The Duke lead the way out of the construction site, through the gate, and they stepped out onto the road. As they did, Anise and Edison looked on in wonder. There were cars in the street, frozen still, people walking along the sidewalk were frozen in mid-step crossing the street and there was a cluster of pigeons, caught in the air as they took to the air from the sidewalk. It was like they were walking through a washed out photograph, tinted blue.
  “This is surreal,” said Anise, following the Duke as he walked down the middle of the road.
  “No, wait, hold on,” said Edison, “This can't be right. This kind of thing can't happen!”
  “What do you mean?” asked the Duke, turning to face him.
  “I mean . . . what about him?” asked Edison, walking up to a businessman, who was frozen mid-step. “Doesn't he realize something's up? Or them?” He said, pointing at the motorists. “Or any of these people?”
  “Their minds are moving as slow as their feet, at the moment,” said the Duke. “For them, this will be over before they can blink.”
  "But that's not the point," said Edison, he joined the other two in the middle of the road, and they walked together down the blue-tinged street. "This is Earth. You, I can understand; The metal rats, sure and even the Slyph. That makes sense, it's freaky and alien, but it's all in one place at one time, it makes sense that it could be ignored or forgotten. How can something like this be possible in London, I live here, I've never seen anything like this before."
  "Anything like wha'?" asked Anise, stepping forward to talk past the Duke, who was standing between them
  "You know. Sciencey, alien . . . 'Ooh'," said Edison, wiggling his fingers beside his face.
  “What about the Leadworth Crop Circle? ” asked Anise. “Or the attack on the Shard?”
  “The what?" asked Edison, frowning. "No, those aren't the same as this, that was all just a hoax.”
  “A hoax?! Then what about Canary Wharf? Or all the weird stuff that happened on Christmas?”
  “Which Christmas?”
  “Every Christmas!” said Anise, exasperated.
  “Could you not,” said the Duke, stopping and raising both of his hands. "Edison, you know better than I what is or is not common knowledge on this world, but believe me when I tell you that the there is more extraterrestrial activity on this planet than I alone can account for. It's all been analyzed in the Lift's scanner: Alien technology, space junk and life signals; space-time rifts, temporal cracks and paradox ripples; psychical anomalies, existential beacons, fixed moments in time and more . . . you can believe you're all alone on this world, if you want, but you'll only be fooling yourself!”
  “I believe it, Duke,” said the Inspector, walking over to stand beside him. “I believe what I can see with my own eyes. I just don't understand why I've never seen it before.”
  “You've never seen your own brain, yet you seem confident it's there," said the Duke, then he spun around. "And Anise? Don't yell across me . . ."
The Duke marched off and behind his back Anise stuck her tongue out before the pair moved to catch up with him.
As they head further down the road, the Duke turns to head into a small park, nestled between two buildings. A sign at the boundary named the park St. Butolph's, it was small, just a path cutting through a blue-green lawn, with a few trees and a garden by the fence. In the middle of the park, two schoolboys had been kicking a soccer ball between them, but were now frozen, One stood with the ball floating on the side of his foot, as he'd been frozen mid-kick. The Duke quickly scanned the boy with his spanner, shook his head, then reached down and grabbed the ball with one hand. For a split second, the ball slid sideways, so the Duke grabbed it with both hands and stood up.
  “What are you doin'?” asked Anise, walking over.
  “Testing. Matter seems to retain its kinetic energy within this anomaly. When we touch something, we imbue that object with our temporal grace, allowing it to move.” The Duke let go of the ball and it fell for about a foot, then slowed to a stop. “But as soon as it leaves our time-field, it reverts to the relative flow of time.”
The Duke tapped the top of the ball with his finger, it started to fall, then stopped around his knees. He tapped it again, and it fell to the ground. Stepping to the side, he pulled his leg back and swung a heavy kick at the ball. it shot through the air for a few metres, but quickly decelerated, hovering high off the ground.
  “Wow . . .” muttered Anise.
  “But what does that mean?” asked Edison.
  “It means that we shouldn't touch anyone,” said the Duke, walking back over to his companions, careful to step around around the ball he'd just kicked. “Beyond that, I have no idea. This doesn't make sense. These people are unharmed, they're unaware of this anomaly, they're not being affected in any way. They're just . . . paused.”
  “But why?” asked Anise. “What caused it?”
  “I don't know. The good news is, it doesn't seem hostile. If an alien presence wished to invade, or kill everyone or abduct them, they would have done so by now, with zero resistance their presence would be obvious to us by now. So I am certain that whatever did cause this is not dangerous to us.”
  “But what's the bad news?” asked Edison, cynically.
  “The bad news is, if this isn't hostile . . . then I have no idea why this is happening. We'd best head back to the ship,” said the Duke. He pushed past his companions, heading back towards the construction site.
  “What? No, Duke, wait!” Anise called out. “You're just gonna leave 'em?”
The Duke stopped and turned back.
  “Of course not, my dear. I won't turn my back on your Earth, not again. But this problem is global. Your planet isn't moving, neither is your natural satellite, or star,” said the Duke, pointing up at the blue sun in the sky. “We can't walk the surface of your world and hope to run into the solution. Our best hope is returning to the ship and scanning the entire planet for rogue signals, identifying temporal anomalies, searching for alien technology and experimenting with the timestream to get it moving again. Sometimes, Anise, the best solution to a problem is not to go running into them headlong with a big gun.”

The trio returned to the Duke's ship.
  “Duke, have you considered maybe that we're the problem?” asked Edison, as they entered the near-completed first floor of the skyscraper. “I mean, we're the only ones affected. Maybe the world is fine, and we need to speed up?”
  “I've considered that, but it seems unlikely. If we were sped up, it's more likely that we'd be experiencing redshift,” said the Duke. “Of course, there is a distinct possibility that the Lift itself is causing the problem, which is thankful, since the timeship would never put us in danger.”
The Duke used the scanner to open the door of the lift with a ding, and the first thing he sees is the barrel of a familiar gun, pointed directly at his face. It was a woman in a form-fitting bodysuit and a sleek kind of motorcycle helmet, and the gun in her hand was humming, covered in blue lights.
  “Hello, Duke,” said a woman's voice, which was modulated to sound metallic and echoey, as though she was speaking into a tin can. “So good to see you again.”
  “You?” said the Duke. “You're the traveller that came to my planet. You stole the Orb.”
  “Ancient history,” said the Traveller. She pointed her gun past him, at Anise. “Now, you two, back off. If you fight back, Duke, I'll shoot them.”
  “Woah, take it easy,” said Edison. He held out one open palm and stepped forward, moving his other hand to his gun holster.
  “I said stand back!” screamed the woman, her modulator straining with the volume. She moved to point the gun at Edison, and the Duke struck. He grabbed her wrist, but she kneed him in the stomach, but Edison rushed forward. In one unnaturally fast move, the woman smacked the Duke in the head with her gun, pistol-whipped Edison in the face, cracking his nose. While he was reeling, she swiped his speedcuffs then turned to the Duke. He swung a punch, but she caught it in the cuffs, headbutted him with her helmet, then latched his other hand so they were cuffed in front of him. Spinning the Duke around, she held him as a human shield and pointed the gun at Edison slowly backing towards the Lift.
  “Are we done playing, now?” asked the traveller, sounding annoyed. Edison wiped at his nose, he yelped in pain, then moved his hand towards his gun again. Immediately, the woman aimed the gun at Anise, and pulled the trigger. The Duke screamed, but the shot pierced the air, a line of blue fire which sped towards Anise, then quickly decelerated, stopping a few inches from her neck. Edison looked horrified.
  “You won't get away with this,” he said, blood running down his chin.
  “No, Inspector. Please, stay back,” said the Duke, sounding scared. “I don't want either of you to get hurt.”
  “There's a good boy,” said the traveller. She held the Duke tighter so she could reach her other wrist with her gun hand. She unclipped the latch of a black, leather strap around her wrist, “Now . . . stay.”
She pressed a few buttons on the wrist strap, then she and the Duke disappeared in a fizzle of white electricity, teleporting away.
  “W-W-What the hell just happened?” asked Anise, slowly backing away from the blue energy that was hovering close to her neck.
  “I dunno,” said Edison, sniffing, spitting blood and wincing, “but I fucking hate time travel . . .”

The Duke and his captor appeared in a huge, circular room. In the middle of the room was a large, spiralling staircase, held up with huge, stone pillars. The staircase was surrounded by a landing of red carpet which looked purple, upon which the Duke and the Traveller appeared.The walls around the landing were white - but appeared pale blue - with dark-brown wainscotting and four wooden doors spaced evenly apart, with a small square alcove down the far side.
  “Where are we?” asked the Duke.
  “We're exactly where you need to be,” said the Traveller. She began walking along the landing, pulling the Duke behind her by the cuffs.
  “Must you drag me?” growled the Duke, yanking his wrists back. The woman spun to face him with the visor of her helmet, a window of emotionless, black glass.
  “Do you want me to hit you again?” she asked, raising her gun above her head, threateningly.
  “I don't mean to resist, but you could allow me some dignity. I can't run away, I'm handcuffed and I don't know where I am,” said the Duke, matter-of-factly. “There's no need to drag me, walk and I'll follow.”
  “Whatever,” said the Traveller, holstering the gun in her belt. “but if you try to run, I'll bind your ankles and drag you by your feet. Do you understand?”
  “Perfectly,” said the Duke.
The Traveller walked around to a far door, checking behind her to make sure the Duke was following; he was true to his word and kept two steps behind. They entered a corridor, which lead a few metres then angled right, to another corridor, which lead to a large metal door. To the right, there was another corridor, and along the left side, there were three spaces cut into the wall where  where there was a wide window, but the curtains were all closed.
  “What is this place?” asked the Duke
  “I can't tell you that,”
  “Why not?”
  “Because you're not supposed to know yet,” said the Traveller, she turned down the right corridor, then lead the way to a huge doorway with a metal frame that was left wide open. She stood by it and gestured for the Duke to head inside. “Go on.”
The Duke raised an eyebrow, but nonetheless entered the doorway, and saw himself in a large room, with four other people in it, that looked up to see him as he entered the room, they all seemed to be wearing lab coats. The edges of the room were crammed with desks that were covered with computers, monitors, fibre-optic cables with two standing servers. On the far side of the room was a pair of security doors, made of thick glass, and there were some filing cabinets in the near corners. However, in the middle of the room, there was a large meeting table surrounded with study chairs, and in the centre of it was a glass box, which immediately drew the Duke's attention as it was the only device in the room which was moving. Within the box was a complicated series of brass gears, a torsion pendulum, springs, a wooden frame and it was all set around a large clock, with alien numbers around it.
  “So, you're the ones that stopped time,” said the Duke, looking at the glass clock.
  “Yes,” replied the Traveller, as she entered the room behind him.
  “Why don't you restore it again?” asked the Duke. “You need only remove the key.”
  “We can't. Not yet,” said one of the scientists, stepping forward protectively, making sure the Duke wasn't going to touch the device.
  “Yet . . .?” asked the Duke. “What are you waiting for? What could you be waiting for? Time is slowed considerably, you'll be waiting years for a day to pass.”
  “They're not waiting, they're working,” said the Traveller. “If you turn off that device, we'll all be dead in less than twenty seconds.”
The Duke frowned, then looked around the room at the others. They looked deadly serious.
  “How?” asked the Duke.
  “Our planet has been attacked,” said the Traveller. “An alien force has used one of our own technologies against us. If we can't fix it, it will explode.”
  “One of 'your' technologies?” said the Duke “Or something else you've stolen?”
  “It doesn't matter,” said the Traveller, “what matters is, we require your knowledge to stop it.”
  “And why would I help you?” asked the Duke, holding up his bound hands. “You've not been very welcoming, thus far.”
  “Because you have expertise in alien technology that can help us. And because if you don't; every living thing on this planet will die,” said the Traveller. “When the device explodes, it will do so with the force of thirty-gigatons. A blast radius bigger than Australia, that would devastate the ecosystem of this world.”
The Duke sneered; they weren't asking him to help, they were telling. And with the fate of the Earth at stake, he couldn't refuse.
  “Where do I start?” asked the Duke.
  “How much do you know about naquadria?”

Edison was screaming as he clenched his teeth, a pencil shoved up one nostril, to keep his airways open, and Anise pulling his nose straight.
  “Almost done, sweetie, almost,” she said, pulling it sideways before. “There. It's all over, Chess. I think it's done.”
  “Argh! Thank god for that,” he said, through clenched teeth. He pulled the pencil out and wiped some of the blood out from under his nose with his hand, sniffed, then turned to her. “How does it look?”
Anise frowned as she looked at Edison's nose, still bleeding and puffy from the swelling.
  “It looks straight,” she said, nodding but looking a little sick from the experience.
  “Well, at least something is . . .” muttered Edison, wiping his nose again, but the bleeding was less now than before, “Alright . . . now, how do we get the Duke back?”
  “I dunno,” said Anise, distressed. “I don't even know where he went.”
  “Can the Lift find him?” asked Edison, walking towards the lift doors, which were still hanging open.
  “The Lift . . . ?” said Anise, following behind. “Chess, Duke can barely fly that thing, do you really want to go messin' with it?”
  “We don't have to fly it, we'll just see if it can find him,” said Edison. He stepped inside the lift lobby and stood in front of the rear doors. Anise stood outside and stared at him as he stood there.
  “What are you doing?”
  “Open,” Edison said to the door. He felt around at the doorframe, then turned around, “How does he open this thing?”
  “There's a hidden panel just there,” Anise replied, pointing. Edison felt around it with his hands; there was no handle, so he tried to get his fingernails into the little gap. Finally, he poked it with a finger and it popped open. He looked inside, and was staring at an odd, glass screen. There were several buttons, some animated, circular symbols and a keyhole.”
  “Where's the key?” asked Edison.
  “Around Duke's neck,” said Anise, sadly.
  “No, no, this can't be right.” said Edison. He poked at some of the buttons, but they all made an odd buzzing sound. “It's not working.”
  “You need the key,” said Anise, stepping inside to join him in the Lift.
  “No, I don't need the key,” said Edison, turning around. “When I first saw this thing, I walked in here, and went right inside the ship.”
  “How?” asked Anise. Edison was silent for a moment.
  “ . . . I don't know. But I did it before.”
  “Maybe he just left the door unlocked,” said Anise.
  “Well then what are we supposed to do? The Duke's gone, we can't just wait for him to come back. We could be in danger here, what can we do?”
Anise looked around the lobby, and glancing at the panel, she saw the Lift's emergency button, on the panel, an icon of a little, red bell.
  “I have an idea,” said Anise. “The Duke said that I should push this button if something goes wrong.”
  “What does it do?” asked Edison.
  “I don't know. But this is an emergency, isn't it? He just said, push it, and the Lift would do the rest.”
  “Okay. Let's push it,” said Edison. Anise nodded, held out a finger, hesitated for a moment, then pressed the red button. Immediately, the front doors slid shut, and the ship began to rumble. From within, they could hear the wheezing, groaning and grinding of the engine as it began to move.
  “Hold on!” Edison yelled, grabbing ahold of Anise. The two of them bounced off the walls as the ship spun and swayed before the engine ceased and they landed with a muffled thud.
  “The Lift changed,” said Anise. She couldn't see much through the glass sides, but the glass door leading out looked out upon a grand foyer, which was tinted blue.
  “Time's still stopped here as well,” said Edison as he pressed the open door button it made a ding noise, and the doors slid out of the way and they walked into a grand hallway. The room was five storeys high, with huge, square, sandstone columns reaching down from the ceiling to the floor with a glass balcony on each of the four levels above, overlooking the hallway. At the floor, the columns stepped into a narrower square column decorated with geometric patterns which sat atop a square-stepped base. The columns bordered the sides of room, each spaced about five metres apart down a hall which looked to be a kilometre long, and every eight columns along, the hallways was divided with a huge wall of glass that reached up three storeys, each a few centimetres thick with a rectangular doorway cut into the base. The entire place was lit by the sunlight through the tall, thin window on the far wall, but all of it tinted blue.
  “I don't think we're in Kansas anymore,” said Anise.
  “No,” said Edison as he looked up at the wall behind them. Anise turned up to see. Hanging from the ceiling in front of it was an enormous blue tapestry, with a familiar, silver icon which looked like some kind of squid or jellyfish. “We're on Rathea . . .”

  “So they sent an explosive device through your system?” asked the Duke,
  “Yes,” said the Traveller, losing her patience, leaning her helmet in her hand as she sat at the meeting desk.
  “But that's not what's going to explode?”
  “No, that already has exploded. It was a tiny, naquadria-enhanced incendiary device, practically harmless.”
  “I don't understand,” said the Duke, struggling to gesticulate with his hands in the cuffs. “How could that affect the naquadah?”
  “Naquadria is radioactive. It emitted naquadric particles which slowly transformed our portal into naquadria.”
  “Because the Wormhole Generator is made of naquadah I understand that,” said the Duke. “I've seen these devices before, I just don't understand how it can be transformed at the molecular level into naquadria.”
  “Because naquadria is naquadah,” said the Traveller, exasperated. “Just radioactive. A related element.”
  “Ah . . . I see,” said the Duke. “So, your Wormhole Generator is now explosive. And when they establish a connection, the resulting influx of energy from the artificial wormhole will . . .”
  “Yes, explode in a thirty-gigaton blast, enough to wipe us off the map.”
  “Enough to wipe the map off the map,” said the Duke. “Can I see the device for myself?” asked the Duke.
  “Of course,” said the Traveller, gesturing towards the glass security doors. Through it, they could just make out the large ring, in the darkness. It was night in this part of the world.
  “I meant up close. I can't do anything from this distance.”
  “And you won't. You need a radiation suit to head out there, it's scattered with naquadric radiation. And those cuffs aren't coming off, even if I wanted them to, so you're not getting a suit.”
  “You seem to be forgetting that I'm an alien,” said the Duke. “I can't be harmed by most forms of radiation.”
The Traveller turned around to one of the scientists behind her.
  “I didn't know that,” she said.
  “It's not in the file,” said the scientist with a shrug. The woman, turned back to the Duke.
  “If you're sure,” she said. She stood and walked towards the metal door at the back of the room.
  “Where are you going?” asked the Duke, walking towards the glass doors.
  “That's an electronic door,” said the Traveller, “the circuits are frozen, you can't use it.”
  “It seems there's a lot of things that aren't in your file,” said the Duke. He reached into his trouser pocket, having to double over to reach inside with his hands and stood up holding his laser spanner, pointed at the top of the door. He pressed a button and a green spark of electricity shot out of the spanner and began to decelerate, but it hit the doorframe before it could stop entirely. Then the Duke pressed a finger to the glass door itself, it was affected by his time-field and the right half of the two sliding doors slid back, and he stepped out into the night.
He flinched slightly as he walked into the invisible particles, but he gritted his teeth and kept walking. Outside was just a wide deck, fenced in with some metal walls, just taller than the Duke, and a few feet away from the security doors, in the middle of the space, was a swimming pool, it had been emptied, and down the far end, framed by two metal ladders was a huge ring, 6.7 metres across and standing upright. It was set within some kind of purpose-built stand, comprised of a ramp with lights. The ring itself was a foot thick, and intricately detailed, but what stood out were several triangles, shining bright light - tinted blue - which were evenly spaced around the outside of the ring, set within a segment which was decorated with more lights in the shape of a chevron. As the Duke walked closer, he could see that between each chevron was four arched panels, within each panel was a symbol, each a comprised of dashes, dots, circles or squiggles in a linear series.
The pool it was sitting in had a series of steps, designed for slowly walking deeper into the pool water, the Duke walked down it, then up the ramp, and he stood atop it, marvelling at the stargate.
  “This design must be unique to your galaxy!” called out the Duke, as he read the different symbols. “I've never seen a wormhole generator like this before. It's primitive!”
After a few more moments, he turned his back on the stargate and headed back into the observation room with the other scientists.
  “Did you learn anything?”
  “Yes, yes, I did,” said the Duke, grunting and tensing his muscles awkwardly as he spoke. “They don't seem to use stellar bodies to map their co-ordinates . . . I believe it's a series of equations to calculate distance along a single, linear dimension.”
  “What are you doing?” asked the Traveller, stepping back as the Duke continued to groan and stretch.
  “Just . . . have to . . . there!” suddenly, every part of the Duke's skin began glowing with magnificent, blue-tinted light as he gasped with relief. Finally the light subsided, and the Duke stood there, breathing heavily. But he stopped breathing when he saw the Traveller, who had pulled her gun and was pointing it at his head. He raised his cuffed hands, defensively.
  “What the hell was that?!” demanded the Traveller, the Duke could just hear the unease in her voice through the modulator.
  “Take it easy,” said the Duke. “I was just converting the radiation from my body into light. It's perfectly harmless.”
The Traveller didn't lower her gun, however, she just shook her head.
  “You will not go doing anything unexpected like that again, unless you tell us exactly what you're doing. Do you understand me?” she asked.
  “I think I'm beginning to,” said the Duke. The Traveller lowered her gun, but not the tension in the room.
  “Get to work,” she ordered.

Anise was sitting on the base of a square pillar, as Edison fiddled with his radio, standing by the Lift.
  “This is Detective Inspector Chester Franklin Edison, of the London Metropolitan Police,” he said into the radio, “of the United Kingdom, Earth. Can anyone read me? I repeat, this is Detective Inspector Edison, of the London Metropolitan Police, of Earth, please respond.”
He stood still for a moment, but there was no response. He looked over at Anise, but she had been quiet for almost an hour.
  “Anise, what are you doing?”
  “Nothing,” she said, still staring into space. “Waiting.”
  “Waiting for what?”
  “For the Duke.”
  “The Duke's been captured, Anise, we can't wait for him.”
  “He told me to press that button if I was in danger. He knew it would take the Lift here. Why would he do that, if we'd be stuck on an alien planet?”
  “He didn't know that time would be frozen.”
  “Then what can we do?” asked Anise, sounding desperate. “We're stuck on an alien world, no one around to help us. The best chance we have is a time machine which we can't use because the door's locked!”
  “We'll find a way out of this,” said Edison.
  “How?!” screamed Anise, her eyes watery and fearful. The Inspector turned towards the timeship and marched inside. He banged his fist on the rear door.
  “Open, for goodness' sake!” he kicked the door and banged it with his fist again. “We need to get out of here!”
  “Chess, no,” said Anise, heading over. “Don't be like that, please.”
  “You opened before, do it again!” yelled Edison. “We have to save the Duke!”
He raised his fist again, but the door slid open with a quiet hiss. Edison stood there for a moment, utterly speechless.
  “Uh . . . Anise? It worked.”
  “What?” she asked. Edison walked into the console room of the Lift, and Anise followed right behind.
  “No way . . .” she said, heading in to join him. They both stood before the console, bewildered. “All we had to do was bang on the door?”
  “I think it was more than that. I told it to let me inside.”
  “And you said we want to help the Duke,” she said. “Alright, well, now that we're in here, . . . how do we fly this thing?”
At those words, the slightly transparent image of a person flickered into existence in front of them. The didn't recognize the man, he was wearing a flowing, red robe with long, hanging sleeves, as well as what looked like red, waxy plastic which was moulded over the shoulders to make them wider and spread out behind his head like wings in a strange, flared collar. The man was dark-skinned, with short, fuzzy grey hair atop his head,  a salt-and-pepper beard as well as unshaven whiskers speckled his mottled, acne-scarred cheeks.
  “Voice Interface, initiated,” it said. It had a strained, gravelly voice and spoke with a South London accent.
  “Who the hell are you?” asked Anise
  “I am the Holographic Assistant of the Visual Voice Interface,” replied the hologram.
  “Okay . . .” said Anise. She turned to Edison. “What does that mean?”
  “It's not a real person, it's just a projection from the computer,” said Edison, sounding impressed. “Can you tell us how to fly the Lift?”
  “Lifts cannot fly,” replied the hologram.
  “I mean the timeship,” said Edison, “we call it the Lift.”
  “Understood,” said the hologram. “Your alternate designation has been recorded for future reference.”
  “Can you help us to fly this bloody thing?” asked Anise.
  “I can instruct you in the spatial navigation and temporal manipulation of the Type Seventy-Two, Mark One T.T. Capsule. However, the piloting of this particular vessel is not recommended for a flight crew of less than five pilots or for individuals without a minimum of three months experience of simulated vortical travel.”
  “Whatever, can you tell us where the Duke is?”
  “The Duke is not currently aboard this vessel,” replied the hologram. Anise groans.
  “Ugh! I hate computers!” she whined, wandering off to the side of the room and then flopping onto the couch.
  “Look, we know the Duke isn't on board this ship. Can you help us to find him?” asked Edison.
  “This vessel's long-distance scanner is capable of accurately identifying the species, sex and blood group of individuals up to five light years away. Would you like to specify the parameters of your search?”
  “He should be on Earth,” said Edison. “The planet, Earth.”
  “Understood,” said the hologram, “Please wait, for the results of this search . . .”
The hologram stared into space, silently, as the computer fulfilled Edison's request.

The Duke was standing before several pieces of paper, which were hovering in the middle of the air, using the frozen time-stream to hold them in place. He rubbed his wrists, where the cuffs were digging into his skin, then wrote something on one of the pages. He held a yellow pencil by the eraser, so his time-field wouldn't affect the paper as he wrote on it, and scribbled some numbers onto one of the sheets.
  “I think I've got it . . .” said the Duke. The scientists scrambled and stood up at his words.
  “He's got it!” one of the scientists called out the door, to summon the Traveller, who ran into the room..
  “The simplest solution is the easiest one,” said the Duke, quietly. “The connection being sent through to your Wormhole Generator can only be sent through a single point in space, yes? A wormhole such as this cannot diverge into two, the energy would dissipate through subspace. So, all we need to do, is sever the device, here and here,” said the Duke, drawing two lines through a small icon of the stargate on one of the pieces of paper, which effectively cut it in half. “The difficulty would be cutting through the material without affecting it with our relative time-field, but if we kept our distance, and utilized my own laser spanner, we need only use one of your metal-shearing saws to cut through the material. Then merely separate the two pieces a distance greater than the diameter of the initial wormhole's event horizon, and set time flowing again.”
The Duke looked at the others, patiently.
  “No,” said the Traveller. “Keep working.”
  “What?” asked the Duke, walking towards her. “This will solve it, I've checked the physics.”
  “We're not cutting our Portal Ring in half.”
  “What?!” screamed the Duke. “Why not?!”
  “We cannot repair the device if it is cut in half. The device must remain intact.”
  “'Intact'! Are you really more concerned with saving that device than the billions of people on this planet?!”
  “We are not going to sacrifice our wormhole technology!” yelled the Traveller. “Find another way.”
  “Another way?!” shouted the Duke. “There is no way to stop the energy of an incoming wormhole from coming through an intact Wormhole Generator!”
  “If we block the entrance, it stops the wormhole,” she retorted.
  “The wormhole, yes, but not the energy! If we seal the entrance of that ring, the wormhole won't coalesce, but the energy will surge through the naquadria, and it will explode. We can't generate our own wormhole to stop it, because that would require sending just as much energy through the naquadria, and it would explode! And we can't even try to divert the power, because it's being sent through subspace directly into the device, if we try, we will fail and it will explode!”
  “You will find another way.”
  “What do you want me to do? I could take the device far away, to another planet, another place or time where the incoming wormhole won't find it, except that I don't have my ship.”
  “Even if we did, we wouldn't allow you to take the device off of this planet. We're not destroying the device, and we won't allow you to take it off this planet. We can't trust you to bring it back.”
  “I wouldn't bring it back,” said the Duke. “This crisis alone is evidence enough that you don't know how to handle alien technology!”
In response, the Traveller punched the Duke in the jaw, sending him flying through his papers and onto the floor.
  “We don't want your opinion; only your knowledge,” she said, standing over him. “If you don't understand the way this works, this is going to be a very, very long night. You find me a way to stop the Portal Ring from exploding without destroying it, or I will kill you.”
  “You can't kill me,” snarled the Duke through gritted teeth. “You need me.”
  “Then it's a good thing that you regenerate,” said the Traveller, leaning over the Duke; the Duke's face fell. “Oh yes, we know all about that; but, don't worry, I'll make it a death that will haunt your memories for the rest of your long, long life . . .”

Anise and Edison were sitting on the couch, waiting for the computer to find the Duke.
  “You know, we've been through some crazy, terrible, amazing things,” said Edison. “But this whole time, I don't know what you actually do for a living. But I'm curious now. What do you do?”
  “I worked in jewellery store.” said Anise.
  “Okay . . . what's that like?”
  “It's alright. I thought it would be a scary responsibility, 'cause I thought people would try to nick stuff all the time, but it’s pretty rare. I just hate it with couples sometimes, they're buyin' engagement rings, wedding rings an' that, but you can tell they won’t last.”
  “What? The couple?”
  “Yeah, all the time. Like, one time, I had this pair looking for an engagement ring and she was pregnant, they were arguin' the whole time. And he was tellin' her she had to get a diamond ring, he was bossin' her around and she was havin' at him as well. When I was tryin' to show them, she was all 'Nah that looks gay'. Y'know, just a divorce waitin' to happen.”
  “Doesn't sound fun,” said Edison, flatly.
  “Well, nah, it's alright. Like, you get the little girls that just want to see the sparkles, and the sweet couples. And there's this old man that collects glass figurines, and you know the type, he's always got a story. It's just the bad eggs is all, they make it all seem so pointless . . . what about you? What do you do?”
Edison frowned and looked over at her.
  “I'm a police officer,” he said, tugging his high-visibility vest.
  “No . . . I mean, y'know. There's more to you than your job. Like, I go clubbin' with my mates, and dancing, hang out with guys. What about you?”
  “I wish,” said Edison. “I really am married to the job. All work and no play.”
  “What, there's nothin' more to see with Chester Edison? Just a policeman?”
  “Well, my father was a policeman. I guess I'm picking up where Dad left off.”
  “Was? So is he . . .?”
  “Oh, no, he's not dead. He was shot in the leg, and it messed up his kneecap. So he left the force and now he's a private investigator.”
  “Ah, okay,” said Anise. “Well, that's your dad's story, But what about you, then?”
  “What do you want me to say?” said Edison with a shrug.
  “There's more to you than your job, I know it. Do you collect stamps? Do you own a dog? Do you want to start a family some day?”
  “No, of course not,” said Edison, chuckling.
  “What is it then? What aren't you telling me?”
Edison hesitated for a moment, thought about it then said. “I'm gay.”
  “Oh . . .” said Anise, nodding slowly. “So, what does that mean? Do you have a boyfriend?”
  “No, nothing like that,” said Edison. “I meant what I said, all work and no play. I'm a policeman, I can't go to those bars and I don't have time to go on dates.”
  “Why not?” asked Anise.
  “I just can't.” said Edison shaking his head, he stood up and walked away, over to the console. “Hey, Hologram, what's taking so long?”
  “The long-distance scanner is still processing your request,” replied the hologram.
  “Y'know, it's pretty obvious that you're deliberately changing the subject,” said Anise.
  “Why is it taking so long?” asked Edison, ignoring Anise.
  “Earth is currently more than two million light-years away from our location, and our immediate sensors indicate that this universe is currently undergoing a time-dilation anomaly. It will take approximately five minutes to receive information from Earth.”
  “It's been over twenty minutes. How long will this take?”
  “Scanning the entire planet of Earth will take approximately four thousand, eight hundred and forty-nine years.”
  “What?!” screamed Anise. “We don't have that long! Stop the stupid scanner.”
  “Understood. Cancelling the long-distance scan.”
  “This is ridiculous!” yelled Anise. “He's your pilot! Duke owns this ship! Shouldn't you know where your own pilot is?”
  “For security purposes, the keys which grant access to this vessel all contain a quantum beacon, which is constantly monitored by the computer to locate the position of any and all of its access keys. It is recommended that the captain of every T.T. Capsule keeps his access key on their person at all times.”
  “You know where the Lift key is?”
“The key to this vessel is currently located in Sector Eight-Zero-Two-Three of the Third Quadrant, on the Planet Earth; Fourteen degrees, thirty-six minutes and thirty-nine seconds towards the positive pole; One hundred and twenty-seven degrees, fifty minutes and sixteen seconds against terrestrial revolution.”
  “Wait . . . are you telling me that you've known where the Duke is this whole time?!”
  “The Duke is currently outside of immediate sensor range, it cannot be ascertained whether or not the Duke's position is concurrent with the position of this vessel's access key.”
  “I hate computers,” groaned Anise.
  “Can you take us to him?” asked Edison.
  “This vessel is not designed for automated flight. However, I can instruct you in its spatial navigation.” said the hologram
  “Alright then,” said Edison. “What do I have to do?”
  “First, you must approach the controls, and locate the helm and navigation control quadrant of the console,” said the hologram.
  “Alright,” said Edison. “Give me a hand, Anise. This is probably going to take a while . . .”

  “You said it was impossible,” said the Traveller, glancing at the Duke's notes.
  “We're not stopping the incoming wormhole energy, that is impossible,” said the Duke, sounding tired. “But this will disarm the stargate. If the naquadria really does have a half-life of fifteen thousand years, and it really is just a related element to naquadah, then this will solve the problem without destroying the wormhole generator.”
  “Will it destroy the StopWatch?” asked the Traveller, sternly.
  “Not if we're careful,” said the Duke. “But the mathematics is sound and I understand this device, it's Vistorian, I know how to manipulate it.”
  “Alright then,” she said. “Are you ready?” She asked, as she turned to a scientist wearing a yellow hazmat suit, which looked green.
  “Yeah,” he said, coiling some cords and fibre-optic cable around his shoulder, “just make sure we close the door, to protect our equipment.”
  “Of course,” said the Traveller, as she unholstered her gun and pressed a recess on the back which made it humm and glow as it charged with volatile energy. She pointed it at the Duke. “Now, let's get started.”
  The Duke wandered outside as the scientist in the hazmat suit carefully picked up the glass clock from the meeting table and followed the other them out the door. The Duke used his laser spanner and placed a hand to the glass to close the door behind them, and then all three of them headed into the small, emptied pool, in front of the time-frozen stargate.
The Duke began by heading around to the right of the ramp as the scientist stood at the base of the ramp and placed the glass clock in front of it, and the Traveller stood at the edge of the pool, with her pistol in hand. There were two lights on the base of the ramp which the Duke knelt down beside, then removed the cover from one of them using his laser spanner.
  “I need the copper wire,” said the Duke. The scientist unravelled some cord and handed one end to the duke, which had a small and unusual crystalline port on the end. The Duke plugged it into the exposed board.
  “How do you know this is interfacing with the Control Crystal?” asked the scientist, “those are just lights.”
  “It's not a computer interface,” said the Duke, sounding unenthusiastic. “I'm merely connecting the Vistorian time dilation device to the electrical circuit of the wormhole generator. By connecting the two devices, they will share the same time-field.”
The Duke walked to the front of the ramp and knelt down before the glass clock while the scientist picked up the other end of the cable and brought it over to the Duke. The Duke pulled off one side of the case and, using his teeth, he ripped the end off of the cable, and using his spanner, fired a bright red laser at the the exposed wires to weld them onto the power circuit with a small wisp of smoke. As soon as he did, there was a great rumbling sound as the stargate began to spin. The traveller pointed her gun at the Duke.
  “Don't worry, the wormhole generator is now in temporal harmony with us,” said the Duke, ignoring the gun. “The wormhole won't be established for thousands of years, at this rate.”
  “No funny business,” said the Traveller, sternly.
  “Wouldn't dream of it,” said the Duke. Staring at the gun, he said, “Now, I'm going to reverse the polarity of the time dilation device. Instead of affecting all of us, it will only affect itself, and its own relative time-field.”
  “Do it,” she said. The Duke shuffled back a few centimetres and pointed his laser at the device. Suddenly, the blue silence which had surrounded them disappeared with an explosion of sound, as everything began moving. The Duke was glad to see the clear, white tile beneath him, the brown wood, even the bright yellow of the scientists hazmat suit. But in front of them, the stargate was a blur. Now spinning at an incomprehensible speed, it was nothing but a black ring with chevrons spinning so fast, they blended together into a single band of bright, white, neon light, and the machine itself roared like a jet engine as it span. And the Duke felt the force of the radiation as it spilled from the device, two thousand years worth of radiation all expelled in a matter of seconds. After several seconds, the Duke sensed that the stargate was no longer emitting radiation, then, as quick as a blink, the stargate wasn't spinning anymore. The Duke only had one chance. There was a high-pitched whine as the energy of the wormhole began to coalesce and bright, white energy was rapidly collecting inside of the circle. The Duke seized the opportunity and grabbed the glass clock with both hands.
Before either the scientist or the Traveller could react, everything became blue once again. The Duke was now in harmony with the stargate's time-field, and he watched, in wonder, the energy seemed to be sitting still within the wormhole, a plane of pure, white energy contrasting with the scintillating night sky; it was beautiful. Struggling because of his cuffs, he got to his feet, still holding onto the case, and looked at the other two. The Traveller was still pointing the gun at the ground, where he'd been a moment ago, so the Duke yanked at the cable, disconnecting the clock from the stargate. Then he climbed up the steps out of the pool and stood beside the Traveller, staring at her with malice.
  “You should never hit a duke,” he said. Then, swinging the glass clock in his hands as a club, he smacked the Traveller in the stomach. She went flying back and up into the air with the force of the hit and for a second, as the time-field affected her, he heard her grunt from pain in a tinny, modulated whine. But she rapidly slowed, pausing in the middle of an arch that was flipping her head over heels, as the force of the time-sped beating sent her sailing over the iron-plated fence that surrounded the pool area. Then, turning towards the stargate again, the Duke sighed heavily, then casually threw the glass clock towards the energy in the middle of the stargate ring. He rapidly accelerated to normal time, and watched as an unstable vortex burst from out of the stargate with a whoosh. The clock was enveloped by the vortex and disintegrated before the unstable energy was absorbed back into the stargate, and the wormhole stabilized, settling into what looked like a rippling, vertical pool of shimmering blue-silver water, which made a low burbling sound.
The Duke suddenly convulsed as he felt a burning pain through his body, he cried out and fell to his knees; he'd consumed too much radiation. Clenching his teeth, fists and eyes, his skin suddenly shone bright orange. He cried out in pain as his skin felt like pins and needles, his fingernails shot with piercing hot pain, and his ears were burning. He began coughing then taking a deep breath he spat on the ground. The saliva bubbled on the tiles by the pool, and as the light subsided, his skin was steaming and he was breathing heavily.
  “That . . . was a little too much,” sighed the Duke, then he struggled to his feet. After a few seconds, the event horizon shone bright white and the wormhole dissipated. The chevrons went dark, and in place of the burbling sound disappeared with a whoosh to be replaced by the sound of the ocean and, in the distance, a familiar grinding sound. The Duke turned and looked up at the sky, and he cracked a smile. Up high in the night sky the Lift, in its basic, silver elevator form, was spinning wildly as flew towards them. Top over tail, it rolled through the air turning left, then right then twisting rapidly.
  “What kept you?!” yelled the Duke, then he laughed out loud. As the scientist in the hazmat suit finally saw what was happening, he started freaking out and ran to hide around the side of the wall behind them. The Lift was flying closer, wheezing and groaning louder and louder as it swooped down, and the Duke stood out of the way as the bottom of the Lift hit the top of the fence, sending it flipping over. Then it landed heavily on its base and scraped loudly along the ground, before coming to a stop with a thump! against the wall next to the glass security doors, which made it rattle. The Duke ran over, with a grin on his face, and used his spanner to open the door and step into the lobby. He pressed the button on the panel to close the door behind him, when the console room door opened automatically in front of him, to reveal Anise and Edison standing there.
  “That was a bit of a rough landing,” said the Duke. “I hope you didn't scratch it.”
  “Duke!” said Anise, excitedly running over to grab him in a hug. “We came here to rescue you!”
  “Well, your methods were crude, but effective,” said the Duke. Anise felt the Duke's hand pressed up to his chest, and let go to see his hands were still cuffed.
  “Oh, right!” said Edison, reaching into his belt. He retrieved the key and unlatched the cuffs. As soon as he did, the Duke sighed, happily.
  “Inspector, I could kiss you,” said the Duke, and Anise giggled. Then he walked over to the console, he flinched when he saw the hologram standing there. “Oh, right. That explains that. Deactivate Virtual Voice Interface Assistant.”
The hologram nodded and flickered out of existence, then the Duke went to the console and began adjusting the controls. A holographic screen appeared, which showed an image of the area outside, with the stargate front and centre.
  “What's that thing?” asked Anise.
  “It's a wormhole generator,” said the Duke. A number of symbols appeared on one of the panels of the console, and after a moment's consideration, he pressed seven keys in quick succession and the stargate began to spin, then a symbol at the apex lit up and it span the other way..
  “What are you doing?” asked Edison.
  “Something I've always wanted to do . . .” said the Duke, turning back to his friends as another symbol on the stargate lit up. “I'm surprised you can to rescue me. Thank you.”
  “You've done the same for me,” said Edison.
  “For both of us,” said Anise. Then she saw the bruise blossoming on his jaw “Are you alright?”
  “I'll be better once we get out of here,” said the Duke as a fourth symbol was illuminated.
  “What happened here?” asked Edison. “The blue's gone away.”
  “Time is once again flowing in accordance with the natural laws,” said the Duke. “These people stopped time because they meddled with a technology they couldn't understand, but I fixed their mistake, and they won't be able to stop time ever again.”
  “Who are they?” asked Edison
  “I don't know,” said the Duke. “But I will.”
  “What do you mean?” asked Anise.
  “They know me, but I don't know them. And we're in the future . . . I think we'll meet them again, in our time.”
  “So, what are we going to do about it?” asked Edison. As the seventh symbol lit up on the stargate, the unstable vortex burst out with a whoosh, then settled into a stable wormhole.
  “We're leaving,” said the Duke. “There must be hundreds of people within that facility, and none of them like me very much . . .”
The Duke took charge of the console, and the ship took off, groaning and rumbling. Anise and Edison held on and watched the screen as the Duke flew them into the event horizon.
The ship flew through the wormhole and appeared on the other side several seconds later. As it did, the ship landed with a heavy thud that shook the console room.
  “Here we are,” said the Duke.
  “Where is 'here'?” asked Edison.
  “I'm not entirely sure what it’s called, I've never visited this address before.”
  “Duke, wait. Just stop.”
  “Stop? Stop what?”
  “This,” she said, pointing at him. “You were kidnapped, and handcuffed, and by the looks of it, beaten. Can't you stop and slow down for a second?”
  “What do you mean?” asked the Duke. Anise grabbed his wrists, and he flinched as she touched his skin; he looked down at the red sores where the metal had cut into his wrists.
  “Duke, you need to rest for a moment,” said Anise softly massaging the marks with her fingers.
  “Right . . .” said the Duke. “Sorry, you're right. I was a little over-excited when I saw you flying the ship to come for me.”
  “You're always going eighty miles an hour, do you ever stop?” asked Anise.
The Duke didn't answer for a while.
  “You're right. We should stop. Relax and take some weight off, for a while,” the Duke walked over to the couch, Anise holding his hand with Edison close behind, and they all sat down. The Duke sighed heavily.
  “Now, Duke . . . tell me what happened in that place,” said Anise.
The Duke nodded and after taking a deep breath and exhaling heavily, he told them the story . . .